Chapter Fifteen

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Bunmi's POV:

   When I got home,my parents were sitting outside the house receiving the breeze. It was half past seven and not too late because my parents hardly complains. They know I'm always with Chika.
   They returned home today and Esther didn't fail to tell them of what happened while they weren't around. My mum broke down,my Dad was so sad but him being the head of the family,he consoled us all. They checked on Funmi who was now very okay. She was pampered and restricted from playing too much. Dad promised to buy her some dolls to play with.

  Some hours before evening,Chika's Mum and Dad visited. The usual thing.
   Chika's Mum wailed and her Dad shook his head in pity. I kind if didn't like it. I don't like to be pitied but I knew Chika's Dad meant well.
   Before they left, Chika's Mum gave Funmi Five thousand naira. Five thousand naira!!. My mum burst into tears. You know how most yoruba Mums can be,all the ésé and prayers and kneeling down. My Dad was so happy.
   Then Chika's Dad called my father to the side and whispered something to him. I didn't know what,but when they left,an alert of Thirty thousand naira was sent to my Dad's account.
    You need to see the happy dance and songs. Chika's parents were indeed good people. Then and there,my love for Chika grew and I knew we weren't ending anytime soon.
       " Mummy good evening Ma, Daddy good evening sir" I greeted when I got to the front of the house where they sat.
   They returned my greetings and I went inside. My brother and sisters were having dinner,so I went to the kitchen, found my food already dished out and went over to Carry it to the sitting room. We don't have a dining like Chika.

  "Bunmi?" My Dad called from outside.
   I placed my food on the floor and went out to answer him. "Sir"
     He twisted his neck to look at me. "Are you eating already?"
   "Yes" I nodded.
   "Okay,when you're done eating,take this money and buy petrol" he instructed handing me a crisp one thousand naira note.
   I leaped for joy,that was in my head tho. I was going to continue watching my favorite movie for the week. We hadn't used the generator for a few days and NEPA was not doing well in giving us light.
    Eating and watching movie was the best so I opted to buy petrol before eating. I covered my food and went to the balcony to take the fuel keg,wore my Pam and materialized out of the compound.
    The shy and self conscious person I am,I was sure everyone was looking at me and laughing secretly. I never believed I was beautiful,even though people said I was,I never believed.
    I don't wear fancy dresses,I don't make fancy hair,I'm dark skinned- as you know, people like light skinned girls which I am not- I don't know how to start a conversation with a guy when he walks up to me. I'm a total freak.
     Where I was going to buy petrol was a bit far from my house. I'd cross Chika's street before getting there so I increased my pace.

   Well,I sighted James from afar and all my insecurities came rushing back. I felt small,useless,immature. He made me feel that way. I knew he was going to ignore me but I'll still greet him. So when we were close enough I mustered enough boldness to greet him.
  " Good evening" I said loud enough.
     He passed me without saying a word. Ouch, didn't hurt. He was always doing that, didn't affect me anymore so I continued walking towards the road leading to the filling station and thought about what happened when I was about to go to Chika's house.
    I was thinking of facing James in case he was around when I felt a presence behind me,I turned and was face to face with a guy. He smiled and greeted me. I replied politely and continued walking towards Chika's house. He kept on following me and asked for a minute of my time which I granted him knowing fully well that he'll probably take ten minutes of my time. He introduced himself as Kenneth and I told him my real name. Most of my friends use fake names, Chika excluded. We feel that faking our names is immature so we tell you our real name.
   He said he has been seeing me around with Chika and I told him we were best friends. He nodded and said it was nice. And then he asked for my number.
   I told him no and walked away. I knew what he was up to. Chika later explained to me that the idiot was looking for someone's panties to shift.
     I got to the filling station quickly because I was thinking. Yeah,I do that a lot. I tend to forget to think that everyone's looking at me when I think of other things.
    I bought seven litres of Petrol and paid the seller who gave me my change. I walked out of the station with happiness. I was going to watch movies after a long time.



  I stopped short, slowly turned and raised my brows in suprise when I saw the caller.
     James? Wow. I thought he didn't know my name. And why was he calling my name?.
     We were in front of a primary school close to their house. That place was a meet up joint for smokers and the likes. That's not the issue now.

  "Good evening" I greeted again.
   He muttered "evening" I barely heard him.
    So I stood there watching and waiting for him to diss me as usual. My heart was thumping wildly because I was scared of him. He was always making me insecure and ugly for no reason. I haven't asked him if I've offended him in any way but I'm sure I've not. I don't know why he loathes me.
     " Borrow me your phone" He demanded.
  For reals? He couldn't even say please. If we were cool with each other,i would've told him no for not saying please.

   I drew my phone out if my jean shorts and unlocked it before handing it over to him. He didn't even say thank you,just proceeded to tap on my Phone icon.
    That was when I looked closely at him. His face was red and his breath was irregular. His hands were shaking,he even coughed once and sniffed before dialling a number on my phone.
   He was sick,I knew it. Several hours of reading medical books wasn't a waste. He was really sick. What was he even doing outside?.
       Before I knew what I was doing,I placed the back of my palm on his forehead.
    He jumped immediately and gave me a cold look.
     "Why did you do that?" He asked.
    "Nothing" I replied politely, suddenly embarrassed.
   Why should I be? I was only trying to help. I was made for that. To help everyone even if it's this boy who hates me for no reason.
    " You're sick. You have fever" I pointed out.
   He glanced at me and returned his eyes to the phone. " I know"
   You can do this Bunmi. I assured my self. " What are you doing outside?"
    " None if your business" he replied,his voice strained and coarse.
How could someone be this stubborn even when offered help?
      " It is actually,you could die out here and no one would know. I'm just trying to help."
  " Well, I don't need your help" he replied,eyes still on my phone.
    " You're actually using my phone,so I'm helping you " I laughed.
    He closed the phone and dumped it In my palm before stalking away. I laughed harder this time and started running after him. Mehn,the guy was fast. I now understood why he has been acting shitty around me. Pride.
   I grabbed his arms and stopped him. " What's your problem?"
   He raised his brows, probably suprised at my boldness. " Nothing,if you'll leave me now"
    " You're such a bossy human being. For once in your life, accept help. I want to help you. And don't think it's because I want your attention or something. I just want to help that's all." I explained.
  He looked at me then my hand around his arm. " Okay,can I go now?"
  Suddenly, I regretted saying those words. I wanted the ground to open and swallow me. Now I realized I was wrong,not everyone needed help. Some needed to be left alone. I watched him walk away, resentment growing at the pit of my stomach. Who did he think he was for making me feel stupid?. I had promised to never hate anyone,but in this case,hate was the only feeling I could give off.

   When I got home,my father started the generator much to everyone's happiness. I watched TV while eating my food and promised my self to not think of what happened this night ever again.

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