Chapter one

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I rolled off the comfy bed and landed on the floor.
I stood up and rubbed my shoulder.My bed was not too wide so the tendency of falling while I roll is high.
I checked the time on my cellphone.8:46Am . Not too late for a girl who wakes up by 10:30 Am.
I knelt down and said my morning prayers not forgetting to remind God about my admission. The main reason why I pray every morning.
Funny, because I never pray to God unless I need something soo bad.
I stood up and went to the sitting room.
My sister,Sochi was watching her favorite show Pj masks on Disney junior.
I walked up to her from behind and screamed in her ear.
She jumped and and glared at me.
"Chika stop nawww,you're distracting me"
I smiled at her " Are you not going to school today?"
She shook her head and rolling her eyes,she replied "Today's Saturday that's why you see me sitting here"
I remembered and laughed. I had totally forgotten that today was Saturday.
"Sorry,my bad. Where's James?"
"He went to the filling station with Daddy"
Before I could ask another question she raised her hand to stop me. "Let me watch in peace"
For a seven year old girl, my sister was smart. She could be a spoilt fair brat but I still adored her.
I watched with her till I got bored with kids stuff.
When I stood up she raised her head and smiled.
"Will you make breakfast this morning?"
I frowned. This girl was up to something.
"Yes,why?" I questioned
"Mummy is not around today or let's eat golden morn"
"And?" Bread. Sochi was a lover of bread and golden morn. I wonder what she enjoyed in it.
"Bread." She gave me that puppy look she always used to get things from any one.
"You know mummy said it's not healthy to eat the same class of food in a meal?"
"I know"Her voice became soft."Please nowww, am begging you in the name of Jesus Christ"
"No" And a firm one at that.
"Shebi it's not everyday I eat it"she pouted "Only today,please"
I groaned in defeat and shrugged.She smiled and returned to watching TV.
I went to the kitchen, picked the broom behind the door and went to the sitting room.

After I had cleaned the house,I moved on to preparing breakfast.
I made golden morn for Sochi,pap for Dad, Chris and James and oats for me.
Since mom wasn't around I didn't bother to warm soup from the freezer. My mom was not the light breakfast type. She was a believer of swallow and bitterleaf soup. I opened the freezer and brought out bread,removed three slices and took it to the queen of the house.
She smiled when she saw me placing the "food" on the table.
Before my brain could think of what to relay to her, I saw her seated before me.
"Thank you" Was all she said before digging into her food.
"Food mama" I hailed and went into my room.
After I had changed into a light top and Jean trousers,I picked my phone and left the house.
The neighbours were outside doing one thing or the other.
"Chika I didn't see you yesterday"
I froze on the spot. It was Kennedy my neighbour's son.
He has been giving me weird stares lately and I don't like it. It's kind of creepy. There was even one time he hugged me when I was standing by the gate.
I fakesmiled "Hey,good morning Kenneth"
"I didn't see you yesterday" he asked again.
I groaned inwardly and nodded praying for James to come in. The guy was scared of him. James wouldn't go easy on him.
Non of your business schmuck "I went to look for a job"
"Okay,so are you doing anything this Evening?"
He asked slipping his hand into the pocket of his designer jeans.
"No,am going out" I lied.
"When will you be free now?"
"I don't know"
" Are you scared of me?"
I stifled a laugh "Why should I be scared of you?"
He shrugged "I don't know for you oo"
Thankfully for me,the gate opened and my big brother entered.
Tutu who I hadn't noticed called his name."Diego,come here"
He rolled his eyes and lifted it to the Sky before walking towards where she sat with her friends,Okiki and chidinma.
James was very handsome. No doubt girls were chasing him around. He was tall and built and he had the swag. Just the curve of his beautiful mouth could send girls to heaven and back.
I turned back to Kenneth who was obviously trying to hide his fear. He had once fought with James but the guy with his quick temper and build beat him till my mother hit him (James) with the pestle from the kitchen.
The spatula had no effect on him.
"We'll talk later" Kenneth said and went to the backyard.

Tutu,Okiki and chidinma were laughing over what James said that was definitely not funny. James was not the funny type he was overly serious about everything. Like my dad.
He took my mom's hot temper and my dad's seriousness.
Speaking of which,Where's my dad?.
I walked up to them and greeted.
Tutu ignored me. We weren't on good terms ever since I talked with Pascal.
Pascal was a 20year ol'guy I had no connection with. He just walked up to me one day and we started a conversation. I didn't know that he was Tutu's - the girl that's flirting with my brother- boyfriend.
The next day she warned me to stay away from her boyfriend.
Stubborn as I am I kept on talking to him.
She stopped talking to me after he broke up with her and called me a boyfriend snatcher.
"James where's daddy?" I asked coming to stand beside him.
He turned and threw his arms around me as he waved the girls good bye.
"Hey,am going to buy Akara" I said when he directed me towards our flat."where's daddy na?"I asked again.
"For starters, have you greeted me?"
I huffed a breath "Who you be?" I spoke in pidgin
He chuckled as we walked out of the gate."What was that idiot telling you?"
I knew he was referring to Kenneth. I smiled and shook my head
"Where's daddy?"
"Mtcheeew" he hissed "Daddy went to Ikeja,he has a meeting. Satisfied?" I nodded. "What did he tell you?"
"Who??" I pretended not to know who he was talking about.
"I don't have time for your nonsense this morning oo" He warned.
I didn't budge."wetin do you?"
He stopped walking when we got to the front of BKs shop a barbing saloon in our street."What did he tell you?" This time he was dead serious
"What??" I deadpanned so he'd not see that I was scared.
But right now I am really scared.
"I'm not a baby any more, I can deal with guys.
It's annoying when you stick your nose into my matter."
" Shut up!" He growled. I flinched "The day BK held your waist what did you say eh?, when you were forced to lap dance Isaac what did you do? You are here saying "I'm not a baby any more. I can deal with guys". If I wipe you slap now you'll call me a bully. Am over protective thanks, am doing it for your good. I am a guy and I know what i do when I want to use a girl. So shut up and listen to me ."
I hissed and eyed him "Therapist. Rubbish. You think I don't know you. Don't worry na"
He creased his brow in confusion "what?"
" They are still fighting on the road oo" A female voice interrupted.
Me and James turned. Mom.
"Mummy good morning ma" we greeted
"So what is the problem?"she asked handing her bag over to James who contorted his face in annoyance.
"Is it not James"
"Is it not Chika"we said at the same time.
My mum shook her head turned towards home "Meet me at home"
"What of your bag na?" James whinned raising it at her back
"You can throw it away if it pleases you"


"What did I tell you about bread and golden morn?" My mom asked glaring at me.
She cut me off "I don't need your excuses you and James will not kill me in this house."
"Mummy I want to eat watermelon" Sochi yelled from the sitting room.
"Better come and take it by yourself oo. I don't have time for your stupid food combo" I said and crossed my arms.
"Oya, go and give her watermelon." My mom said and kicked my butt " lazy girl"
"Mummy naaah!" I cried.
"Am eating too!" James shouted from the dining room where he sat eating akara and pap. I glared at him.
"I don't blame you both. Am your house maid. When I'll do my own ehh..."
"Chika have you peeled the watermelon?"my mum whose head was now in the chest freezer asked.
"Am almost there" I replied and quickly picked two balls of akara on James' plate
"You thief?" He yelled
I stuck out my tongue at him and went to the kitchen.

"If you like eat milk and watermelon," I said placing her favourite plate on the dining table. "Don't call for my help"
She told my mom that she ate golden morn and bread when she was asked!!.
Smart indeed.
James came in with a large size of watermelon in his hands. He took a huge bite and stretched his hand to me.
"I don't want" I replied firmly.
"Chris'own, keep it"
My eyes widened. Chris was my immediate younger brother and the duffus ate it
"Are you okay?!" I fired."why are you eating his watermelon?"
He fake gasped "Oops,sorry. I thought it was mine"
"Not funny" I warned.
I grabbed it from him and went to keep it in the freezer. When I came back,he was sharing with Sochi who was his favourite.
I glared at their backs and went to my room.
For the rest of the day I slept.
Bunmi my best friend called by 8:54Pm to come out but I had work to do so I promised her tomorrow.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter?
This is actually my first time writing online and I am liable to mistakes so feel free to correct me.
And please tap that cute little star below and comment too. I love to hear your ideas.

My name is Nmesoma Emmanuel am a Nigerian. And for the peeps who are not Nigerian, feel free to ask me stuff you don't understand.
Love y'all!!

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