Avengers (Part 2)

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I have always wanted to say that!

"Are we there yet?" I whined, twenty minutes into the ride.  Thes, Bi, and Hans were chuckling.  It wasn't funny.

"Thor!" I whined.  "Can't you just, you know."

"Sorry, Perce.  Your uncle doesn't want us to do that concidering blank knows blank."

"Excuse me?" The guy I learned was Steve said.

"None of your buisness." I said, sticking my tongue at him.  "By the way, why are you dressed like an American Flag?  Halloween isnt for another month."

The Tin Man-Tony started laughing.  "For a criminal, you're funny."

I burst out laughing.  "Me? A criminal?" I started laughing again.  That really was funny.  I was a god.  I had everything I wanted.  Besides, I fought in two major godly wars, basically taking over my teen years, and ruining my childhood.  Sort of.  Like when....oh, wait...

"Are you talking about the time I blew up the Arch?  Cuz that was an accident." I said.

They looked at me, wide eyes, Thor chuckling.  

"You know, my mom was captured by a crazy lunatic dude....Areson..." Que Thor and my children laughing.  "And he took me and two friends, one of them my wife, and took us on a crazy week nightmare, and I finally got free.  I was twleve.  It was on the news," I said, and they looked at me with sympathy.

They said nothing else for the entire ride. Bor-ring.

"I'm ADHD," I said(Though I wasn't really.  A god isn't hyper, just annoyingly dramatic.  I wasn't.  Unless someone *Cough* Apollo and Hermes *Cough* took and ate my mom's blue cookies.  Then I aim to kill.)  "Can you make this car ride a bit more interesting?"

"No," The girl said..

"Can we sing the SpongeBob theme song?" *Que laughter*

"No," Said the guy with the bows.  

"You guys really aren't fun.  Thor, Thes, Bi, and Hans, lets sing something.  Uhhh, how about..."

"How about no." Natasha, I think said, glaring at me.  But I noticed she blushed.  Huh. Wonder why.

"C'monnn!" I whined.  "You guys broke into my house and won't even let me sing!  I mean, what's wrong with you."

Tony sighed.  "He has a point."

"Thank you!  Ohhhhhhhhhhhh!" I started singing SpongeBob, and my kids joined me, and Thor gave me a patronizing look, so I said, "Fine, what other sing do you guys want to sing?"

"Shot through the heart!" Thes started.

"And your to blame!" Hans joined in.

"Darling, you give love a bad name!" I said.  Then we started singing, including Thor. I could tell even the other...Avengers?...were amused.

"We are here," Thor announced.

Then, I saw this weird dude with an eyepatch.  What is he, a piarte?  Dude, I already met Blackbeard, when I was a guinea (Probably not spelled right) pig, on that spa place.   Not very fun.

"Hi, Mr. Pirate.  Can you tell me what I'm doing here so I could go home?"

He stared at me.  Thor, Tony, and my kids laughed.

"Who do you think you are to talk to the director of S.H.E.I.L.D like that?" Eye Patch Dude (I am so awesome at making up nick names....Oh no!  I am turning into Apollo!  I'll miss you Annabeth!) demanded, glaring at me.

"He scares me," Thor whispered in my mind, and I grinned.  

"I think I am Percy Jackson.  You never know though.  I had amnsia once...."

Thes stiffled a laugh.

"Don't be smart with me-"

"I'm not smart, ask my wife," I grinned.

He seemed to be getting fustrated.  His fault for being annoying.

"What do you think you are?  You are just some idiot swimmer, who is a criminal. You are going to go to jail..."

"I think I am going to leave now," I said, smiling at him.  He is a bigger idiot than I thought.

"No you're not!  Thor, hold him down!"

Thor backed away.  "Sorry, Fury.  Some things are bigger than you."


I decided I had enough.  I used my awesome godly powers and rose ten feet in the air, the ocean crashing below.  My eyes flashed, and lightning lit the sky.  (Thanks for making my point, Uncle.)

"I am a Greek god!  Perseus Jackson, son of Poseidon, and the greatest hero of the millenia!"  I then went to floor, staying on my feet, grinning.  "Thank you, and have a nice day."  Then my kids and I flashed away.  That was fun.

Two hours later.

"Did you and the kids do anything interesting while I was gone?" Annabeth asked. 

Bi, Thes, Hans and I shrugged.  "Nothing much," I said.

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