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A few months after Leslie's death, and everything has resumed to a little bit of normalcy. The news reporters have died down on the story, no longer bothering Queen and Aria at their work places and homes to get more on the story. I felt sorry for them because it was like they weren't given a full chance to mourn their dead friend without someone shoving it in their faces every second of the day on television or in person. My dad tried to give Queen a few weeks to adjust, but she denied more than a week claiming that she needed work to keep her mind off things. Jane and I, on the other hand, have been cozying to the idea of being in each other's lives forever and talking about marriage. We decided that when the time comes, we are going to elope and get married in Madrid or Florence. Honestly, I'm up for either because I feel like it would be beautiful to marry Jane in such a beautiful setting. I've been preparing myself for that day lately, and I honestly can say that I'm excited. I want to take this next step with Jane

"Baby?" Jane turns over in bed, trying to look at me through half closed eyes, "Have you been up for a long time?"

"Probably the past 30 minutes" I shrug, kissing her on the forehead, "Did I wake you up?"

"No" Jane shakes her head, "I woke up from the dream I was having"

"Are you okay?"

"I guess" She replies, unconvincingly

"Babe" I pull her to my chest so her head is laying on my shoulder, "Talk to me?"

"I was recalling the fight with my dad"


"Yea, just you weren't there to stop him"

"Babe, I most definitely was there and he no longer bothers you" I assure her, "You don't have to be afraid of them anymore. You have been happier without them and they aren't relevant to you anymore"

"Yea" She nods, "It has been almost 2 years, huh?"

"It has" I nod my head, "Baby? Don't worry about them!"

"I guess" She shrugs, nuzzling her head into my neck, "I will try not to think about them, but instead of different things and people whom I know love me"

"That sounds like a better option" I smile, looking over at the clock, "Another thing to think about is why we are both up at 3:45a.m. without a good reason"

"That is a great question" She laughs, "I don't know, you tell me. You was the first one to wake up"

Here's one of the times I have to be seriously, without any doubt, very honest with her... because she asked.

"I woke up because Sav called"

"Sav?" Jane lifts off my shoulder, "What the hell did she want?"

"I don't know, I didn't pick up"

"Oh" Jane shifts a little before she's laying against me again, "Okay"

Jane, of course, hates Sav with a heavy passion. I haven't talked to Sav since the incident because I know Jane will kill me and her. Plus, I don't want the conflict. I love Jane way too much to disrespect her like that. Relationships are about trust and I feel like that breaks trust and hurts her. Not my intentions

"Why would I when I know how much you hate her?" I ask, wrapping my arms around her body, "She's not even on a list of people I want to talk to"

"Okay" Jane nods, running her hands up my belly and to my nipples, "I trust you"

"That's all I need to hear" I kiss her on the lips, "Have you thought on when you want to go to Italy?"

"I have and I am ready whenever you are" Jane smiles

How to Fall... Without Trying To (GirlxGIRL)Where stories live. Discover now