∞ 𝒍𝒐𝒏𝒈𝒊𝒏𝒈 ∞

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three : longing

Taehyung's PoV

"I don't love you anymore." Those five words pierce my heart and it aches. It feels like the world stopped turning. I knew she didn't love me anymore after all that I did to her but I didn't expect her to say it out loud. I slide down a bookshelf and let the tears fall. I don't care if someone sees me here. All day, I've been wanting to talk to her. To tell her that I still loved her and hoped she'd give me another chance but I should have known. I hurt her too badly. I've damaged her heart to the point that I can't put it back together anymore. I should have told her that the reason why I left so abruptly was because my parents told me to leave her and marry another girl, the one she saw me with at the mall. I refused at first but they told me if I wouldn't leave, they would find a way to get us to separate. And I didn't want anything to happen to Lisa so I obeyed and left the country to go to Singapore where I was told to marry Tzuyu. I tried liking her but... I couldn't. I kept comparing her to Lisa and I know that's unfair for her but I didn't feel anything towards her. The deal was only for a year so I came back but Tzuyu insisted on coming with me and my parents wouldn't let me leave her.

I get up when I hear the bell and wash my face briefly before going to my next class, which is History. I open the door and excuse myself for being late. I look up from the floor and connect eyes with her. She's in this class? Her eyes are a bit red but no one would notice she cried unless you knew her very well. And I do... at least, I used to. Seeing that she cried breaks my heart but I look away. Since Jimin is also here, I sit beside him where, luckily, there's an empty seat. During recess, my friends welcomed me like I was just away on a trip and didn't question me as much as I expected. I asked why they weren't mad at me and they said they were just glad to have me back. Even the hyungs didn't get mad at me, which I'm very thankful for. I'm so happy to have friends like them.

I look over to Lisa and stare at her from behind. I always used to think that I memorized every part of her beautiful face due to the amount of times I've stared at her. Sounds creepy, I know. She moves ever so slightly when she tucks some lose strands of her hair behind her ear, absentmindedly tilting her head just at the right angle for her eyes to catch a gleam of sunlight in them. She looks so sad and I can't bear to know that I'm the reason for her sadness and hardships. Every second I was away, I regretted not being able to say 'no' to my parents and stay with her but if I didn't leave her, they would find a way to separate us and the thought of her thinking that I didn't love her pained me too much. But now it's exactly what she thinks. The teacher's voice drones on and on and I drift off.

I take in Lisa's sweet scent, one of those scents that I'm so familiar with but love so much. "Lisa-yah, why'd you choose me?" I ask and she frowns at me. "What do you mean?" She asks confusedly and faces me, "I mean, there are so many boys courting you and willing to do anything for you....but you still chose me. Why?" I ask and watch a small, soft smile creep up her face. "Because." She says and shrugs. "Because what?" I ask with a small laugh. She thinks first for a while, choosing her words carefully. "Because I knew. I just knew you were the one. The one who would love me right. And I wasn't wrong." She explains and my heart flutters at her words, as if falling in love with her once again. I smile and squeeze her soft cheeks, "I promise never to hurt you, jagi. Lalisa, you know I love you right? Too much in fact." I say and she smiles widely. "Of course I do, you tell me everyday. I love you too, Tae." She murmurs while she buries her face in my chest and we fall asleep in each other's arms.

I'm sorry I wasn't able to keep my promise, Lali.

The bell pulls me out of my thoughts and I get up to leave with Jimin. "You can go ahead, I have somewhere to go." Jimin says and I nod. "See you at our table then," I say and take my stuff. As I go out of the classroom, I see Lisa smiling. I smile too. Until I see who she's with. Jimin says something and she laughs, her eyes twinkling. My smile drops as I see them together. They look so...happy. Since when have they known each other?

I sigh, I wanted her to be happy right?

But then why do I still want to be the one to make her smile?

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NOTE: Flashbacks and/or thoughts are going to be italicised
I am so incredibly sorry for this short ass chapter. I had major writer's block and could not find any inspiration whatsoever. I'm so so so sorryyy. I promise I'll make the next chapter a longer one. Anyways, I hope ya'll liked Taehyung's PoV lol pls tell me if you guys want more in his PoV.

Fun Fact: The first BG I ever stanned was BTS and the first GG I ever stanned was Blackpink.


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