Chosen by the Alpha

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I ran down the pavement as tears streamed down my face. I can’t believe that my parents actually kicked me out of the house. They always threaten me but I didn’t think that they’d actually do it.

The memory kept replaying in my head.

‘Lola I am sick and tired of all of this! You do nothing around the house! Absolutely nothing to help! You can live on the street for all I care!’ My mother screeched as I rolled my eyes.

‘Don’t you roll your eyes at us young lady.’ My dad warned before his hand came into contact with my cheek. He just slapped me. The force caused me to fall to the ground.

‘You asshole.’ I muttered as I slowly got back up off of the ground, holding my cheek.

‘That’s it. Out.’ My mother said sternly as she pointed towards the front door. I looked at her like she was crazy.

‘I’m serious Lola. GET OUT.’ She yelled. I didn’t hesitate to leave. I hated it there. I walked out the front door then slammed it behind me, leaving my parents and my whole life behind.

At the moment I was just thankful that I had my phone and money in my jean pockets as that all went down. I don’t have any plans to go back and get my stuff; I never want to see them again.

Throughout my entire life my parents treat me like I was a burden to them and that I was better off dead. Lovely, isn’t it?

Oh well, at least I don’t have to worry about them anymore. Although, I do have a couple of problems: Where am I going to live? I don’t have that much money and I have no food or water. Perfect. (Not the sarcasm.)

I sighed as I slowed my pace down to a walk and wiped some of the tears off of my cheeks as I accidentally bumped into someone. It was two girls who seemed to be about my age.

‘Oh, sorry.’ I muttered.

‘It’s okay, why are you crying?’ One of them asked although she seemed like she already knew the answer, she had long brown hair and dark brown eyes, the other had long blonde hair and bright blue eyes.

‘My parents just kicked me out.’ I said as I avoided her gaze.

‘What?! That’s terrible! Do you need a place to stay?’

‘Uh yeah, I do actually.’ I replied with a faint chuckle at the end.

‘You can stay with my, uh friends and I.’ She said as she smiled sweetly as the blonde girl snapped her head towards her and looked at her like it was the worst idea ever.

Is she serious? She’s just going to let a total stranger stay with her?

‘For real?’ I asked in shock.

She laughed then nodded.

‘Oh my gosh, yes! Thank you so much! But are you sure there will be enough room for me?’ I asked.

‘Yeah, we have plenty of spare rooms.’

‘Thank you so much! Uh.. Sorry, what’s your name?’ It can’t hurt to know the name of the person that I’ll be living with, right?

‘Hannah, yours?’ She asked as she held out her hand.

‘Lola.’ I replied as I shook her hand.

‘And I’m Rachel.’ The other girl piped in as she shook my hand. She still seemed unsure about me but tried to hide it.

‘Let’s go!’ Hannah squealed in excitement as she led me over to a black range rover. We got in and drove to my new home.

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