A Hoggy and Warty Adventure

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Harry Potter:

Ginny, James, Lily and Albus watched as the people starfted to move into the giant house across the street from us.  James is in his final year of Hogwarts, Albus is in year six, and Lily is in her fourth year.  They grow up so fast.

Suddenly, four people started walking across the street, to our house.  They knocked on the door.  I saw them, and almost gasped.  None of them were very old.  Two were handsome men with black hair and sea greens eyes and sun kissed skin.  The other guy had blonde hair, a tan face, and hs eyes kept changing.  The other was a girl with stunning blonde hair and sea green eyes.  Her face was also tan, but more lean, I guess than the boys.  Her eyes also had a little grey in them if you looked close enough.

One of the guys was younger than me, but still the oldest.  Then the others were around Albus and Jame's age.

"Hello, my name is Percy Jackson, this is Achilles, or Ace, Zoe, they're mine, and this is-"

"Tristan Grace, sir. I'm staying with my cousins and uncle for a while.  Until we go back to the states."

"So you are all from America?" I asked.  

"No," Percy smiled.  "We all came from Greece."


"Yeah. But we were all born in the states, but our family is from there."

"Oh, cool." I said.

"So umm...Mr. ..."

"Oh, sorry.  I am Harry.  Harry Potter."

Percy looked at the kids, with a weird expression on his face.

"Okay, nice to meet you Harry, can we come in.  We need to talk."

My eyes narrowed, but I let them in anyway.  Soon, they were inside and sitting down, with my family, that I had introuced.  I didn't like the way James was eying Percy's daughter, though she was pretty, it was rude.

"Okay, we need to get down to buisness." Percy said.  Then he flicked something out of his jacket, and we gasped.  It was a wand.  He was a wizard. "I have intell that some Death Eaters-" He snorted, and Zoe, Ace, and Tristan looked like they were going to burst out laughing, "Are planning a comeback on Hogwarts."


"Yeah, and you are the Defence against the Dark Arts teacher, right?"

"No," I replied.  "I am the Headmaster now, they needed someone to fill in the post for a year, and I was nominated, so..."

"Even better.  I will be the DADA teacher this years, gods only know I could defend myself well enough. My kids are going to go to Hogwarts, maybe your kids could help sho them around."

"Why couldn't Jasper come?"

"Why, you'd rather have my brother here instead of me?"

"He is her boyfriend," Ace said.

James deflated a little, and I felt kind of bad.  

"No," She blushed. "He is just my best friend," She looked at Tristan and winked at him. I thought it was just a joke, because they were cousins, but Tristan blushed.  "I really wish Thalia was here."

"Why do you want aunty Thalia in a place full of boys?  She'll shoot arrows through their heads."

James and Albus gulped, and Lily grinned evilly.

"We are a strange, big, big, big, big family," Percy explained.  "I wish Annabeth was here."

"You'll see mom in a little bit.  Can we go to a pool?  I want to go swimming now."

"I am ashamed at you," Percy stared at his daughter, "Why would we swim in a pool, when we could swim in the ocean?"

They all grinned.  "Can James and Albus and Lily go with you?  I need to clear out some stuff so you can teach at Hogwarts."

Percy nodded.  "Sil, Bi, Hans, Thes, Luke, Charlie, Jasper, Maria, and Jason, Piper, Nico, and Thalia will be there."

I wasn't the only one confused.  

"Yes!" Zoe shouted.  "My sisters are coming!"

"Can you ask if Lucy could come?" Tristan asked.

"Lucy your girlfriend?" James asked.  Tristan looked grossed out.

"Ewe, man, she's my younger sister!"


This was turning into a weird conversation.


So, the Jackson's did what they did best; ruled everything and ended up making Hogwarts explode.

But, Percy is, well, a god, and fixed it before anyone knew that Hogwarts was kind of destroyed.  Good ole Percy.  And that.....is how the Jackson's and Potter's met.

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