"You like her, you like her."

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“That’d be great!” I smiled then took a bite of my Egg McMuffin. The boys looked at me strangely and I shrugged. What else do you want me to do? I looked up at Lane. Her light blonde hair was starting to fall straight. She was wearing a beautiful floral dress that came just above her knees and a pair of converse. She’s so beautiful, but she has a boyfriend. My heart fell when I reminded myself. She didn't even want me here, but I can’t help it. When she suggested we stay with her I couldn't help but speak up for Liam. He’d say we’d be too much of a bother and that we should just go down to the coast and I should leave early. But I didn't want to leave early. I really do like it here.

“So when do you guys want to head out?” Harry asked. I looked down and saw I was on my last McMuffin.

“Whenever you want to is okay with me.” Lane smiled. Her teeth were perfectly straight and white. I really need to stop thinking about her like this. I’m leaving soon anyways, what does it matter?

“I’ll be good in like five minutes.” I spoke, careful to wait until my mouth was empty.

“Okay. I’ll go refill my coke.” She walked away. Harry walked over to me after she had left the area.

“You like her, you like her.” He sing-songed. I blushed and shrugged. “You totally like her!” he ran off to Louis, to spread the gossip. After Louis was laughing, he went over to Liam and Zayn. Then right back to me. “When are you gonna make the move? I think she likes you back, mate. You should ride back to her house with her and tell her.” He pelted me with suggestions and questions until Lane reentered the play area.

“You ready?” she took a sip of her drink and walked to the exit, all five of us following her. She saw that there were only two cars and that someone could ride with her.

“Niall wants to!!” Louis volunteered for me.

“No I don’t. I mean….” I can’t believe I just did that!

“It’s cool. I was just trying to make some room.” She actually seemed a little upset. Maybe she did like me back.

“What I meant was, I didn't think you wanted me to go with you.” I covered up. “I didn't think you’d want me to go with you after how quiet you were on the way here.”

“I was quiet because I didn't want to say something stupid in front of you.” She smiled.

“I don’t think you would. Can I ride with you?” the other four had already piled in and left so it was just us.

“I don’t think they gave me much of a choice.” She laughed. I assumed that she wanted to before they left.

“Thanks.” I got back in the passenger seat and asked her to play music she liked.

“Oh… um…. I don't think you’d-“ I played the cd she had in the player. I couldn’t understand a word they were saying. They were screaming, it sounded like. “That’s my boyfriend’s favorite band.”

“Is it yours?”

“I like them but they’re not my favorite.” She pressed the 4 and changed cds. It was 5 Seconds of summer. I laughed again. “Why are you always laughing at me?”

“No reason. What else do you like?” she changed it again. Passenger. Again. Lana Del Ray. Again. Birdy. She’s got good taste.

“It’s all kind of sappy. I had to throw 5SoS in there to balance it out.” She explained herself. Her cheeks were bright red.

“Are you embarrassed?”

“No. it’s just. Weird. This is weird. Do you not realize how weird this is?” I didn't answer. “You’re going home on my birthday. Your home is in Ireland. I’m leaving the exact same day, to the same place. God! We even look alike!” she rambled. It was so cute. She pulled up to her house and I was a little disappointed the ride didn't take longer.

She got out and jogged up the path to her front door and unlocked it. We all followed her inside.

“I’ve got to go bring Nathan lunch. Be back in an hour.” She left us there. In her house.

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