"Lane, will you be my girlfriend?"

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        Niall came back in a pair of grey sweats and a white American flag tank. It was low cut and let me tell you, that boy has a very defined chest. And his arms, my God, I just wanted him to wrap me up and hold me forever. Maybe Louis is right. We know we like each other, why can't we embrace it. He's everything that Nathan wasn't.

        "What movie did you want to watch?" He asked sitting down on the floor in front of my bed. I hadn't moved from the bed, so I leaned forward and lightly grabbed onto his arm. I tugged on it slightly and he looked up at me. "Do you want me up there?" I nodded.

        "I was thinking The Conjuring...." I said going on demand to find it. He smiled and nodded a couple times. "Look, I was thinking about what Louis said...... I agree." He looked baffled. "Well we like each other right?" he nodded again. "You're nothing like Nathan, and I like that. You're not going to hurt me...." I knew I was trying to seem hopeful. I turned up my lips a little in a pleading smile.

        "You really want to be together? So soon?" He asked looking into my eyes. I nodded. “Lane will you be my girlfriend?"

        "Do you even have to ask?" I smiled and patted the bed beside me for him to lay closer. I presses play on the remote and buried myself underneath the blankets.  The movie was boring until the middle, like always, when the specialists showed up. 

      “How do you watch this? It’s so boring?” Niall whispered.

     “Just wait, it gets better.” I said knowingly. I went and saw the movie in theatres when it first came out. Niall jumped when the lady fell down in the walls, I just smiled and shook my head towards him.  “Told you.”

      When the movie was over, I got up to go brush my teeth; Niall was gone when I came back. I went over to his room and knocked on the door. He had chosen my brothers room. He was 10 and had weird band posters everywhere. Don’t get me wrong, I loved all the bands, just not the posters. Caiden also had a PS3 in his bedroom and a huge plasma screen TV. Niall was sitting in the gaming chair playing Halo, even though it was close to 1 am by now.

      “Not tired?” He pressed pause and looked in my direction. I was leaning against the doorjamb, probably looking like an idiot.

      “Nah, I’m not tired. That movie woke me up.” I smiled and pulled the desk chair next to the gaming chair. “Wanna play?”

    I shook my head no. “I’m awful at Halo. Now if you were to play Destiny or Assassins Creed, I’d whoop your butt.” I smiled. He simply exchanged the games.

   “I wanna play with you. I’m not all that great so don’t laugh at me, okay?” He handed me my controller, purple, I bought it when the system got moved to my brother’s room.

   “I’ll go easy on you, leprechaun.” He played for three hours, and I did as I said and still annihilated him…

   “God, you’re good at that.” I smugly smiled and turned off the PS3

   “Can we go to bed now?” he looked at me weird.


   “You don’t actually want to sleep in a ten year old boy’s bed do you?” He looked at the tiny twin and shook his head. “I’ve got a futon in my room. You take my bed, I’ll sleep on it.” He nodded again.

   “No way am I letting you sleep on a futon in your own house. I’ll take it.”

   “You’re the guest; you get the more comfy bed.”

    “You live here, it’s your bed, and you sleep in it.”

    “Niall James Horan, you go get in my bed right now.” I said motherly. He started to chuckle, and then it broke into a full on laugh… “What’s so funny?”

    “Do you know how that sounded?” he said in between breaths. I thought for a second and felt the blush rise to my cheeks. “Phew. I haven’t laughed that hard in forever. How about this. We lay in bed, together. The last one that falls asleep gets up and moves to the futon.” He concluded. I scrunched up my nose and shook my head.

   “We’re both really competitive, that won’t work.”

   “Then why don’t we both just sleep in your bed. It’s a big bed; we wouldn’t have to be on top of each other.” I smiled and nodded, then frowned, but shook it off because I was too happy to doubt myself. We crawled into my bed and faced each other, just examining the other, until our eyes started to droop. We both fell asleep, and in love, at the same time, the same way.  Slowly, then all at once (REFRENCE!!! If you are the first to comment where, you’ll get a dedication!!)

                Okeydokey artichokey, Here’s this Wednesday’s entry!

                        Go follow @CrookedPerspective cause she’s awesome! Um… what else? Oh yeah!

                                           Could I get 75 reads, 20 votes or 10 comments by Sunday at Midnight?

                                                                If so, I’ll post Chapter 7 by Monday at Noon.

                                                                                <3 You guys!!!!

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