"You're crazy. Certifiably insane."

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“Did you hear what Nathan did to that kid after school yesterday?” My best friend Cassia asked as we stepped over puddles. I raked my brain for a response, though I couldn’t find one. She took my silence as a no. “He put some kid in the hospital. Rumor says he was talking about you.” She said giddy. She never understood that I didn’t like attention. Negative or positive. I stormed off in search of Nathan. I found him waiting for me patiently at my locker.

“Why, Nate, why. You know I hate it when you do that. I’m a big girl; I can take care of it myself.”I was angry, and he knew it.

“You don’t know the lies he was telling about you. It was awful, Lane. The worst part was that all the other guys believed him. I couldn’t stand to listen to him anymore.” He said through gritted teeth, ready to lash out at me.

“You should’ve just walked away, Nathan. So what, anyways. I know it’s not true, you know it’s not true, so why does it matter?” I asked taking out m chemistry book

“He said that you slept with him for drugs, and that you were willing to sleep with anyone in exchange for drugs. He was giving them your number. He looked me in the eye and said ‘I bet you have to pay too.’” I could see a tear slip down his face.

“Will you tell me who?” I asked, but got nothing but silence. He turned around to help me with my books, and revealed his very purple and blue cheek. “I thought you won the fight..?” I dove into the water a while ago and I was starting to lose my breathe. With every second he withheld the answer, I was closer to letting go.

“It was John. The freshman didn’t even get a throw in.” his stepfather. The previous rage had faded, now all I felt was sympathy.

“You need to get out of that house. Please?” I begged, but I knew he wouldn’t leave. If he left, John would step down to his little brother, Damon. Damon was the sweetest little boy id ever met. He always knew what you were feeling and always knew the best thing to do. Nate had gotten so much advice from him; sometimes it felt like I was dating the 14 year old.

“I could leave with you in two days.” He suggested, letting me hope for nothing. I could see in his eyes he was only trying to make me feel better. It’s not that he couldn’t just hit John, and the problem would go away. His mother loved John, through everything. He is all she knows. I settled for her son, because he was the only thing I knew.

“I’d like that.” Was all I could muster. My aunt, the councilor waltzed over with a sense of arrogance. “Yes, Blaire.”

“Can I speak with you, alone?” She flicked her eyes up at Nate. She had never approved of him. Not 5 years ago, and certainly not today. Even though she was only 20, she carried herself as if she was a 30 year old British queen. Once again, my silence was interpreted however she needed it to fit into her puzzle. “Your mother called me.” She said, hanging her head low. “Her, your father, and Jake have left for a business trip that is scheduled to take three months. I’m sorry Lane.”

 2 days before my birthday. She just up and left, 2 days before my birthday. Not a goodbye, not a happy birthday. Nothing.  I walked off, trying to contain my anger. I exited the building and walked towards the woods that surrounded every freaking thing in town. 

When I hit the sidewalk, I bumped into a man. Not a familiar one, and certainly not from around here.

“Hey.” I shuddered.

“Hello.” He smiled slightly

“I’m Lane. What’s your name?” I asked.

“I’m from out of town. Way out of town.” I already knew that! I could hear his foreign accent. The wind blew his hood down. Blonde, but not naturally. His roots were a dark chestnut brown. His jacket, just like him, was from another country.

“That’s not your name...” I said realizing that only complete weirdoes won’t tell you their name. He could be a murderer on the news, but if he wouldn’t tell me his name, I’d never know.

THAT’S WHAT MAKES YOU BEAUTIFUL!! My phone blared. The stranger bursts out laughing. I ignore him for a moment and ok down at the caller id on the screen. Mom. Not happening lady. After pressing decline, I reverted my attention back to The Stranger.

“What’s so funny?” I asked, with warning bells sounding in my head.

“Nothing, nothing, I just didn’t peg you as the type of girl who likes boy-bands” his laugh dimmed down to a nice, low chuckle.

"You're Crazy. Certifiably insane." You don't even know me. He continued with his light laughing. “What are you laughing at?” I could hear my southern drawl force its way into my mouth, erupting into sentences. Is he making fun of my curse to live in this swampy hell? Its bad enough I have to live here, I hate to have the effects shine through my wall.

“No, I’d never make fun of you. It’s cute, very charming.” He smirked. The blood furiously rushed to my cheeks. I turned my head the other direction, hoping to mask my embarrassment. Wait! Had I said that out loud? He looked at me with a goofy grin, far too wide for his face.  

“Th-thanks.” Was that a stutter? Cheeks burned more than they ever had before. What was up with me today???

“No problem, I’m Niall by the way. From that band on your ringtone.” He smiled.

“Why lie man, don't you know how easy it is to tell--?” I held my phone up to him. “You aren’t lying.” 

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