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- ping - my phone buzzes in my pocket.

-Having meatloaf for dinner. are you and Moni coming over tonight? - mom

-I will ask her.-

I guess I have something to look forward to tonight. I send a quick text to Simone asking her if she is going to my parents' house for dinner then put my phone back in my back pocket. 

I get home, throw my keys into the key basket and run upstairs to shower. I turn on Cyndi Lauper's "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun" , bopping my head and singing along to the lyrics as I wash my body. I work my way into the song, throwing in a few notes to set my shower concert into the right mood. The song ends and "I Think We're Alone Now" by Tiffany starts to play next, throwing me into another loop of dance moves, which causes me to almost slip in the shower.

"Queen! I'm home!" Simone yells from, assumable, the front door of our apartment.

"In the shower! Are you coming with me to mom and dad's?" I yell back.

"I had plans with Donte, but I'll probably just bring him with"

Oh golly... just what I need... my parents to basically throw in my face how Simone found a really great guy and I cannot even find a decent girl in my life. They don't disapprove of me being gay, but they aren't exactly approving either. They would rather me have a husband and children, but here I am. The family disappointment, gay. I would rather Simone give them grandkids for the both of us because I am most definitely NOT pushing out a child from my vagina. It just isn't happening.

"Okay" I respond back. I hear Simone's room door close as I hop out of the shower. I quickly do my after shower routine and head into my room to throw on some clothes. I text my mom that we're coming over for dinner and grab my book to read while I wait on Simone to get ready. A few chapters into Poison Princess by Kresley Cole and I hear Dante's obnoxious car ride up to our apartment. Why this man had to get a Dodge Challenger that sounds like a lawn mower? I will never know. He's like the basic Army guy, the car and the hair cut type. I get up from my bed and head downstairs to open the door for him, he may have been dating my sister for the past 4 years but I put my foot down on him having a key to the apartment. That's another thing that just isn't happening

"Can you get that?!" Simone calls from her room.

"Already on it" I roll my eyes.

"Hey ba-" Dante says as I open the door "Oh hey, Queen"

"Dante" I cross my arms. Simone and I might be identical but there is a difference to us both, her hair is a bit of a lighter brown than mine is, and my eyes are golden brown as to her hazel brown eyes.

"Simone almost ready?" He asks, coming inside as I open the door wider for him.

"Yup" Simone appears at the top of the steps.

"I'm going to go grab my phone, wallet, and keys" I run back up the stairs.

"You're such a guy, Queen. Buy a purse" Simone calls after me. I can honestly feel her rolling her eyes. We've had this discussion for half of our lives. I just don't like purses. I used to wear a small backpack, but I feel like all important things that you need should always be able to fit into your pocket. Its just how I feel on the purse issue, and no argument she can bring to the table will change that

"Yea, okay"

We get to my parents' house and my mom meets us at the door with open arms.

"My beautiful girls!" She smiles, kissing Simone's forehead then mine. "Come in, how have you been?"

"Mom, you saw us last week" I laugh "and you text us all the time"

"We live almost 30 minutes away from you, honey" my dad walks up and hugs us as well "So we feel like every time you girls visit, its an occasion."

I can't argue with his logic, I love seeing my parents the few chances we get to do so. They're our biggest supporters, even when they don't agree with us.

"Where's Adonis?" Dante asks, looking around for my brother.

"He's out with his friend, Mark" My mom shrugs "He should be back soon for dinner"

"Hey Dante, are you still working with that solar company?" My dad asks, as if he doesn't know that Donte has a slim to none chance of being fired. Donte's father owns Go Green! Power, a high tech solar company that basically runs on organic energy and they sell the most sustainable energy technology in America. It's cool, if you're into that kind of stuff like my parents. Which is probably one reason they are so keen on Donte and Simone dating

"Yes sir" Dante smiles, then starts to go into a small rant about some of the company's ideas for some plant in Texas.

"While the men talk, lets go into the kitchen" My mom shuffles past my dad, leading us into the kitchen. "Queen, when will you be starting that new job at that one business firm?"

"Soon, I was called last week about it but the CEO's daughter is suppose to be coming back into town this week so he had to reschedule me for next week"

"Oh, why does the CEO need to meet with you before you start? That's odd" My mom's eyebrows furrow.

"Maybe that's just how the company runs" Simone shrugs "I mean, she has the job already but maybe he just needs to make sure she's a good fit. I would too with the kind of job she will be holding"

"It's just an assistant job for his assistant" I shrug "I mean, I've been background checked and everything"

"True, but maybe he wants to meet you himself to get a read on you" Simone points out, grabbing a hot pan and opening the oven to shift the meatloaf.

"I guess" I shrug "Hopefully his read won't cost me the job. I need to make more and this could definitely be a few steps up in the pay grade area of my life"

"Just what you need" My mom agrees.

"It would look great on resumes" Simone nods her head.

"What looks great on resumes?" Dante comes into the kitchen with my dad in tow.

"Queen's new job" Simone replies.

"Oh yea, with Mr. Kingston" Dante recalls "Chill guy. His daughter, Lana, is coming back into the U.S. this week, and my family was invited to her welcome home party this weekend."

"Sounds fun" I shrug.

How to Fall... Without Trying To (GirlxGIRL)Where stories live. Discover now