Chapter 17.

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“I can’t say I’m sorry because I don’t know the feeling of being abused, but what I can tell you is that it is okay to cry. It shows that you are human, I’m glad that you finally opened up. The past is what made you who you are today— best selling author. Now is the time to let go of the past and live the life you have always wanted. You also said in your book that ‘it’s up to us to let experiences destroy us or mold us ’. You are strong yet weak. You are afraid to let anyone in, you think they will hurt you somehow—but people are not the same—angel. Just because one guy did something bad to you doesn’t mean the rest of them are the same.”Tay holds my hands and sends chills up and down my spine. My stomach flips in butterflies.

“Thank you.” I wipe the tears that are falling down my cheeks.

“Come on, it’s time for breakfast.”He leads me to Vince’s office. There is a tray with toasts and two bottles of orange juice.

The rest of the day goes by pretty quickly. Tay playing with the kids with me just observing. He is good with kids and they all love him. And now it was time to go home.

We both slide in his car and head home. Tay drives into the garage and we climb out of the car and head for the door.

“Thanks for today,” I tell Tay. I feel like I have lifted a burden off my shoulders. I can finally start over, without those emotions bottled up.

A man with a little bit of gray hair is sitting on a couch drinking wine.

“Well, well, well, look who finally decided to show up?” the man looks familiar, but I’m not sure where I have seen him. He crosses his leg over the other and sniffs his wine.

“Uncle?” Tay says with a bored and annoyed tone.

“In the flesh.” He says and takes a sip of his wine. I get a weird vibe from him, even his tone is disgusting.

“So this is the next Mrs. Payne huh?”His uncle, David says with disgust in his tone. I can’t help but roll my eyes.

“She is beautiful, too bad she dresses like a child.” I’m wearing skinny jeans, a black hoodie, and white sneakers. My hair is in a messy ponytail.

“Well too bad I don’t care about your opinions. ” David chuckles.

“Already in love, I see,” David says and stands up from the couch.

“What do you want David ?”Tay asks.

“Just wanted to meet the soon to be Mrs. Payne since the first one kind of—” Tay cuts him off. What am I missing here, their feud seems to run deeper than I thought.

“Get the hell out of my house,” Tay shouts. His breath has increased, his hands have formed a fist. His knuckles have turned white, and it is taking everything in him to control his temper. David smiles and walks to the door throwing his car keys in the air and whistling. Tay searches his pocket and by the looks of it, he is looking for his phone. I grab it from him before he can crash it.

“What the hell!” Tay shouts. He gives me a death glare. I have never seen him like this, it is like his uncle brings out the worst in him.

“I won’t let you crash an expensive phone just because you can’t fucking control your temper. Do you know how many lives this phone can feed?” I shout.

“Good thing I don’t care and it’s my God-damn money. Now, give it back OLIVIA?”I flinch at how he emphasizes my name.

“No,” I stand my ground. If he can tell me not to let past experiences destroy me then he needs to do the same.

“For God’s sake Olivia—” He warns but I stand up straight. He runs his hand through his hair in frustration. He grabs the glass David was drinking from and mash it against the wall. I flinch at the sudden crash. He flips the glass coffee table upside down.

Andrew, Future, and Nate rush in.“What the hell happened here?” Andrew asks. Future hides behind Andrew like something bad is about to happen.

“Nothing.”Tay booms, and I jump a little.

“Don’t fucking say it’s nothing, you need to control your anger, look at Olivia and Future’s faces. You are scaring them!” Andrew says. His face softens a little when he looks at me.

“You need to get your shit together. This is too much. You need to figure things out, brother. It has been fucking years Tay! we are going to Future’s place—I hope you will have more sense by the time we get back.” Nate finishes his speech. What happened? Is that why he is like this? Why do I get the feeling that this has to do with his uncle? What’s going with this family? Why so many secrets.

“Sister-in-law?” Nate breaks me from my thoughts.

“Huh?”I ask.

“Let’s go, Tay has a lot of thinking to do,” Nate says grabbing my hand. Nate has always been the childish one— it’s kind of strange seeing him act all responsible and giving his brother his piece of mind. I turn to find Tay seating on the couch—tugging the roots of his hair hard. Andrew is holding Future’s hands since she is shaking like nobody’s business.

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