20. I remember her

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Chapter 20

I rushed to the hospital. "Are you alright?" Nick asked. He is a doctor and my friend. "I need to remember everything. Everything that happened during highschool. I need to remember her." I spoke sitting on the chair across him. "George calm down. What happened?" He asked. The door opened and his secretary Alex came in. "Hello Prince George." He greeted and I nodded.

"Just give me some medicines or anything. I have to remember." I told. Nick and Alex exchanged a glance. "It's dangerous. Your mental stability can be disturbed. You can go to coma." Nick spoke. "I don't care! I just need to remember her!" I exclaimed and they flinched. "Fine." Nick spoke and looked at Ric. "You have the folder?" He asked and Ric handed him a folder. He took out some paperwork and set it on the table.

"I'll tell you some parts of your memory and you try remembering. If you feel any headache tell me to stop." He spoke and I nodded.

"Thank you for saving me. Be my girlfriend."
  "I'd be honored to."

"Stop climbing in through my window!"
  "I just brought you food."

"You stayed at Miss Olivia's house?"
  "I only went to give her some food but we talked and fell asleep."

He went on telling more and more dialogues. They felt familiar but I didn't get any flashbacks.

He was done. He looked at me. "Did you get any flashback?" Nick asked and I shook my head. "Maybe we should give it more time." Nick spoke. "No. I have to remember as soon as possible!" I spoke.

"How about we guess a few intimate dialogues between you and Miss Castillo? Maybe that will help." Alex spoke. I rested my elbow on the chair and my head on my hand. I signaled him to continue. He took out his phone.

"I smile every time I think of you."

"You are the most important person in my life, now and always."

"I miss your kisses."

"You are my soulmate."

"In all my life, I never believed I'd find a love like this."

"As hard as I try, mere words really aren't enough to express how I feel about you."

He read. He looked up at me and I gave him a blank expression. "I don't think they would exchange such words." Ric spoke. I turned to him. "I mean maybe you had a different choice of words." He spoke.

"Like those cheesy couples? I'm not Olivia. I'm babe." Alex taunted him. There was a sharp pain in my head. "What did you just say?" I asked and he looked at me with wide eyes. "I'm babe?" He asked. "No the one before that?" I told. "I'm not Olivia?" He asked and the pain became severe. I got glitched flashbacks.

"Are you alright!" Nick asked and I held my head and shut my eyes close. I screamed in pain. "Quick get the medicine!" Nick exclaimed. Soon my body felt light and I passed out.

"George there is something I want to say."
     "What is it?"
"I want to break up with you."
   "It will be you Olivia. It has always been you."
"That's not it George. I need a break. I can't do this." 
     "I have never thought of other girl other than you. You know how much I love you."
"It's not about you. It's about me. I just need some time for myself."

"We broke up. It would be awkward."
   "I don't care."

"Where did you go?"
    "I went to see my friend."
"You should have called me. I would've come along."
     "I didn't think you were needed. I don't even know why you're here."

"Who are you?"
"Why are you acting so weirdly? Before you used to complain that you didn't get to spend much time with me and now you're pushing me away."

"George stop!" 
"I'll kill this fucker today!"

"Do you know what would have happened if I came a minute later?"
    "I'm sorry. It won't happen again."

"I know this isn't the right time but I can't keep it to myself."
"Did I do something wrong?"
    "No George. I'm actually not Olivia."
     "I am not Olivia. I'm not joking."
"Then who are you?" 
     "I'm Rose Smith. The one who died six weeks ago."
"So what about my Olivia?"
     "I don't know. I am also thinking about the same thing."
"I can't believe this. I don't even know who you are!"
     "I understand. You can do anything you want. I'm really sorry for this. I wish I could do anything about it."

"Now you know that I'm not Olivia. So I hope you can treat me like the other duchesses. I don't want you to be unfair to them. Maybe you'll find your right one among them."
   "Tell me one thing."
"Who is the right one for you?"

"Go to Prom with me."
  "Fine. Leave that to me. But you can't agree to go with anybody else."

"Will you go to the prom with me Miss Olivia."
   "I'd be honored Prince George."
"Let me make a thing clear. This has nothing to do with personal affairs. I picked the girl I'm intrested in."

"I want to spend tonight with Rose."
    "Well you are spending time with Rose."
"No. You are acting to be Olivia. I want the real Rose."
     "Well why would you want to spend time with someone who is ten years older than you?"
"I don't know. I want to get to know you."

"What if one day I vanish? Like poof!"
     "Then probably I must lock you up in my room forever."
"You sound like a sadist."
     "You can be sued for calling me that."
"I would like it if you are the one suing me."
"Ops. Should I be acting like a teenager?"
     "Being you is great."

"Whom would you have chosen anyway?"
     "Is that even a question?"
"Tell me. Me or Olivia?"
     "I realized I was never in love with Olivia."
      "I was just thankful that she saved me. But I mistook it for love and tied her up with me." "What made you realise that?"
      "The way you make me feel. I swear no one has ever made me feel that way. The excitement of seeing you never fades. It's like I never get enough of you."
"Are you sure it's different?"
      "I can feel it. It's different. I never thought feelings like this existed. I'm truly in love with you Rose Hastings."
"Maybe I'll love you too."
      "Take your time. You're mine for this life like I am yours. It's gotta be you and me forever."

"I'll miss you."
   "I'll miss you more."
    "I'll write you often. I promise when I come
      back I won't leave you even for a minute."
"Fine then. I'll wait for you."

I felt a tear leave my eye as all the memories came back.


No kidding. That was really some major copy paste I had to do. Just some dialogues. I know the chapter is short. Just bear with me for more 2 chapters!

So he finally remembers!!

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