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I wake up in Kace's bed next to him, his soft breathing tickling my ear. I kiss him on the lips before I sit up to get out of the bed. I feel his hand wrap around my wrist, not realizing that he had woken up

"Good morning" He smiles at me, eyes still halfway closed

"Good morning" I lean over to kiss him again, "How did you sleep?"

"Better with you next to me" He pulls me toward him and his bare chest, "What about you?"

"Good" I smile, poking him on the nose, "Your snoring didn't help much"

"My snoring?" He laughs, "I did nothing of the sort"

"You did snore for a while before I shoved you and you stopped" I chuckle, "It was so loud, I'm sure the neighbors heard it"

"Yea right" He pokes me on the shoulder, "I feel like you're exaggerating"

"I could be," I shrug, "but we both know I'm not"

"Whatever you say, babe" He kisses me on the lips. For a minute we lay there kissing, his hands moving down my bare spine and to my bare butt. He squeezes it and I bite his bottom lip, which makes him grab my butt little harder, "Do you want to have sex?"

I nod my head before giving him verbal consent, "Yes"

He moves from my butt to my clitoris, slowly rubbing his thumb in a circular motion. I can feel his penis harden on the inside of my thigh, so I shuffle back a little so I can give him a hand job to which he jerks his body upwards so that my hand is jerking him faster. He gets a little harder by the second, before he makes me stop to put a condom on

"Safety first" he says under his breath before he helps me lay my back on the bed, "Ready?"

I nod my head before he slowly puts his penis into my vaginal hole. He starts off slow and steady before he picks up the pace a little, grabbing my breast and rubbing the nipple a little, "Are you okay?"

"Yes" I nod, feeling his thrust inside of me. My body starts to shake a little under his thrust, and I grab onto a pillow to keep myself somehow connected to reality.

I get into the shower to get ready for my first photoshoot of the day, hoping that the day doesn't go too quickly but doesn't slow either. After I get out of the shower, I hurry to put clothes on so I can eat breakfast before I leave Kace's house.

"I made pancakes" Kace nods toward a plate that is sitting on the counter with a few pancakes on it, "Eat before you leave?"

"Okay" I nod, grabbing a small plate to put the pancakes on. I find the syrup in the cabinet and put it on my pancakes, grabbing a fork and putting a fork full in my mouth

"What are you up to today?" Kace asks me, watching me carefully

"I have a photoshoot uptown then an interview with a columnist about my work"

"That sounds fun" He nods, taking a few bites of his pancakes, "I hope you enjoy your day, okay?"

"Okay" I nod, finishing my pancakes then walks over to kiss him on the lips, "I will see you later?"

"Okay" He nods, watching me leave to brush my teeth

"Aria!" Jane walks over to me and hugs me, "How are you? It's been a while!"

I honestly haven't seen Jane in a long time, aside from what the photos the tabloids sell, and I feel like theres so much different about her.

"Hi!" I smile, "I'm great! It has been a while since I've seen you! How is Lana?"

"She's doing great" She smiles, stepping back to assess the photoshoot scene I was doing before she came, "This is a nice set up"

"Yea, Kim Kardashian wanted a few photographers to submit ideas for her daughter's birthday invitations" I shrug, "I decided to get into the mind of a 7 year old and came up with this"

"Nice" She smiles, pulling out a recorder, "That must be pretty cool, huh? Working with celebrities and such?"

"It is" I admit, "I like working with some, not all"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, it's fun and it's great but sometimes I think they all forget we are human and they are no better than anyone else who walks this Earth" I shrug, "I think they forget that they are not immune to being human"

"Can you give me an example?" She inquires

"For certain contracts, I'm not allowed to talk about" I shake my head, "I've worked with many of celebrities though that I can name that I enjoyed working for"


I list off names like Angelina Jolie, Lisa Bonet, Chris Pratt, Natalie Portman, and Mila Kunis. All with kids. We talk about my inspiration and what got me into photography. She asks me about my dating life and if my work affects my relationship, and then finally we wrapped it up with who I want to work with later on in my career

"I think I would love to work with Lauren Jauregi, Demi Lovato, Vanessa Hudgens, and Zendaya"

"Maybe you can one day in the future!" Jane smiles, turning off her recorder, "Thank you for doing this with me! I appreciate you taking time out of your day"

"It's okay! You're a friend, and I don't mind it" I smile, feeling my phone vibrate in my back pocket. I pull it out to see a text from Kace appear on the screen

-I hope your day is great, Aria! I love you and will see you later-

-I love you too- I respond back, putting my phone away

"Tell Lana I say hello, okay?"

"Okay! I will see you later!" Jane nods, leaving.

A few days after Halloween, I head home to my apartment so I can do laundry and get some work done. While I'm working, my phone begins to buzz off so I turn it off so I can work. Whatever it is, it can wait until I'm done working. I didn't know I would regret that decision until I check my phone a few hours later.

-Aria? Are you there?- Leslie 3 hours ago

-Aria! Answer me!- Leslie

-Aria? I have to tell you something- Leslie

She sent a photo of a man holding a gun and immediately my heart starts to sink. No other text message comes after that one and I immediately dial her number to see if everything is okay. No answer. Straight to voicemail. I call Queen to see if she has heard from Leslie in the past few hours

"Not really, no" Queen replies, "I haven't had my phone on almost all day, I've been at work. Why?"

"She sent me a weird text message with a guy holding a gun and I tried calling her but I couldn't get through"

"Hold on, let me check my messages" Queen goes silent for a second, "Holy shit"

"What?" I ask alarmed

"She sent me the same thing, I'm not sure what is going on but she sent me a voice message too and because I'm on the phone I can't hear it"

"Shit! What the hell is going on? I'm going to try to add Emmie to the call" I tell her before I try to add Emmie to the call, but she doesn't answer either, "What the hell is going on?"

"I don't know" Queen says softly, voice shaking

How to Fall... Without Trying To (GirlxGIRL)Where stories live. Discover now