Chapter 1

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"WHAT DO YOU MEAN? YOU CAN'T JUST LEAVE ME! NOT NOW! THE SHOW IS IN TWO HOURS! DON'T-" I continued shouting as she walked out the door. "Please don't leave me. I love you." I said now quietly knowing she couldn't hear me anyway.

I've been dating Ashley for 2 years now. We'd started the band together and it was amazing at the beginning but recently she'd started acting distant and cold towards me.

Yesterday we were at a party and I caught her about to make out with another guy. I assumed she was too drunk and took her to my place.

I asked her about it this morning when we were practicing and she just said something along the lines of  "So what?" . We ended up in a big fight and she just left me. I can't believe she did that. What did I do wrong? Why wasn't I enough for her?

I'm now left alone in my apartment in desperate need of a new guitarist since Ashley was my old one. What am I going to do? I need to be on stage in a few hours and I don't even have a band.

I decided to go for a walk to clear my mind. I took my cigarettes out and tried to light one. How perfect, my lighter isn't working.

Madeline POV

I'd just finished my shift at my mother's cafe. God I hate her! I can't wait until I finally graduate from college so I can finally get away from her.

I was walking back to my apartment so I can get ready for a gig. It was the first time I'm going to be singing my songs in front of people. I was really excited but also terrified. What if they hate me? What if I mess up the chords? Or the lyrics?

I decided to smoke to calm myself down because if I kept thinking like that I'll probably be too scared and miss it.
I take out my lighter and start smoking. A few seconds later I feel a tap on my shoulder and turn around." Could I use your lighter love? Mine isn't working." A tall guy with messy brown hair and green eyes was standing in front of me. I have to admit, he is pretty good looking.

"Sure." I say giving it to him. He lights his cigarette and gives it back.

"Thanks."   He says and I notice his accent definitely isn't from this part of England.

"No problem."

"I'm Dom by the way."

"Maddie." I said and shook his hand."You're not from here are you?"

"No. I moved here a few years ago. I'm from Doncaster."

"My dad is actually from there but I've never been. What are you doing in London? If you don't mind me asking of course."

"Nah, it's fine. I came here with my band. We were supposed to have a gig tonight but my guitarist left so I guess it's not gonna happen." He said as he threw his cigarette on the ground and stepped on it.

"Where is the gig? I'm actually supposed to sing one of my songs in Macey's tonight."

"NO WAY!!! THAT'S WHERE I'M SINGING!" He said really loudly. I was a little freaked out so I just laughed. He must've noticed how stressed out I was about the whole thing and after a small pause he asked." Could you play with me? I know we just met and all but I'm desperate. I really wouldn't be asking you if I wasn't. I mean how was I supposed to know my-"

"Sure. What's your band's name? I might know some your songs." I cut him off.

"Wait really? And no you probably don't I've only played a couple of times before" He said literally jumping up and down.

"Yeah. I honestly needed an excuse to not go home anyway and I like playing so why not?"

" AMAZING! I'll see you there?"

We exchanged numbers and decided to meet up so I could learn some of his songs.

"See ya!" I said as we parted ways. I watched him walk away for a bit. He was nearly running and jumping from time to time.

When I finally got home I did my makeup. Once I was done I went to my closet. I knew I should've picked an outfit yesterday! I quickly search through the drawers and finally decide on a black t-shirt, a pink checkered skirt with a belt and black boots.⬇️⬇️⬇️


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I can't believe I found a guitarist!

I was so happy I practically ran back to the hotel to get my guitar so I'd have enough time to set up.

I opened my closet and started throwing things around the room trying to figure out exactly what I should wear. I ended up with a plain black t-shirt and black jeans.⬇️⬇️⬇️

As I was leaving I realised it was actually pretty cold outside so I decided to throw on a leather jacket

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As I was leaving I realised it was actually pretty cold outside so I decided to throw on a leather jacket.

I got to the place and somehow still had 10 minutes left before Maddie showed up. I got on the stage and started to set up.

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