7. I'm Not Olivia

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Chapter 7

"Yeah George is with me." I spoke flopping on the bed. "God! You should've seen the drama. Everyone already thinks you are the future princess." Vic replied. "That's not gonna happen. Whatever I gotta go. I haven't had lunch yet." I replied. "It's three and you haven't eaten?" She asked. "Nope. I'll call you later." I hung up.

I walked out to the dinner. "What can I get you Miss?" A waiter asked. I ordered a simple meal and sat looking around. I should have gotten a text from Marissa by now. Why hasn't she texted? "Hey." George sat across me. "Hi." I replied straightening. "You should probably go back. I heard everyone was looking for you." I spoke. "Who are you?" He asked and my eyes went wide.

"Why are you acting so weirdly? Before you used to complain that you didn't get to spend much time with me and now you're pushing me away." He replied. The waiter came with my order. I just silently ate. He kept looking at me. What am I supposed to answer to a question like that?

My phone pinged and I quickly checked it.

'Hey it's Marissa. Rose's best friend. Are you free tonight? My husband wanted to invite you over for dinner.'

I smirked.

'Hi Marissa. I would love to. But I can't come to your house. I have an appointment at the club tonight. How about you and your husband join me.'

I texted back.

'Sure. Sounds great.'

I looked up at George who was curiously watching me. "What are you up too?" He asked. "Nothing." I took the bill but George paid. "Why did you pay?" I asked. He ignored me. He followed me to the elevator. "I am going out tonight. Don't look for me." I spoke. "Where are you going?" He asked. "To meet a friend." I replied. "Fine." He replied. Just like that? Something doesn't feel right.

I wore a black knee length dress. I wore the necklace that has a camera and a sound recorder. Dad had gifted me this. Today I'm gonna make them pay. I took a cab to the club. "Miss Castillo." The personal waiter I booked greeted me. I nodded and he took me to a VIP table upstairs. "Don't mess anything." I spoke and he nodded.

Soon Marissa and Robert came. "Nice to finally see you Miss Castillo. I never thought I'll be seeing you." Robert shook my hand. My blood is boiling. "The pleasure is all mine." I smiled. The waiter brought drinks. "I don't drink." Marissa spoke. "I guessed as you are pregnant. I ordered juice for you." I smiled. "Thank you." She smiled and took it.

I gave Robert a sweet smile as he checked me out. Son of a- "So how did you know Rose?" He asked. "I made a contract with her over a company." I replied. "And you should've guessed how much a company of Castillo is worth." I replied. "So what about Rose's shares?" He asked. "I'm thinking about it. I should maybe transfer it to her mom or the company you took over." I replied.

"Can you be trusted? No offence. It's just you are Jack's brother and I can't risk the shares." I spoke. "I understand Miss Castillo. But you can trust me. You'll be surprised to know I am the one who handed Jack to the police." He replied.

After a while I could see them high on drinks. I know it's illegal but I don't have any other way. "Did Jack really kill Rose. I mean he is so dumb I don't think he had the guts." I replied and he chuckled. "You're right. He is such a loser. He even thought the baby was his." Marissa laughed. "Killing Rose was a badass move. Which some like you would do." I smiled. "You think so?" He asked and I nodded. "Let me tell you a secret." He leaned closer.

His breath was almost unbearable. "I was the one who shot her in the head. Jack was just a pawn." He replied. "What!" I exclaimed. "Shh!" He placed his finger on my lips. I cringed and pushed it away. "I did everything and framed Jack. The baby is mine. Everything is mine." He spoke. "You like my guts?" He came closer. I have got enough evidence.

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