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"I want to drive your Charger" Lana tells me, rubbing my arm softly

"You want to drive Santana?" I ask, raising my eyebrows, "if you drive mine? I want to drive yours"

"You've already driven mine" Lana winks at me, laughing at her own joke

So dirty...

"Fine" I shake my head, "I've never let anyone drive her before but I guess there's a first time for everything"

"Yay!!" Lana claps her hands together, "I'm going to go grab my bag"

"You're only going around town!" I laugh, "you only need your ID on you"

She ignores me, coming back with her bag, "let's go!"

We head to my car and I hand her my keys, "go easy on her"

"I have never been in a wreck before" Lana smiles, turning the engine on

"You were in Europe for a while" I point out, "they drive like weirdos"

"You have a point there" She laughs, putting her seatbelt on and I follow suit, "ready?"

"I don't know" I laugh, "do you have insurance?"

"Duh! Woman, that was the first thing my dad made me get before we even bought my car" Lana laughs, backing my car out of the driveway, "I got this!"

She's so adorable, she looks so patient trying to get out the neighborhood but I know she just wants to speed around town. She takes a turn onto the highway and I already know she's about to hit the highest speed she can get my car to

"You're enjoying yourself a little too much" I laugh, looking at the smile across her face

"Look, my car is fast and all, but yours is a different kind speed" Lana laughs, "German luxury sports car versus American muscle"

"That's not even fair" I laugh, "they're different under the hood"

"You're right" Lana smiles, "In my car, you can't feel or hear how fast you're going"

I look at the meter, 95 coming up to 100. Damn, she wanted to DRIVE my car! She slows down, getting off the highway and coming back into town

"You are really loving this, huh?" I smile, watching her drive the speed limit

"Ye-" Her words are cut off by the jolt of my car and a loud crash before I feel something slam me in the face.

I arrive at the hospital in an ambulance, the paramedics rushing to get me admitted to a room

"Where's Lana?" I ask one of the nurses, "she left before I did"

"The other victim is in emergency care down the hall" the nurse tells me, "we need to get you to X-Ray to check your arm"

I have no clue what she means until I look down to see blood gushing out of my arm and it looks swollen... Adrenaline must have softened the blow for that because I'm pretty sure it should hurt

"Is Lana okay?" I ask the nurse

"You need to be more worried about yourself right now, ma'am" he tells me, "Your arm looks bad and we need to see if anything is broken"

"I don't give two shits about my arm" I can feel myself getting angry, "I need to know that Lana is okay, and if someone called her dad to let him know she is here!"

"Jane, calm down" I hear a familiar female voice, "they're just doing their jobs"

I look over to see the officer who was first to arrive at the car wreck scene, I can't remember if she gave me her name or not

"Well can I see her after the x-rays?" I ask, calming down a little

"Yes, I need to get in contact with her nearest family member" the officer replies, "what is her last name?"

"Kingston" I tell her, "I don't have his number or anything. I've only met him once"

"Ok, I will see what I can find. I found her bag which had her license in the wallet so I'm going to run a background to find him" the office tells me, putting a hand on my shoulder, "I'll do my best"

"Okay" I nod, my head feeling extremely light then I realize they pumped me up with drugs to numb me. They roll me into the x-ray room, and I try my hardest to keep my eyes open but it's so hard ...

I wake up in a hospital room, everything but my pants stripped off, a hospital gown as a shirt, a cast on my left arm, and an extreme headache. Both my legs work fine, so I get up and walk around the hall to find out where Lana is. I don't see her after a while so I stop at a nurses station to ask them for help

"There was a car wreck patient that came in earlier, her name is Lana Kingston? Where is she? I was in the car with her during the wreck and I want to see if she's okay"

The nurse looks at me then starts typing on the computer, "Ms. Kingston is on the intensive care floor, room 313"

"Intensive care?" I ask, right as the phone starts to ring. She doesn't answer me so I find an elevator to go upstairs to the floor Lana is on. The elevator stops on her floor and I search for room 313. I get to Lana's room, and find Lana's dad is there sitting next to her bed asleep

"Your friend is lucky that officer gave her CPR when she did or she wouldn't have made it" a voice says behind me

I turn around to see a doctor standing behind me, he kind of reminds me of that guy from that doctor tv show I can't remember the title of

"How so?" I ask him, turning to face him

"Your friend stopped breathing upon impact from the airbags" the doctor tells me,"she received a few broken ribs and a concussion. She hasn't woken up since she got here"

"Really?" I ask, looking from Lana to him, "what about the person who hit us?"

"She's fine, a few scratches but nothing too bad" the doctor shakes his head, "she was drunk when she hit you. An officer is suppose to follow up with you about that"

The doctor walks away, going to another room to assumably check on another patient

"Damn" I shake my head, "a drunk driver fucked my car up"

"And here is the photos of your car" the officer tells me, showing me pictures of the damages to my car, "I'd say it's totaled"

"Shit" I shake my head, "I've had this car 3 years"

"I'm sorry" she tells me, handing me the photos, "you will have to show those to your car insurance company for your claim"

"Thank you" I look down at my arm, which has been giving me pain since I woke up this morning

"Here's the information you will also need to file the charge against Mrs. Linderman, the woman that hit you" she hands me another paper, "her name, insurance, and all of that is on that"

"Thank you" I take the paper, looking it over to read the information

"I'm sorry all of this happened to you"

"Yea, I'm sorry too" I shake my head, looking down at the photos of my car. The back is completely fucked up, my car had spun and the driver's side is completely fucked, and the airbags deployed so it's completely totaled. No going back to it now

How to Fall... Without Trying To (GirlxGIRL)Where stories live. Discover now