9. I'd Be Honored

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Chapter 9

He looked at me. "Now you know that I'm not Olivia. So I hope you can treat me like the other duchesses. I don't want you to be unfair to them. Maybe you'll find your right one among them." I spoke. I heard him chuckle. I looked at him surprised. "Tell me one thing." He leaned in. "Who is the right one for you?" He asked.

"I don't know." I replied. "That's your request?" He asked and I nodded. "What do I get in return?" He asked. "I dont have anything to offer." I replied. Who am I kidding? What would the King want anything from me. "Go to Prom with me." He spoke and I looked at him with wide eyes. "That's- that's not something I can agree to." I replied.

I got a big lecture from Ms. Martin about keeping my distance from him. She'll strangle me if I agreed to it. "I will have to ask Ms. Martin." I replied. "Fine. Leave that to me. But you can't agree to go with anybody else." He spoke. "Okay." I replied.

We talked for an hour. It was like an interview with cross questioning. Olivia and my favorites are a bit different. I bet we could have been best friends. I drove back home.

"Olivia!" Mom called and walked to the garden. "You'll be so thrilled!" She exclaimed and took me to the dog house. I was confused. "Look." She showed me the six little puppies. "Oh my god!" I exclaimed. They are so precious! "We have new family members." She smiled.

They were so tiny hiding beneath their mother. We had one female and one male husky. No we have nine of them. "Mom are we going to keep them all?" I asked. "No dear. We'll shift them to our farmhouse." She replied. "And probably your dad will get another pair." She spoke and I chuckled.

Next day we were practicing dance again. After practice we were asked to wait. Only the girls. "So next week is prom." Ms. Martin started. "Prince George will be coming to choose his partner tomorrow. The one who is selected will have another class added to your schedule."

Hearing more classes makes me sick. I hope he doesn't pick me. Well I don't think he won't pick me. "I heard Prince George broke up with you." Kiera spoke as Ms. Martin walked out. "Sort of." I replied. He hasn't agreed yet.

"Are you alright?" Raeliana asked. "I'm fine. Actually he hasn't told anything. I was the one who wanted to break up." I smiled at her. "Sure you did." Kiera rolled her eyes. We walked out. Raeliana was the most friendly one. I'm glad she's next to me.

Next day came sooner than expected. All the girls were dressed up. I realized how casually I have come. I received a look from Ms. Martin. Well I didn't know I had to dress up. George came in and we bowed. "Good afternoon." He smiled at each one of us giving a nod. He have me a smrik and I was surprised.

"You can leave Ms. Martin." He spoke. She nodded and left. We were seated in a round table. "Prince George can I ask you something?" Kiera spoke. "Sure Lady Keira." He smiled. I didn't like this. Maybe because I'm too found of calling him mine.

It's not me. It's this body that belongs to Olivia who loved George. "I heard you broke up with Lady Olivia." She spoke and I looked at her with wide eyes. Who asks such a question so directly?He chuckled and shook his head. "Did we?" He looked at me and I was speechless.

"We surely did." I replied. He looked away. "As you heard Lady Keira." He smiled at her again. He gives me this mean looks and smiles so sweetly at the others. I really don't like this.

After few conversations finally he decided to tell who he is taking to prom. He stood up. He walked to me and took a rose from the vase on the table. "Will you go to the prom with me Lady Olivia." He handed me the rose. This is so embarrassing. After telling them that we broke up he asks me to prom.

"I'd be honored Prince George." I took the rose. "Let me make a thing clear. This has nothing to do with personal affairs. I picked the girl I'm intrested in." He spoke before talking his leave.

I looked at the rose. He's intrested in me. Even after knowing that I'm not Olivia. "This is so stupid!" Kiera exclaimed before walking out. Everyone was out. Ms. Martin came in and smiled.

"You have to work a speech with Prince after school." She spoke. "With the Prince?" She asked and I nodded. She walked out. None of us have been exposed as the duchess. Prom is a big deal. The paparazzi will be behind us after prom. Maybe until the rest of our lives. This is a real big deal.

Vic was way too much excited for the Prom. She's going with Chris because of her dad. She's more interested in my date than hers. I had to get a new dress and accessories because of my partner. We were wearing matching outfits. I've been spending way too much time with him. I can feel the bond increasing between us. I hope I don't end dead again.


Next is the prom and paparazzi. Who's excited? I am.

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