Chapter two

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My name is Chika Rosa Dominic. Am seventeen and a Jambite awaiting admission.
Am the second child of my family and the only brown skinned one. I don't have much to write about me cuz all I do is wake up,do house chores,watch TV,hang out with Bunmi, Some times My annoyingly lovely elder brother,James(He likes Diego) and gentle Chris.
James Onuoha is the first child and son of the family. Totally the worst-best brother ever. Hot and quick tempered,too logical-which am not-soo serious and extremely handsome.He took the looks of my father. In fact,he is my father's dopple-ganger. He took my father's fair complexion, well am the only one who didn't inherit it,tallness and grace. My mum usually called him God's gift to women because he attracted a lot of female attention. But he was too too stubborn, we've fought countless times but I still love him. He's my protector since I don't have any.
Chris Junior my immediate younger brother is like a viper waiting for its prey when it pounces on you. He is bad mouthed especially when provoked. He is actually my best sib. He's actually cool and calm unlike James.
And Sochi crystal,our last born,the spoilt baby of the house,is manipulative. She knows how to get you to do things you don't want to do. She's adorable and everyone likes her. Everyone wants her to like them. She's really cute and that is one of the reasons people like her.
My Mom and Dad are the exact opposite. While my mum is hot tempered,my Dad's cool, Logical and serious about life Just like James. My mum is Jovial and easy going and easily makes friends but my Dad believes that too much friends ls too much problems.
I love my family anyways. No matter how annoying James could be,no matter how saucy Chris could be,no matter how manipulative Sochi could be,No matter how hot tempered my mum could be, and no matter how strict Dad could be, I still love them to the core.


Today's Sunday, probably one of the best days in the week because I get to hang out with Bunmi and some other friends in the evening. And I don't do a lot of work,giving me enough time to be outside.
After service,I went to speak with Paul,The church's vocalist. He was strumming his guitar to the tune of the keyboard Eze was playing.
"Hey Paulo,Good afternoon" I greeted when I got to the instrumental department.
He looked up and smiled when he saw me "Chika what's up na?,You didn't come for rehearsals yesterday?"
"Yeah, I was very busy" I replied and nodded my head in greetings to Eze. He gave me a quick thumbs up and returned to the keyboard. "You guys tried today, I didn't know that Stella could pitch that high. You guys really tried."
"Yesterday's rehearsals was fustrating oo." Eze said "Stella is tone deaf and it really affected us. Paul, gentle soul he is,told her to keep trying and we left by nine"
Paul smiled and stood up signalling the end of the discussion. He wasn't the type to talk about others' mistake. He always believed in potentials. Not their weaknesses and that was why we became quick friends.
I greeted some of the choir members and a few friends I had in the church before walking outside with Paul who said he wanted to see me.
"So.." I began, motioning him to start.
"There's a new song am composing,and I want you to help with it" He said scratching the ground with his sneakers.
I knew he didn't call me out for any stupid song composition,but I played along." Sure I can help Just send the lyrics on WhatsApp and send a voice note of the tune."
He nodded,said a quick thank you and left.
I smiled and shook my head in amusement. Boys could be so funny at times. Something was telling me that he liked me and I had noticed two weeks ago. He would always call me to know if I would be coming for practice, always want me to lead a song and practice with him.

I saw Bunmi taking pictures with Amarachi and Seun. She stood out because of her height and chocolate skin which was a huge contrast with the others' skin.
Chris was taking the picture as the girls struck different poses. They smacked his head at one point because he began to take selfies. I laughed at the way the girls insulted him and walked up to them.
"See them" I commented "shebi is your boyfriends you want to post it to"
Bunmi and Amarachi glared at me but Seun laughed " Dapo is less concerned about my pictures. He only gets concerned when a guy comments"
" Are you answering the stupid girl" Bunmi said as she collected her phone from Chris. "Paul is already giving you eyes Abi? If you like don't tell me when we get home"
Chris heard and dragged his ear to my face "If James hears.."
Bunmi scoffed " what will he do?"
" I don't know oo" he replied "Just don't let him know"
I hissed and took out my phone. Amarachi left to talk with her Mom as I screamed selfie time!!. Bunmi and Chris ran behind me,Seun laughed and stood beside me as we took pictures Bunmi stuck out her tongue, Chris covered his face and Seun smiled.
James' face appeared on the camera and I turned. He was dressed in a black fitted T-shirt and black pencilled Jean. Bunmi was acting weird around him which was unlike her. James smiled at her which he never did. They always fought and was never on good terms. Seun noticed too and gave me a look. I shrugged and raised my phone again as we took pictures.

Thirty minutes later, Mum and Dad announced that it was time to go home. I told Bunmi goodbye after promising to come over to her house later in the evening. James carried Sochi who had been playing around with her friends since service ended.
When everyone was settled in the car,my dad ignited the engine and drove into the main road.
"Fasten your seatbelts" My dad instructed. We all did as we were told. My Mum threw a pack of Coco balls to Sochi who giggled in glee.
"Mummy what of my own?" Chris asked stretching his hands.
"Are you a baby?" She asked from the front seat "Don't disturb me oo"
Sochi opened the nylon bag and filled her hand with the chocolate flavoured balls. Chris scooted close to her and whispered something into her ear.
"Eh eh," she disagreed "am not giving you my Coco balls"
"Please Naa"Chris begged "You know if it's me I'll give you. Just small"
"Capital N-O" she spelt out. When she saw that Chris would continue begging she stood up and sat beside James who was oblivious to what was happening. His attention was focused on his iPhone.
"James, Chris is begging me for Coco balls and he doesn't want to leave me alone"
James sighed and shook his head before looking over to Chris.
"Is it ₦50 that is your problem? Leave my munchkin alone"
Chris obeyed and I took out my phone knowing that the drama was over. I opened my WhatsApp and checked for new messages. I had a lot. The ones I was ignoring,the thousands of messages from my group chat and the recent ones.
I opened Bunmi's message and started a conversation with her. I wanted to ask her about her reaction when James stood beside her but I decided now wasn't the right time to ask.
Sochi screamed and I dropped my phone on the chair. It was Chris again.
"What is it oo this girl" my Mom asked.
"Mummy Chris poured my Coco balls away!"She cried and hit Chris who was laughing on his head. He cowered in mock pain.
James smacked his head before depositing him away from Sochi who was all fake tears. "Are you normal? Why did you pour it away now"
Chris kept on laughing and replied "it was a mistake. I wanted to take only small she now left it to pour everywhere"
Ghen- ghen.
Sochi smiled and stuck out her tongue at him. James chuckled and returned to his phone. I listened for the final judgement.
"Sir" Chris replied and swallowed.
Daddy was speaking and no one dared speak apart from Mom. " What was the topic of the sermon in church?"
Chris'eyes widened in shock and fear. I stifled a laugh. Thank God I knew the topic. He had forgotten due to the fact that his attention was focused on the new girl in church and Dad saw him staring.
"Ehm..Ehmm"Chris muttered.
"Today's topic Was Ehm..Ehmm Chris?" My Dad questioned
"No sir" he replied
"The only thing you can do is beg for Coco balls and wink at a girl right? That was the sermon you were listening to?"
Me and James burst into laughter. Even my Mom shook her head at my Dad. Sochi giggled. Chris just bit his fingernails and waited for his judgement.
"This week, there won't be any TV or game. You must, I mean must report to me on Saturday and explain the 150 chapters of Psalms you have read"
More laughter. James bent and coughed as tears came out of his eyes. I high fived Sochi and whispered sorry to Chris who was on the verge of tears.
Chris remained in a daze all through the ride home. And no one else talked. 150 chapters of Psalms. Wow. Psalm 119 was the longest with over one hundred and seventy verses. I felt for him. That was Daddy for you.
He doesn't beat. Only gives you punishments that are hard. There was I day I burnt the soup I was warming. He told me to stare at the wall for two freaking fucking hours. Ever since then, my phone was kept five metres away from the chef me.
The punishments look simple when said. Do it and you'll know how excruciating it is. That's my dad for you.
"Chika" it was James.
I raised my head to look at him."what's it?"
"Will you go out with me this evening?" He asked pulling his most Innocent look.
"To where?"
"Mummy Buchi's shop"
"Please na" He pleaded.
"Am going to Bunmi's house this evening." I replied.
"Okay, but escort me Sha oo"
"Okay" I replied drily and returned to my phone.
Mummy Buchi was a friend of my mother and she had five grown up sons who wouldn't hesitate to flirt with you. Her shop was the usual hangout place for the guys in the street. And girls made that road their favorite because it would give them the opportunity to talk with the guys. I did my best to avoid that road. Even when my mom sends me to her shop,I either go somewhere else or send Chris. The day I went there was the day James beat Dare, one if the guys who stayed there with them because he hit my buttocks.
Infact,it was James that warned me to stay away from that road and mummy Buchi's shop. And now the idiot was telling me to escort him. Maybe I look like his body guard.

Good day readers am so so excited to write this book.
It has been a source of Joy to me.
And don't fail to correct me if you happen to see any typo
I love to hear from you all. To know if it's too short or boring, anything.
And if you don't understand some slangs ask away.
And don't forget to vote I appreciate that little effort.

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