Chapter 2: Starting the job.

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Sunday night. This was the night before I got to work at Wattpad. I couldn’t sleep. I was so excited! I rolled around in bed turning from side to side. “I really get to work at Wattpad…” I thought to myself. “This is going to be amazing! It’ll just be me in a room with cameras watching over the book fair for 6 whole hours!” I thought about the animatronics. “They must get cold out there in that dark…” I muttered. “What am I saying!? They’re animatronics! It’s not like they’re alive…” It was hard to think that last part… Some silly little part of me still felt like they were living people, not just people… my friends… I shook it off and tried to get back to sleep.

The next day I slept in until about 6:00pm. “Matilin, you need to eat before you leave! It’s time to get up!” My mother shouted down the hall. “I’m up! I’m up!” I whined. I looked over at the clock. “Wow… I’m used to 6:00am not pm…” I pulled myself out of bed and put on my uniform I got from my new boss Ms. Bush, she seemed nice, but it felt like she was hiding something from me.

I ran down the hallway shoved a waffle in my mouth then ran down the road to Wattpad. Once I got there it was 7:30pm so I was early. I saw my boss Ms. Bush. I walked over to her.

“Good evening Ms. Bush.” I said approaching her. “You’re early.” She said looking at my uniform. “Y-Yeah, I thought I’d spend my time at the fair before work…” I said awkwardly. “Being early is a good thing! There’s no need to explain yourself!” She laughed. “Oh…” I laughed a small nervous laugh. “Ease up; I’m not your boss until 12 okay? So no ‘Ms. Bush’ for now, just call me Violet (@FancyBush)! Got it?” We smiled at each other. “Thanks Violet, well I’m gonna go check out the rest of the fair! See you tonight!” I said and rushed over to Mango’s animatronic. I always checked Mango’s first to see if they fixed her yet. Strangely enough they kept her stage out even though she was broken.

I saw her stage and walked up. I sighed. The ‘out of order’ sign still was there. I looked around then peeked my head inside the curtains. I looked up at the animatronic. She wore the same olive green jacket, white shirt, blue jeans and light pink hair. “Hey Mango!” I whispered to the animatronic. “It’s been a while hasn’t it?” I laughed. I pet her foot where the mettle was rusted and ripped. “I’m sure they fix you up soon.” I said reassuringly to her. Her eyes seemed to look down at me. “You’re gonna be alright.” I said and patted her foot. “I’ll be back later, Mango!” I said and pulled my head out from the curtains. Then I rushed over to Nyan’s book section.

 “Hey Nyan!” I said happily walking up to the animatronic. She wore a black hoodie, blue jeans slightly darker then Mango’s, and she has blonde hair. She looked towards me, not at me, just in my general direction, as it usually would. “H-Hello! I am Nyan!” It said in its semi glitched robotic voice. I laughed. “Hey there Nyan, its nice having you back in town!” I said. “You think they’ll be fixing Mango up anytime soon?” I asked not expecting a response. The animatronic looked at me this time seeming to see me. It gave me a sad look. Well, as sad as an animatronic can look…“Hey Nyan, it’s gonna be okay… I’m sure Mango will be up and running soon enough..!” I said to the animatronic. “I-its story time e-everyo-one! G-Gather r-r-rou-und!” It said turning away from me. I sighed and walked away towards Emma.

Emma had just started ‘reading’ of one of her stories. She wore a grey short sleeve T-shirt, black jeans and had a dark brown pony tail. “I-I wake u-up and s-s-se-ee I'm in a cell I g-get te-tested on. I-I'm some s-sort of hy-hybrid. I've go-t-t friends in the same p-problem as m-m-e-e. I don't re-remember any-anything, n-not even my-my name. D-do I have a f-family? Do I h-have more friends? C-Can we e-ever l-leave? Will I re-remember? C-Can we re-reverse what h-happened?” She recited the beginning of her book ‘life as a hybrid’ in her glitchy voice. “I’ll be back later Emma.” I laughed and walked in the direction of Cutie.

I ran over to Cutie. She wore a green tank top, a purple short sleeve jacket, black leggings and blonde/orange hair.  “Cutie! Hey Cutie!” The animatronic looked toward me, again not at me, just in my general direction. “What y-you want?” That animatronic said. I laughed. “I just wanted to say hi! Gosh, you’re so rude!” I teased the animatronic. It tilted its head ever so slightly as if trying to recognize me. I looked down at my watch. 11:23pm. “Woah, I better get going.” I hugged the animatronic. “See you later Cutie!” I said and rushed towards the office where I would be working, it wasn’t very far from Nyan’s book section so I pretty much knew the way.

Violet was waiting for me by the entrance to the building. 11:46. “Early again I see!” Violet said. I laughed nervously. “So is it time to call you Ms. Bush yet..?” I asked half-jokingly. She laughed. “Forget about it! I’m Violet, okay?” I nodded. “Now, follow me to where you’ll be working.” She said and walked into the building.

We took a right turn down a hall way and took the 2nd door on the left. It was just like I imagined it. A room full of monitors, a desk, and a chair. The strange thing was the doors. There was a button for a hall light and one to slam a glass door down from the ceiling. “Woah, what’s with doors?” I asked nervously. “Oh, those old things?” She asked. “There just for security purposes! Here, let me show you how to use them.” She walked over to one of the doors and punched the button. The door slammed down easily. She pushed the button again and the door lifted. “Simple!” She said happily. “Here’s the phone,” She said pointing to a home phone on the desk. “And here’s a flash light in case you have to go outside!” She said handing me a large flash light. “W-Why would I have to go outside..?” I asked shakily. I loved Wattpad but going outside in the dark? “Oh, well there’s a bit of a power issue, sometimes the power will randomly turn on in some of the book sections and if that happens you’ll have to go turn it off.” She said calmly. “What do you mean ‘power issues’?” I asked. “Oh, I’ll show you.” She said walking over to the monitors. She pointed at a small icon in the corner of the screens. “See how it says 30%? Well at 12:00am it will turn to 100% and will drain as the night goes on, you don’t NOT want to run out of power and if you ever do run out of power get out of the fair grounds and wait outside the gates for me. Got it?” She asked. “What happens if the power goes out..?” I asked a bit freaked out. “Oh, just some mechanical glitches, nothing you’d be in immediate danger of course, but over time the electronics may spark at it could be semi dangerous.” She said. 11:55. “I must be going now. Good luck on your first night!” She said and walked towards the door. “Oh, and one more thing!” She said turning around. “The door, hall lights, and cameras use power so only close the door when you have to and turn off cameras you aren’t using! Good night!” She said and left. 11:59. “My first night on the job…” I muttered. I checked the cameras there was one in the hallways on both sides of me, pointing at all the animatronics and other random spots on the fairgrounds. “This is gonna be a long night…”

I had no clue.


Wow. I can't believe I've been able to keep dayly updates for this! xD Hope you all enjoyed!


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