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"Seriously though, what did Anissa just say to you?" I ask Queen, distracted by the huge grin on her face

"Nothing, don't worry about it" She shakes her head, putting her phone away

I notice Jhené has been eerily quiet since we asked about her phone earlier. I honestly want to ask her why she is so quiet, but at the same time? I feel like she will let us know if she wants us to know.


-Hey, what are you up to?- Emmie

-Out eating breakfast with friends. You?-

-Bored, sitting at home. Where are you at?-

-Denny's, you can join us if you want?- I suggest this and honestly? I feel like it would definitely make my day if she says yes

-Which one?-

Holy shit! She might actually come here. What am I wearing and does it look okay? I look down at my shorts and white polo, and suddenly regret picking out the gayest shit in my closet

-Hyde St-

"Ooooh! Is Emmie joining us for breakfast?" Aria looks over my shoulder to read my text

"Shit, Aria" I turn my phone screen off, "I don't know, maybe?"

"Oooh, yes! Tell her to hurry up!" Adrianne smiles, "What does she want to drink? We can stop the server"

I look down to text Emmie, but she has already responded back to the last text I sent

-Be there in 5- Emmie, 6 minutes ago

"She should be here already" I look around, standing up to get a better look at the front of the restaurant. I see Emmie standing at the host stand, looking at her phone

"Yay!" Aria squeals

"Finally" Queen places her phone down on the table

-Look up- I text her

She looks up and I wave her over

"You guys better act right or I will cut every single one of you" I tell them before Emmie

"You already know we won't, so I'm not sure why you try" Adrianne shrugs

Shit, she's right.

"Hey everyone" Emmie waves to everyone before sitting next to me and giving me a small hug, "How are you guys?"

"Great!" Queen smiles

"I don't think I've met you before" Emmie looks over at Jhené

"Oh, hi" Jhené looks up from her phone, "I'm kind of new to the group, I'm Jhené"

"Hello Jhene" Emmie nods then whispers to me, "Is that Queen's girlfriend or something?"

"No" I shake my head, "Not even close. She's straight"

"Ahh okay" Emmie nods, "She seems to be keeping a close eye on Queen's every move"

"You're right" I watch Jhené watch Queen for a second, and realize she doesn't take her eyes off her for long, "That's weird"

Queen hasn't said anything about them talking... plus she is talking to Anissa...

"Interesting" Emmie shrugs

"What are we going to do now?" Aria asks, leaning back in the booth

"I'm not sure, but I need a nap" Adrianne moans

"Same!" Queen nods her head, "I think I ate too much"

"That settles all of us to a nap?" Jhené laughs

How to Fall... Without Trying To (GirlxGIRL)Where stories live. Discover now