Chapter Eleven

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I didn't come out through out the next day until it was time to pick Peter from the daycare. I showered and put on a yellow summer dress that hung just above my knees and a pair of white sandals. The daycare wasn't really far so I decided to ditch Alex's driver and hoof it. I just passed the house when a black car stopped beside me. Alex rolled down the window and stuck his head out. He was wearing a white tee. That's odd. Alex doesn't wear T-shirts to work and he was back hours too early.

"Where're you going?" He asked a smile playing on his lips. Now this is just confusing. I didn't understand Alex's actions yesterday and I definitely don't understand it now. Why is he even smiling at me. I thought after yesterday, he wouldn't want to talk to me.

"Peter's daycare, why?"I asked clutching my brown purse in front of me.

"Get in, I'd drive you there,"

"It really not too far-"

"So I'd drop you then. Get in." I walked round the car and entered with a sigh. Alex was too stubborn to actually let me get away with walking to the daycare by myself.

"Why didn't you take the other car? I'm sure Chris would've dropped you there."

"I wanted to walk." I said in a quiet voice.

"You always did like your walks." He said shaking his head. "You look good by the way."

"Thanks." I felt heat on my cheeks. I never thought I'd say this but I wish the arrogant Alex was still here. At least I could deal with him. I don't know how to deal with this Alex, at least not any more. Three years can make you forget a lot of things about a person. My phone beeped so I opened my purse to take it out.

"Do you have plans today?"

"Apart from bringing Peter home? No not really," I said distractedly. It was an alarm to remind me of Peter's closing time. Seems like I'd be there earlier than planned.

"Do you still like to swim?"

"Yeah why?"

"Just asking. I want you to meet someone after we leave the daycare." His face was expressionless. Like completely blank, giving me the impression that I couldn't argue with him.


"Great then."  He said a parked his car outside the daycare. "I'd be waiting for you."

"Right." I mutter and walked out of the car.


I watched her walk into the small building and five minutes later with Peter skipping beside her. She was smiling down at him, her eyes glittering like gems in the sun. My breath caught in my throat when I heard her husky laugh. I want her to laugh like that with me. I was almost jealous of Peter but I had to admit. The boy did have a way with ladies. Even Regina was falling in love with him. I got out of the car and leaned on it moments before she reached. I wanted to touch her. Even though it was for a second.

"Hello Alex," He said with a toothy grin. He was probably still laughing about his conversation with his mother.

"How you doing kiddo?" I said picking him up for a hug. I couldn't help it, he was so adorable.

"I'm great. I made a new friend today. Her name is Sara."

"Oh did you now?"

"Yeah." He nodded his head thrice like he really wanted me to believe him.

"Good for you." I almost missed Edna rolling her eyes. I flashed her a smirk. "We should get going kiddo." I opened the car door and buckled him in the seat. I must remember to get a car seat for Peter next time. Edna was already in the car so I opened my side of the car and got in.


We arrived after about fifteen minutes. It was the best fifteen minutes of my life. I got to listen to Edna laugh. How long has it been? I made a mental note to make her laugh everyday. Edna was definitely rubbing off on me.

It was a small park that was almost always never crowded because of the new park down the street. I saw the sign of recognition in Edna's eyes and also a little hint of confusion. We got down together and Edna and I watched as Peter chased a bird. I pulled Edna along towards a small grove by a pond.

"But Peter-"

"Would be fine." She bit her lips nervously but didn't argue further. Thank God for that at least.

We got to the grove and I led her instead.

"Who are we meeting here Alex?" She asked, a confused expression on her face.

I leaned down until our lips were mere seconds apart.

"Our former selves."

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