∞ 𝒃𝒆𝒈𝒊𝒏𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈 ∞

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five : beginning

Lisa's PoV

Shit, why did I do that. Whatever, at least it's done, I think as I enter the classroom and apologize for being late. I keep my head down low as I reach my seat and put down my bag. I actually like the teacher in this subject, so I put an effort to pay attention. After the subject I lazily get my stuff and leave. As I go out of the classroom, someone takes my arm and drags me to a place where there aren't that much people. Is this Taehyung? I think as I stare at the boy's light greyish hair. To my surprise, he hugs me tightly and I don't move for a second. This feels so familiar but at the same time not.

"Do you know how much I've been thinking about your words, Lisa? Do you have any idea how much you drive me crazy?" He asks and looks into my eyes. I break my gaze since I'm pretty sure I'll get lost in those hazel orbs once again like I have so many times before. "W-what do you mean?" I ask innocently. "I should be asking you that. What did you mean by 'I'm giving you another chance?' " I wince, remembering what I said earlier. "W-well, remember that time you asked me if we could ever get back together again. Well, I guess my real answer to that is y-yes." I say and shyly look down, afraid to see his reaction. Then I feel warmth around me again and realize he's hugging me for the second time. I hesitantly hug him back and take in his familiar scent. I didn't realize how much I missed this. He pulls away but keeps me at arm's length with a huge grin on his face.

"There's so much I want to say to you Lisa. But first," He says, taking my hand. Butterflies explode in my stomach as he intertwines our fingers but I don't pull away. "Let's celebrate." He says and pulls me towards the school exit. "Taehyung? Where are we going?" I ask when he opens the door and continues dragging me out the school. "Lisa's scared of skipping? The same Lisa that forced me to stay at our apartment because she 'wanted to have her boyfriend all to herself?' " He asks and I blush, looking away. I still remember that. He takes me to his car and stops holding my hand to open the door for me and I immediately want his hand back with mine. Calm thyself, Lisa. I get in hesitantly. Wow, he's really taking this second chance seriously.

After he gets in himself he starts driving somewhere near the school and I look around, wondering where he's gonna take me. I sneak a glance at him in my peripheral vision and oh God. His jawline becomes defined as he clenches his jaw and I look away before I start on his eyes. Why does he have to be this handsome? Aish Lisa, aren't you the one giving him a second chance, not the other way around? Before I could ridicule myself further in my mind, I feel him take my hand again and start rubbing his thumb over my knuckles. I look at our hands, surprised but at ease because of the relaxing effect of the gesture. "Is it okay if I hold your hand for a bit?" He asks and I nod and smile. "Remember when we would just stay like this and drive around, looking at the sites around us, buying food," He reminisces and I smile softly. It was always comforting to just be with him, driving around in silence, occasionally buying food then having a mini buffet later on in his apartment. "Those were the best," I agree and he sighs, intertwining our hands. "You know what was really the best? Loving you." He says the last part quietly, as if to himself but I still hear him because of our close proximity. I stay silent, not knowing how to reply. I squeeze his hand and he squeezes back. Another one of our old habits. It would seem small and meaningless to other people but to us, it was as if we were saying It's ok, I'm here.

After driving around in (kinda awkward) silence, he stops at a familiar place. "We're here," He states then gets out immediately to open the door for me. "Thanks," I say shyly and we walk side-by-side towards the restaurant. I look around and can't help but smile. Every couple had a special restaurant where they would always eat together, and this one was ours. It was originally my favorite place to eat but when me and Taehyung started going out, I introduced this place to him and he came to love it as much as me too. I stopped going here after he left because it always reminded me of him and the sentimental value we had with this place.

The owner, a kind, old man, always welcomed us so casually because we were such regular customers and he claimed we were his favorites even. "Taehyung and Lisa-ssi, it's been a long time!" He greets when we enter and Taehyung politely smiles at him. "Yah, ahjussi, we miss you too," He says and he laughs. "Where have you been?" He questions and I look at Taehyung to answer for us. "Oh, well, I've been away, and my Lisa here has been busy. Sorry we haven't been able to go to your restaurant recently," Taehyung says, and I nod in agreement. I understand why he phrased the sentence as if we've still been together. The sweet ahjussi was one of our biggest supporters, constantly joking that we should invite him to our wedding and I don't think neither I nor Taehyung wanted to tell him we were no longer together. "Ahh, I see. So, the regular?" He asks and we both nod. Since we often ordered the same thing, he knew what we wanted and proceeded to the kitchen while whistling to himself.

"Lisa, how have you been?" He asks and I startle at the question since I wasn't expecting him to converse with me so quickly. "I've been doing good. I mean, training's been a bit harder but what did I expect anyways," I say and laugh nervously. This is so awkward but I don't want it to be. "How about you?" I ask in a frantic attempt to steer the conversation away from me. "Well, I met a lot of friends there in Singapore, and my new school was good. But..." He stops hesitantly, "But?" I press, now curious to know how his life was there. "But I missed you. A lot." He says and looks in my eyes, as if searching for something in them. "Oh. H-how has Tannie been?" I ask, completely ignoring what he last said. His face lights up at the mention of his animal companion and he brings out his phone then shows me recent pictures of him. "He's been doing great, actually. Just a bit cranky but I think that's because he misses his eomma," Taehyung says and I laugh. "Awww, tell him his eomma misses him too," I say jokingly but after a few moments I blush when I realize what I just implied. "Sure, I'll tell him that." Taehyung teases and I slap his arm playfully. "Ow! Damn, I forgot how painful it was when you did that," He complains and I laugh at the sight of him him clutching his arm and pouting. Kyeopta~

Before I could fangirl again, the food arrives. My mouth waters at the sight of it and even more as I smell it. "Yes! It's samgyup (grilled pork belly)!" I say and start digging in. I hear Taehyung chuckle at me but I ignore him and focus on the true love of my life: food. Ever since I came to Korea with my family, I've always loved the food here. I always asked my mom to take me to Korean restaurants to try out more food. "Lali, slow down, you might choke or something," He says while watching me shove food down my mouth and when I look over to him, he's just doing the same thing. Shared love for food is definitely one of the reasons we got along so well. "Tae-tae, slow down, you might choke or something," I mock and he glares at me. I just laugh and we continue eating our food in a not-so-awkward silence. After many spoonfuls of rice and food later, we lean back on our chairs, clutching our stomachs from over-eating. "Ugh, I don't think I can even stand up," I complain. "Do you wanna get some ice cream?" He asks and I nod eagerly. There must be some space left in my stomach, right? He stands up and takes his wallet out to pay. "I'll just treat you back at the ice cream place," I say while the ahjussi gets his change. "No it's fine. Think of this as a thank you for giving me another chance," He says and smiles at me and I smile back.

We sit in comfortable silence throughout the ride and he still takes my hand while we're in the car. "Lisa?" He asks suddenly. "Hm?" He takes our intertwined hands and kisses my hand. "Did you know that after all this time, I'm still as in love with you as I was before?" He says quietly, while he stares at our hands. "I missed you, sunshine." He says and I smile genuinely at him. "I missed you too," I say quietly which makes him tighten his hand around mine.

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anyways so here's another chapter since I had nothing to do today and I really wanted to take advantage of this inspiration while it lasted. thankfully, I don't have school tomorrow, so I'll start writing the next chapter. This is not the end btw, there's a second part of this. I miss Taehyung and Lisa very muchhh (◠‿◠✿). Also, please spread awareness about the racism towards Lisa, because it is truly disgusting and I can't believe racism is still an issue in 2019.


fun fact: I'm a Virgo, like Namjoon. (oops now you'll find out what type of person I am lmao)

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