"I thought you were my friend."

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                                        Niall’s POV

When she left, Harry looked at me. “What’d you do?” he asked.

I shrugged. “In the car she started talking about how weird this whole thing was.” I walked into the large granite kitchen.

“What thing?” Louis asked. They all followed me into the room.

“She’s leaving for Ireland the same day I am. Her birthday is the day before mine.” The boys looked to each other, then back at me. “Do you think we look alike?”


Lane’s POV

I pulled up to the school and saw Nathan outside laughing. At first it looked like he was alone (and crazy) but then I saw the red hair. Cassia? Nathan put his hand on her cheek and leaned in. he’s kissing her. Slap him, Cassia!! She didn’t. She smiled and leaned the rest of the way. I got out of my car and started stomping over to them. Cassia saw me first. She pushed Nathan away and started babbling apologies. I threw Nathans lunch on the ground and turned to her.

“I thought you were my friend?” was all I said to her. I walked back to my car, not one tear. I always thought I’d break down if he ever cheated on me. I guess not.

I drove home on full auto-pilot. When I got home I knocked on the door, not wanting to dig through my purse for the keys. Niall opened the door and I lost it. I threw my arms around his torso and buried my head in his chest. I started sobbing not long after.

Niall’s POV

She just threw herself at me. If I had backed away, she’d have fallen on her face. She clung to me for dear life. I didn't even have time to ask her what was wrong before she let go. She looked up at me, her eyes red and puffy, but still so beautiful. She ran away, just like that. While it was happening, it seemed to last ages, but afterwards, it felt like a split second.

I ran after her. Up the stairs,  but I lost her in the hallway. I put my head up to each one of the doors. On the last one, I heard a faint sniffle every few seconds. She jumped when I opened the door. There was a shoe box filled with pictures spread out on the floor. I sat next to her on the hard wood. All of the pictures were of her and a boy with black hair and bright blue eyes. I assumed it was Nathan when I saw one of them kissing in the rain.

“He cheated on me.” She shook out of the blue.

“Oh, Lane. I’m so sorry.” She didn't say anything else for a while. We just sat looking at all of the pictures of them. They seemed to span almost 4 or 5 years. That’s  a long time to have it thrown away. After we had thrown all of them away, she moved onto the next box, this one a great deal bigger. How long were they together. Only when we opened this box, they were of her and a girl, a redhead.

“With my best friend.” I left her to go check on the boys, but left the door open in case she needed me. The shoulder of my shirt was wet with black smudges here and there.

“What happened?” Liam asked, handing me a bottle of water.

“Her boyfriend.” They all looked puzzled. “He cheated on her. With her best friend.” Their expression changed. They were all angry, and fast.

“That son of a-“          “Calm down Zayn.”

“I told her I was going to make sure you haven’t broken anything. Have you?” They shook their heads no. I started to walk back upstairs when I remembered the tissues sitting on the coffee table. I went back down, grabbed them, and trudged back up the staircase.

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