Author's Note

210K 6.7K 1.2K

Wow, what a ride! I have had this story idea - a sort of coming-of-age, coming out kind of tale - rattling around in my head for quite a while before actually sitting down to write it, and it feels good that it's now finished. A little sad as well, since I did grow quite attached to my precious boys. I'm really going to miss my disaster Wes and house-husband Nico. Once my boys, always my boys.

As my second original story on here, I honestly didn't expect it to grow as much as it did - I remember this story suddenly exploding, going from maybe 30,000 reads to 500,000 in just over two weeks. Not saying that the number of reads is what makes the story - for me, writing is something of a happy place for me, and it would be rewarding even if I had only one reader - but being able to share my work with people who enjoy reading it as much as I loved writing it is amazing. It's still so crazy to think about how much engagement this story has gotten, but I am honestly so grateful that people, like you, even decided to click on this little story in the first place. Reading all your (hilarious) comments, and getting all the support from you guys even when my update schedule went out the window really warms my heart, and I can't even express how touched I am. Seriously. Honestly.

A few people have messaged me/commented about a potential Benny and Colin sequel/spin-off from this story, and unfortunately I don't have any plans to write a story for those boys as I have a lot of other story ideas that I've put on the back burner while writing Sheets which I am keen to explore. Hope you understand!

And, lastly, I want to thank everyone who read this story through to the very end from the bottom of my little heart - you guys are the best, and I love you all to pieces.

xx S

p.s. And yes, the bonus chapter in Nico's POV is still happening! I've decided to make it more like a collection of scenes from the main story from his perspective (and when I say collection, I mean like about 15 separate scenes). And I've written 6000 words so far, and it's nowhere near done - but it's coming, I promise! Oh, and just a head's up - the bonus chapter currently has a theme of 'Nico tries to act cool, but is actually just a dork in love'. Get keen.

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