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I've seen swords argue and bleed shards of bone upon the world like rain.

I've seen swans who've danced in a whirlpool of catastrophe, and promised that they were both in "love".

I've seen the broken who've stood on their knees for a piece of copper.

I've seen metal carrying fire to burn the souls of those out of wrath.

I've seen uniforms ranked higher than gold.

A shadow can roam the streets at 2:00 AM.

A building can watch the world burn down along with itself.

The images...

The images, Lord.


And stabbed,

And whipped,

And beaten,

And cursed,

And crushed,

And cremated.

I've seen so many mouths full of scriptures,

But bodies full of dust.

I've seen the scene,

That has seen the light through the seam

A dazzling gleam that may not be what it seems,

But it beams through the soul.

(In only 23 years...)

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