Chapter 32.

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The buzzing of my phone wakes me up, I groan and switch it off. One thing I hate about having a job is waking up early. Now I regret taking Chad's offer, I drag myself off the bed and make my way to the bathroom- strip out of my clothes, and turn the shower on. The hot water wakes me up completely, I wash my hair, body, and later wrap my body with a towel. I grab my pajamas from the floor and walk back to my room. I dress up in blue denim jeans, a light pink tank crop, and a denim jacket. I put on black superstar sneakers, grab my phone, and my backpack and walk out of the room to the smell of coffee.

Future is in the kitchen holding a mug.

"Morning, " I say and take the coffee mug from her.

"Hey! that's not for you," Future whines, and I sit on the stool around the kitchen island.

"You can make Andrew another cup of coffee. I need this one," I tell Future.

"Where are you going?" Future asks.

"Chad Media House, " She finishes making coffee.

"You don't need luck, so I will see you later," Future says and disappears from the kitchen. I finish my coffee and wash the mug. It's ten minutes walk to Chad's company, so I decided to walk and listen to music while walking.

Ten minutes later, I am in front of Chad Media House building. I open the door and walk-in, there's a lady in her early thirties sitting behind the reception desk.

"Hi, I'm here to see Chad. I'm Olivia Ferguson, " I inform the lady.

"Oh, Mrs. Payne. Mr. Brown told me about you. His office is on the top floor on your left when you exit the elevator," It feels so odd when someone calls me that. I'm used to Ferguson.

"Thank you," I say and walk towards the elevator. I stepped in and pressed the last floor. I tap on my phone as I wait for the elevator to beep open. Minutes pass and the elevator opens, I make my way to the direction the reception lady told me to. I knocked on the door and a voice shouted 'come in' on the other side. I opened the door and slid my head in.

"Olivia, please come in," Chad says, and walks towards me and we meet halfway.

"I thought you changed your mind?"Chad says.

"I walked, that's why I got here a little late," I informed him.

"What matters is that you are here... Where are my manners? please take a seat." I sit on the chair across from his. He takes out a contract from one of his drawers.

"Here is the contract, it's nothing major. Read it and if you have any questions you can ask. You can work from home, there's no need to come to the office every day. As long as you get the job done on time, it's fine by me." Chad informs me. The part of me working from home brightens my morning. After reading the contract I sign it.

"Great, Let me show you your office," We exit Chad's office and walk towards the office opposite to his.

"Here we are, you can decorate it however you want, " Chad tells me. The office is big, but not too big, there is a black desk, an apple laptop, and a landline phone. There's a small window bay too.

"Thank you, it's beautiful," I tell Chad. I walk towards the table and sit on the chair.

"If you need anything at all you know where to find me, and your first task is on the laptop, see you later," I nod and watch as he walks out.

I pull my hair into a ponytail and get to work. I get deep into editing this story that I lose track of time. The author did have some typos, but they were not major. The story is fantastic and would be a rollercoaster when it hits bookstores. There are so many teenagers out there telling amazing stories, but don't get a chance just because they are inexperienced. I, myself know more than anyone knows that you don't need to have writing skills just to write a good book. I wrote Behind Closed Doors with zero experience and besides, we all start somewhere, and today-there are published authors that had zero experience when it came to writing a book-but they still made it.

A knock on the door grabs my attention. Chad's head pops in," Hey, I thought I would invite you to lunch. You haven't been out of this office, so I thought I should come and get you before you faint of hunger." I chuckle and close the laptop.

"I could use a burger right now," I say and we make our way to the canteen. I ordered a burger and chips with sprite which Chad, and I argued on who is paying. I ended up losing, and Chad paid for my lunch.

We sit at the table at the corner, "So how is your work experience so far?"Chad asks and takes a sip of his Coca-Cola. He bought donuts.

"Great, there are great minds out there, and the story I was busy editing is freaking amazing. Just when I think I have read every book out there or there are no longer ideas to write about, I come across something else on another level-" Chad is staring at me with so much admiration.

" I'm so sorry. I am rambling ain't I?" he laughs.

"Don't apologize, you look cute when you are rambling," I blush and eat my chips. We finish our lunch and get back to work. The next few hours passed by quickly and it was now time to go home. I grab my small backpack, cell phone, and walk out. There are few people left in the office, and I slid into the elevator with some co-workers. I exit the elevator when it dings open, and walk towards the front door. I tap on my phone and find five missed calls from Future, ten from Nate, and lastly six from Andrew. I wonder what happened? I walk out of the building focusing on my phone trying to dial Future's number that I didn't even notice a figure walking in the same direction as me.

We collide and I close my eyes waiting for the impact, but strong arms snakes around my torso.

"Are you okay?" a voice asks and I open my eyes to find none other than Chad Brown. He gets ripped off me before I can reply and I end up on the floor. Ugh! The luck I have in this world.

"Don't ever touch my wife again!"Tay's voice booms. A jealous husband is the last thing I need right now.

Tay rushes to help me up, but I yank his hands away."Don't touch me, I can't believe you. You made me fall!" I give him death glares.

"He was touching what belonged to me," Tay glared at Chad on the floor.

"I'm not an object, and I don't belong to you or anyone else." with that I drag myself from the ground and grab my phone.

"Are you okay?" I ask Chad as he adjusts his suit.

"This is just great!" Tay exclaims.

"What is your problem?" this man sure is crazy.

"You ask Chad if he is okay, but you don't ask me how I felt when I saw my wife in another man's arms!" he shouts, glaring at me.

"Are you drunk or something? He caught me from falling, but that doesn't seem to matter since I ended up on the floor anyway. "I yell.

"We experience a problem in our marriage and you go whoring around with Chad Brown out of all people!" His words cut me deep, not in million years have I ever thought Tay would call me a whore-and him saying that word just bought back memories of that man. He treated me like a whore, a toy. He has no right to call me that after what he did with Ria and I do the one thing I should have done a long time ago. I slap him across the face.

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