Chapter seven

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   He parked outside the compound and killed the engine.
Unbuckling my seatbelt,I smiled at him "Thanks for the ride"
   He gave me a genuine smile,the one I had started to like. I was relieved that he wasn't looking serious and  tense like few minutes before.                "It's no biggie" He unlocked the car and stepped out, me following suit.
  Should I ask him to come in or tell him good bye? I pondered on this while he retrieved his phone from his pocket probably to call James that we were home already.
Tell him,not ask him you fool. You never learn(by now you should know that it's my mind speaking).
   I hesitated a bit, gathering all courage and strength to ask him.
  Before I could open my mouth, he picked a call.
  "Guy I dey your gate...ehh she follow me na, which kind question be dah one?... okay"
  "Let's go in,he's not around" Godfrey said.
  "Where did he say he went to?" I asked as we entered the gate.
"To see someone" He replied and stopped "where's your flat?"
   I pointed to a blue and white apartment. "That's my house" he nodded and continued to walk in long strides. I had to trot in order to be beside him.
   A hand grabbed my arms and drew me backwards. I internally rolled my eyes and gave him a fake smile.
Godfrey turned and frowned at him.
"Good evening Kenneth"I said sweetly.
"Evening" he murmured "where have you been since morning?" He asked.
   I wanted to laugh and tell him off but Godfrey helped me out.
  "None of your business. I think you're jobless enough to know that she hasn't been at home since morning". He growled, glaring at him.
  Kenneth backed off and apologized to Godfrey before turning to leave.
When Kenneth was out of town earshot,I turned to Godfrey and folded my arms.
  "Why did you talk to him like that?" I asked.
Godfrey shook his head "I know what he's after, your pussy"
  I winced at the word he used "It's none of your business who I speak to." I was really pissed off and happy a the same time that he cared about who I talked to. "It's no as if you're my boyfriend or something" I mummured silently.
He heard it. He chuckled."As I said before,I wouldn't mind having you as my girlfriend"
  "That's not what I...ohh God." I hit my head in frustration. "Don't worry let's go in"
   All through the small walk to my door, I didn't walk well. His presence was creating a stupid jelly like feeling and I tried my best to ignore it to no avail.
  Finally,we go to my large metal door and I sighed in relief.
I knocked twice and heard Chris call who is at the door in reply.
I knocked again. This time Sochi was the one to reply.
  "Didn't you hear what he asked you? Who is at the door?!"
  Godfrey gave a throaty laughter. I kind of liked it.
  "Your sister is really funny".
  "Mtcheeeew, open the door Chris!" I literally banged on the door.
  When I didn't get any reply I banged again. "Christian, it's Chika"
In a flash the door opened. Sochi poked out her head.
  "Chika is that you?" She asked in her tiny adorable voice.
  I waved at her "Hi am your sister's clone. Open the door jhoor!"
She screeched and jumped on me. I staggered a bit.Godfrey balanced me as I scooped her into my arms.
"Chika!. Chris come and see Chika, she has returned!" She flung her arms around my neck. "I missed you. I thought you were kidnapped."
I laughed and kissed her cheeks. "No peanut, I went somewhere."
"Thank God you're back. Chris refused to give me golden morn. Only golden morn oo like, not with bread. Assuming you were at home, you would have made it for me" she bit her lips.
   Godfrey hissed and shook his head in amusement. That was what made her notice I was with someone.
She gave him a shy smile. I suspected something. Sochi is no the type to give shy smiles. Hmm... developing a crush already.
"Hi, my name is Crystal. Am Chika's baby sis. What's your name?" The accent too.
"My name is Godfrey am James' friend" He replied in his rich and creamy baritone.
Sochi giggled and covered her mouth. "James' friend is my friend too" she stuck out her hand. Godfrey took it and shook her hand.
"Aren't you cute little girl"
This time I turned and gave him a sarcastic glare.
"Stop flirting with my little sister"
"I told you never to open doors. You are very stubborn—" he stopped short and stared at me and Godfrey.
"Yeh?.. Chika, what happened now?" He asked.
"I'll gist you later" I winked and he understood.
His gaze shifted to Godfrey. His lips curled up in a smile.
"Egbon Godfrey" They shook hands and chest bumped. I stared at the both of them in confusion. How did they know each other?.
"Chris how you dey na?" He asked.
" I no dey fine oo" He replied sadly. "I dey under punishment oo."
   We entered the house, Chris and Godfrey were behind us talking about the Psalm one to one hundred and fifty challenge.
   I dropped Sochi down and hurried to the kitchen. It was neat as usual. I went to the cooker and opened the pot sitting on it. Yam porridge.
Should I give him? Should I not? What if he doesn't like it?
  What is wrong with you Chika? When did you start behaving like this?.(chuckle). Nursing a crush already huh?
   I covered the pot and walked out of the kitchen. Godfrey was beneath Sochi which was hitting him with one of the cushions pillow. She was laughing. Chris had probably gone to his room.
   I cleared my throat, ending their fun time.
"I dished out food for you" liar,liar, pants on fire.
He sat up looking spent and definitely hot. "thanks,but I think I'll be leaving now"
  I was a bit disappointed but I didn't show it. Sochi whined and tugged at his top.
"Don't go naa. Stay small with me"
Godfrey pinched her cheeks and stood up. "I'll come next time y'hear?"
  She smiled and bobbed her head excitedly. " Buy bread if you're coming"
He gave her a funny look but agreed all the same. "I will"
I followed him to the door and bid him goodbye not after thanking him for coming to my rescue.

   Right now, Bunmi and I are watching a movie on my laptop. She came over to my house after she heard what happened to me.
  She has been oohhing and ahhing ever since we began to watch the season four of Good witch,a Korean drama. It was really pissing me off.
I smacked her butt. "Oww," she glared at me. "why did you hit my bum bum"
  "You're making noise!"I complained.
She stuck out her tongue at me and returned to the movie.
  Someone knocked on my door. "Who is that?!"
"It's Diego" James thundered, meaning he was angry. Well, let me piss him off the more.
Bunmi was staring at me. She was obviously nervous of seeing James. I couldn't blame her, she was scared of him.
"I don't know anyone whose name is Diego"
"Am opening the fucking door!"
The door burst open, revealing a livid James. He was dressed in black boots and black jean trousers only. On the crook of his arms was a matching jean jacket. Where did he go to.
"Why did to cross Ola's part"
I sat up on my bed "I didn't. I was going home when I bumped into him and it happened".
  He face palmed and groaned. Bunmi was sitting beside me strangely quiet.
"Don't pass that road again,it's lonely. And always come home with Godfrey."
"I can go home alone" I countered. "Am not baby. I'll be careful next time. Besides I didn't send you to make friends with that idiotic guy"
   He clenched his fists " for your information,he's not my friend. We don't even talk to each other."
  With those words, he strode out of the door, banging it shut.
Bunmi flinched and sighed in relief.
"You brother has the hell of a temper"
"What can I do?" I shrugged.

   Bunmi went home by nine in the night. I made dinner for every one, bathed Sochi after she was done eating and sent her to her room.
   I went into my room and took out my phone. I chatted for a while before plugging my phone and going to sleep.
What's your best sport?
  Me: Skateboarding (I've never done it tho).

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