11. He Forgot Me

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Chapter 11

Five years. It's been five years since I have seen George. The last person whom I thought I'll love. My nerves are on fire. I'm going to see him today. After so long. I lost count of how many scenarios I have imagined.

"Miss Castillo we are here." The chauffeur opened the door for me. I thanked him and got out. The reporters flashed at me. "So how are you feeling Miss Castillo?" A blonde asked. "I'm surely overwhelmed." I smiled at her.

I walked in before they fired more questions. I was announced as I walked in. "Hey!" Raeliana hugged me. "How are you?" She asked. "I'm great. What about you?" I asked. "Never been better." She replied. We all separated after graduating. It's really so good to see the familiar faces again.

Ibelina came and hugged me. We greeted each other. "Kiera's got a boyfriend." She pointed to Kiera who had her arms intervened with a man. "Dating isn't allowed till the Prince makes his choice right?" I asked and she chuckled. "What's there to wait. We already know who he's gonna chose." She smirked and I laughed.

"Here comes Prince George." The announcer announced. We all turned to the door. My heart beats were high. He walked in and my breath almost got stuck. My eye fell on Lucia who was in his arms. Something didn't seem right.

"Why is she with him!?" Ibelina exclaimed besides me. "I have no idea." I replied. "The Prince will be announcing his fiancee tonight." Ms. Martin spoke. I saw my mom and dad. They seemed disturbed. What's the matter?

"Good evening everyone." He spoke. The reporters were already recording. He gave a small speech before finally picking his bride. He hasn't even spared me a glance. My instincts say that something is wrong.

"The one I choose my life partner is-" He took a deep breath. "Miss Lucia Taran." He spoke and I almost lost balance. Everyone clapped as Lucia walked up besides him. "Hey you alright?" Ibelina asked. I nodded. "This way duchesses." Ms. Martin led us to the red carpet from where we had to go and congratulate them.

I am completely lost. I never expected this. Soon it was my turn. I walked ahead them. "Congratulations Prince George. Miss Taran." I gave them a smile. I looked into his eyes. "Thank you Miss Castillo." They replied. I bowed before walking down. There was no emotion in his eyes.

"Olivia?" Dad spoke and I hugged him. "I'm sorry." He whispered and I tried not to cry. "I'll be back in a minute." I smiled and dashed out to the garden. How can he do this to me! "Hey kitty!" I heard a familiar voice. I turned and saw Ben. I hugged him tightly and burst into tears.

"It's fine. It's fine. Calm down." He soothed my back. "Why would he do that to me!" I sobbed. He held me for a moment before letting me go. He wiped the tears off my cheek. Ben is a friend I made in the University. He is like one of the best guys in my life. He is a Marquess. Benjamin Mountbatten. My best friend since five years.

"We must go in before anyone comes looking for you." He spoke and I nodded. Everyone was dancing. "Olivia!" I smiled at the king. "Mr. King." I bowed. "This girl is always so sweet." He laughed holding my shoulder. "Gentleman can I take her for a moment?" He asked Ben. "Sure Mr. King." He bowed and left.

"Come let me introduce you to my other sons." He took me to where two guys were talking. "Father." The both bowed. "Meet my sons. Richard. Ambrose." He introduced. "Prince Richard. Prince Ambrose." I bowed. "I'm Olivia Castillo." I smiled. They kissed my knuckles and smiled.

"Oh dear! You all chat I'll be back." Mr. King walked away. I awkwardly glanced between them. What does the King want? "Want a drink?" Prince Ambrose asked. "Sure." I smiled and took the champagne glass from him.

"Hey people!" A girl came to us. "Oh hello. I'm Edwina." She smiled at me. "Olivia." I smiled back. "I like you already!" She threw her hands across me and hugged me.

"Dad sent me here. He really likes you and I can see why. He wants you to pick one of my brothers that are left." She pointed to the guys. "You are Princess Edwina!" I exclaimed. "I'm sorry I didn't know!" I quickly bowed. "Please. I don't like people addressing me like that. I liked the one better." She replied.

"So anyone of them caught your interest?" She asked. I awkwardly looked at the Princes who were watching me. "They both are handsome and-" I was out of words. They burst into laughter. "This is the first time someone is out of words for us." Prince Richard spoke. "I'm really sorry. I just-" I bit my lip in embarrassment.

"It's fine." He replied. We talked for a moment. "Why isn't there any ceremony for you guys?" I asked. "We aren't born to the Empress. She died while giving birth. Dad then married our mother who rejected the crown. So we aren't exactly like George." Richard replied. "Ohh." I replied.

"So you know George?" He asked. "Yeah. I was one of the options." I replied. "Ouch." Ambrose held his heart and I chuckled. "I would have picked you." He smiled and I gave him a faint smile.

I excused myself and walked away. I saw George in a balcony looking out. I walked to him. "George!" I exclaimed and he turned to me surprised. "I think you owe me an explanation." I crossed my arms against my chest. "I don't think so Miss Castillo." He looked confused.

"Stop joking. Do you even know what you've done? Why did you pick her!" I exclaimed. "I don't think I had to ask for your permission Miss Castillo." He replied. "Stop calling me that! Do I really mean nothing to you anymore?" I asked. "What are you talking about?" He asked.

I'm getting really angry! "You chose her over me! Was all that talks and kisses five years ago a joke to you?" I asked. "What are you talking about?" He asked. I wanna scream and jump off the balcony. "I will never forgive you!" I screamed and turned to leave.

He grabbed my hand and I glared at him. "What does that mean?" He asked. "That means. Fuck. Off. I don't want to see you ever again!" I pulled my hands of of his grip and walked out.

I spotted Ben and walked to him
"Ben drive me home please." I spoke. He knew I was going to cry. I held my hand and quickly took me out of there.

"I heard he lost some memories." He spoke once he started the car. "What!" I exclaimed. "Yes. He doesn't remember much of his highschool." He replied. "That means he doesn't remember me or anything we had?" I replied and he nodded. "How did that happen?" I asked. "You remember he was kidnapped in middle school." He spoke. "Yeah. I was the one who pulled him out if that building and called the cops." I replied. "That time he had a mental breakdown. He had a accident in the University and his memories lapsed and he forgot mostly everything after that kidnapp." He replied.

"They say his memory probably won't return." He spoke. I don't even know what to do or how to react. "What if I tried to make him remember?" I asked. "It may harm him." He replied. "Then what am I supposed to do!" I screamed.

He gasped and lost a bit control. He quickly recovered. "Don't yell so suddenly!" He exclaimed breathing fast. "He forgot me!" I sobbed. "Calm down. The pain will fade slowly." He replied. I fell asleep crying in his car.


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