Chapter Nineteen

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Staring at a human being for such a long time should be a crime. I couldn't help it though. She was so gorgeous in the early morning sunlight. I was conflicted on whether or not to close the curtains as she seemed uncomfortable with so much light in her face or to just keep admiring how pretty she looked. I finally decided to position myself so that the light wasn't directly on her face. I didn't want to stand up from the bed anyways. I didn't want to be far from her even for a second. I can't even imagine going to work today. I'm sure they can manage one day without me. I returned my attention to the goddess by my side Her hair was all over the place and she smiled in her sleep. I'll give all of my money to know what she was dreaming of. She snuggled deeper into my arms. I swear she was a cat in her past life. It's physically impossible for a human being to fold himself the way she does. I couldn't help the laughter that escaped my lips. Her eyes flew open and was unfocused for a second before it found mine. I was officially whipped.
I could see the wheels turning in her head as she was probably thinking of a way to get out of the bed. I held my breath until I saw resolve in her eyes. I sighed quietly. Even though she tried to leave I wasn't even going to let it happen.
"Hey," she said in a sleepy voice, squinting her eyes at me, "why didn't you wake me?"
"Hey," I replied, placing a kiss on her lip holding her tightly to myself. Her lips broke into such a dazzling smile, at that moment, I knew she'd be worth everything if I could wake up to her face every morning. "Don't even think about getting out of this bed." I murmured, burying my face in a her hair.
"But Peter-"
"Has the help"
"He'd want to see me before he leave for school." She complained.
"Today is Saturday Edna." I countered, still holding her in a tight bear hug.
"Yeah but," she paused defeated for the moment, "what about your work?"
"I'm skipping today." I smiled at her happy that I won the argument. "I'm beginning to think you're trying to avoid me Ed," I joked, stroking her hair ever so gently. She snuggled even deeper if that was physically possible. She didn't even realize what she did.
"I'm not," her words were muffled in my chest.
"Are too."
"Immature." I couldn't see her but I knew she was rolling her eyes at me
She was rolling her eyes at me.

"I still think we should get up though" she said sounding really determined. I knew I wasn't going to win against that tone.

"You're no fun" I muttered releasing her from my grip and getting up from the bed. She followed behind me grabbing all the sheets and wrapping it around her frame.

"You know as much as I do that that is not true. Besides, I want to go to the restaurant." She said with laughter in her voice.

"Let's take a shower together then," I said suddenly feeling mischievous. "We could save water. I can even go with you to the restaurant. "

"You're impossible" Edna huffed but got into the shower regardless.


I was just closing up when I when I heard my phone ring. I knew it wasn't Alex though. He left earlier because he was called to the office urgently. He was really trying. Very hard in fact. I think he was scared that I was going to change my mind about being with him.

"Hello?" I asked tucking the phone between my shoulder and my ears as I shut the door to the restaurant.

"This is Selena." My Body went cold. Why was Alex's ex-lover calling me? Why was I frightened by the call? "Is he still seeing her?

"Wait. Before you hang up. I wanted to apologize."

What? Apologize? "What for?"'I asked my hand wrapping around the phone really tightly.

"I heard you and Alex got back together. I'm sure he must have apologized for throwing you out after finding out that you were innocent. I thought I should apologize too." I felt even colder.

"Alex knows?" I couldn't help the shaky tone of my voice.

"My word," she said in a bored tone. "You must not have been that important after all. He had known the truth for months now." The line went dead and my happiness with it.

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