6. Time For Revenge

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Chapter 6

"Hands a little straight Lady Castillo." Ms. Martin who was teaching us dance steps spoke. We moved along with the others dancing around us. "You seem a little off today? Something wrong?" Chris asked. "I broke up with George. Prince George." I spoke. "Ohh- sorry." He replied.

The song finished. So Prince will be joining one of you today. According to the arrangement Lady Kiera Parvis will be having a date with the Prince." Ms. Martin spoke. She walked out giving me a smirk. "Rest of you continue practicing." She spoke.

I am really tired. My legs hurt due to dancing so much. "Here have some." Chris brought me a cold coffee. "Thanks." I replied. "What's in it for you being my partner?" I asked as we walked back to class. "If you get selected then I become a part of your family." He replied. "Like my brother or something?" I asked and he nodded. "That's cool. What about your parents?" I asked. "Only on papers I'll belong to your family. From Marquess to Duke. Rest remains the same." He replied.

I waved at him as I walked into my class. I flopped on my seat. "You look tired." Vic spoke. "Very." I replied and looked at George's seat that was empty. "Did something happen between you two?" Vic asked. "We broke up." I replied. "You what!" She exclaimed. "Shh! Lower your voice." I looked around at the people staring.

"It was my idea. Don't ask why." I replied. She just nodded. The next class started. "So many of you must have heard how Jack and Robert Smith took over a small company. How conflicts arrived and Jack Smith went to jail and the property solely belonged to Robert Smith." My eyes widened. Jack went to jail? What happened?

"Can you explain Mr. Fitzgerald?" I asked. He nodded looking at me. "Rose Smith who was Jack Smith's wife was killed by Jack Smith for her little company. Which is said to be left over by her grandfather. Firstly her death was said an accident but later Robert Smith confessed that his brother Jack killed her. So Jack was arrested and the company went in the hands of Robert Smith." He explained.

The class ended and he left. It was the last lecture. I drove home. I have to go back home. I have to know what exactly happened. I drove to dad's office. I knocked on his office door. "Olivia! What brings you here?" He asked. My eyes fell on the man sitting on the couch. "I'll wait. You can finish your meeting." I spoke. "That's your daughter Dayton?" The man asked. "Yes. Mr. King." Dad replied and I recognized the man as George's dad. "Good afternoon Mr. King." I bowed. "Don't be so formal dear. Your dad and I have been friends since a long time. You are like my daughter." He replied and I smiled.

"So why are you here?" Dad asked. "I wanted to visit a friend. So I thought maybe you can ask leave at school for me." I replied. "A friend?" He asked. "Yes. She lives five hours away from here." I replied. "How long?" "2 days 3 at most." I replied. "Fine. I'll have some one looking out for you." He replied. "Oh George can join her." Mr. King spoke. "No I'll be fine on my own. And he has so much work nowadays." I replied. "Don't worry dear. I'll make sure he comes with you." He replied. I didn't have the guts to argue further.

I left there. I called George.

"Hey George. Prince George. I'm Olivia."
"I know that. Why did you call?"
"I met your father today. He'll probably ask you to accompany me for a trip. Please tell him you can't go with me."
"Why would I do that?"
"We broke up. It would be awkward."
"I don't care."
"George please. Try to understand."
"I gotta go. Be ready at 9." He hung up and I sighed.

Looks like I can't do anything. I packed my bag and went to sleep. Morning he was on time to pick me up. "Want some coffee?" He asked. "No I'm good." I replied. I turned on the stereo to reduce the silence. I slowly started to murmur looking out the window.

"Are you hungry?" He asked. We have been on road since three hours. "A little." I replied. He stopped by a Pizza hut. I used the washroom. He had already ordered. "Which friend are you visiting?" He asked. "An old one. You probably don't know her." I replied and he laughed. "We were inseparable Olivia. There's no way I don't know a friend of yours who lives this far." He replied. "I met her recently on Instagram." I replied. He looked at me but didn't speak further.

After two hours we reached. "I'll get the rooms." George spoke. He got the keys and gave one to me. "Call me if you need anything." He spoke. Our rooms were close. I changed and walked out. I got out of the hotel. My house isn't much far from here.

I took a cab. I walked to my room. I knocked. The blonde opened the door. Marissa as I remember her name was. Her stomach had a bump. She let me inside. "Who are you?" She asked. "I am a friend of Rose. Is she inside?" I asked. "Rose? Oh you mean her? She died six weeks ago." She replied. "What! How did that happen?" I exclaimed. She looked me form head to toe. "Her husband killed her." She replied. "Jack? That son of a bitch! Where is he now?" I asked. "He's in the jail." She replied. "Serves him right!" I exclaimed and started to sob. "Hey are you Okay?" She asked getting me a glass of water.

"Good thing I never told him about her grandfather's company." I replied. "He already took it." She replied. "That's the small one. She also had another property in her name. That's with contract with me." I replied. "Who are you exactly?" She asked. I bet by now she must have noticed all the luxurious goods I'm wearing.

"I'm Olivia Castillo." I replied and her eyes went wide. "Oh my god! It's really you!" She exclaimed. "How exactly did you know Rose?" She asked. "I had an intrest in her property so we made a contract. The land. It's worth millions. I'm glad Jack didn't find out." I replied. "Ohh." She was now thinking. Seems my plan worked.

"I should probably leave now." I got up. "It was a pleasure to have you. I hope we can probably hang out sometime." She smiled. "Sure. Are you Rose's friend too?" I asked. "We were best friends." She replied. "Ohh.. I'll see you later then." I replied. I handed her my card. "You can contact me if you need anything. A friend of Rose is a friend of mine as well." I replied. She happily took the card.

I took a cab back to the hotel. "Where did you go?" George asked. "I went to see my friend." I replied. "You should have called me. I would've come along." He replied. Why is he angry right now? "I didn't think you were needed. I don't even know why you're here." I exclaimed. I walked into my room and shut the door. Maybe I should just go to sleep.

I dressed up to go see Mom today. I hope George won't bother me. I took a cab to Mom's. She opened the door and looked at me confused. "Hi. I'm Olivia. A friend of Rose." I smiled. "Come in dear." She smiled. I hugged her. "I'm sorry for your loss." I spoke. "Who is it honey?" I heard a familiar voice. "It's a friend of Rose." She replied. Dad came out and my eyes filled. They are finally together but I'm not there with them.

"Ohh come in dear." He spoke. I sat on the couch. "Are you two doing well?" I asked. "We miss her a lot." Mom sobbed and dad held her. "Rose never told us about you." Dad spoke. "We weren't that close. Just met in a cafe one day." I replied and he nodded. "We lost her. I should have paid more attention to her life. I shouldn't have let her marry that bastard." He angrily spoke. "What hurts more is that her killer is still out." He spoke and I looked at him surprised. "What do you mean?" I asked.

"Jack told us in her funeral that Robert, his twin brother was the one who killed her. Him and some other girl deceived him that it was his baby she was carrying. The baby was his brother's." He replied. "He told you that?" I asked and he nodded. "Don't worry. I'll make sure Robert will get his piece of the pie." I replied before leaving.

I know what I have to do next. It's time for revenge.


Another update! Both the chapters are long, enjoy! Vote and comment!

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