Chapter 33.

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“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it, I said it in a moment of—” I cut him off.

“People tend to tell the truth when they are angry. I should have left when I had the chance.” I spit.

“I think you should go, man. you can see that she is furious right now,” Chad tells Tay.

“Don’t tell me what to do with my wife,” Tay gets close to Chad. A black Ferrari appears and Andrew, Nate, and Future climb out of the car. Future rushes towards me and the guys go to Tay and pull him away from Chad before a fight can break off.

“Tay, listen to me, you are not thinking straight right now,” Andrew says shaking Tay.

“Am in the right state of mind. I know he wants Olivia just to get back at me.”Tay yells.

“What!”I say looking at each one of them.

“What’s going on?”I ask Future.

“Later,” is all she says.

“I’m not like you. Yes, Olivia is a beautiful and intelligent woman, but I would never do what you did to me. I have principles.”Chad says, which causes Tay to struggle against his brothers to get to him.

“Then stay away from Olivia?”

“I’m afraid I can’t do that, she signed a contract. She works for me now.”

“Chad please terminate the contract just for the sake of peace. It took years for you guys to talk again so please consider it?”Future asks and I look at her like she has grown two heads.

Chad sighs, “I will only consider it if you recommend someone who matches Olivia’s achievements,” Chad tells Future.

“Where the hell will we get someone like her? You know they are rare, it’s not every day you meet someone with a giant brain.”Nate says.

“Exactly, I saw an opportunity and I took it. People like Olivia are rare like you said.”Chad tells Nate and I lose it.

“Stop talking about me as if I’m not here! And I’m not quitting my job. You have no right to tell me where to work or what to do.” I yell at the top of my lungs. I have had it with them.

“Olivia I need to talk to you, ” Tay tells me.

“Future please tell him I don’t want to talk to him,” I tell Future looking at Tay.

“Angel I need to talk to you please?” he begs.

“Future tells him I don’t want him near me,” I say.

“Angel pleas—” Future cut him off.

“ENOUGH!” Future yells and everyone goes quiet.

“I think it’s time you know everything, Olivia, so I think you should talk to him.”Future suggests.

“You’ve got to be kidding me!” I exclaim.

“You want to know who Emily is right? And the feud between me and my Uncle, lastly my friendship with Chad, and what happened?”Tay asks. He got me there, I do want to know who Emily is and what is up with his Uncle. And why he wants Chad to stay away from me.

“Fine.”I give in.

“Nate give me your car keys, I drove a mini cooper here,” Tay tells Nate and they exchange car keys. Tay placed his hand on my back, but I yank it away and walk towards the car. I slid in, buckled up and Tay hit the road.

“Where are we going?”I ask after an hour of silence. We are driving away from the city, and he hasn’t said a word about where we are going.

“We are almost there,” he tells me, and I lean on the dimmed window. I don’t know when I fell asleep, but I did and now Tay is busy waking me up.

“Olivia wake up, we are here,” Tay says while shaking my shoulder. I peek through my sleepy eyes and see tall trees around and a big creamy house. I close my eyes again and open them seconds later.

“Where are we?”I ask.

“Our farmhouse,” Tay tells me.

“Our?"I ask, confused, and looking around.

“Yeah, I bought it a few weeks ago,” Tay informs me.

“Oh okay!” with that I climbed out of the car.

“I know you love horses, there’s a stable at the back of the house.” my heart warms up, I have a soft spot for horses. We walk inside the house, it is also creamy in color.

“How about you freshen up, and I will prepare something for you to eat. There are t-shirts in my closet that got delivered last week.”Tay informs me, and I nod. I rush up the wooden stairs and walk to the room at the end of the hallway.

Master bedrooms are always at the end, right?

There is a big king size bed in the middle, and a door at the end of the room. I walk through it to find a bathtub. A closet is also connected to the bathroom. I dress up in Tay’s t-shirt and boxers. He already has his part of the closet filled with his clothes. I fold my hair into a messy bun and walk out.

The smell of food makes my stomach growl in hunger. I sit on the barstool, and Tay hands me a plate with a sandwich and a glass of juice. We eat in silence and later he clears the table.

“I guess now it’s time to tell you everything?” he runs his hand through his hair and looks deep into my eyes—and what he said made me speechless.

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