Chapter 19

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Allies POV

There I stood in a crowded airport with my mom waiting for my best friend in the entire world. Hanna. I haven't seen her in about 7 months and I'm so excited. I was jumping with excitement, Hanna was like my second sister besides McKenzie.

"Flight 1839 has now landed." The voice over the intercom spoke. A smile grew on my face.

I waited for a good ten minutes until a familiar head of blonde hair peeks through the crowd. "Allie!" I hear. I look over and see Hanna running towards me.

She drops her bags and engulfs me into a huge hug which I return. I started crying after all she was my best friend.

I pulled back. "I've missed you so much Han, there's so many things I need to tell you and oh my god." I say once agin hugging her.

We quickly arrived at my house and we helped Hanna into the guest room. Remember when I said I had. Big ass house, I wasn't lying. We have five decently sized bedrooms

"Finished." Hanna spoke as she completed her room for the next three months. It took almost 4 hours to fix everything. God this chic is a perfectionist unlike me. We're polar opposites. But I guess that's what makes us best friends.

We sit down onto her bed and children's sit back and relax. Because it's story time. I begin telling Hanna everything that has happened since I've moved here.

"...and basically that's what my life has been like for the past 7 months since I've been here." I says finishing off my long ass story to Hanna about living in Australia for the past 7 months.

"Wow. Is all I can really say. I'm happy I'm finally here so that I can share some of your life here with you." She says before pulling me into our millionth hug of the day.

I hear on the door knock from downstairs so I get up to go downstairs. I open it up and I'm greeted by 7 familiar faces since me and Hanna were the only ones home.

"Great you guys can meet Hanna now." I say before running upstairs to get her. I drag her out of the room and downstairs and everybody is already on the couch and floor.

"Alright guys this is my best friend Hanna Maria James." I says putting my arm around her shoulders.

"Hi guys." Hanna says waving veranda to them. I looked over to Lukey boy and he was practically drooling.

"Hey Lukey, can I talk to you?" I ask. He nods hesitantly, but obliges. He gets up and follows me into the kitchen. "You like Hanna don't you?" I question.

A blush creeps up his cheeks and he sheepishly smiles. "I know I've only known her for like 5 minutes but I feel like there's something different about her ya know. Like that gut instinct."

I smiled, I knew for a fact Hanna liked Luke from all the things I've told her. "Go for it, trust me. I think you two will get along just fine." I said.

"Really?!?!" He asked with a huge grin on his face.

"Yes Lucas yes. You have my blessing good god, now go." I say pushing him out of the kitchen in front of me.

We get back and everybody is just chilling out. "Alright guys the real reason we came here is because we have some big ass news." Michael speaks.

"What is it?" Savy asks?

"Louis Tomlinson saw our cover of Teenage Dirtbag and tweeted about it." Ashton said. I was so happy, recently the guys have been getting a lot bigger and they were getting a lot of attention from people. But Louis Tomlinson, never thought this would happen.

"That's amazing, oh my god." I said running up to Calum and hugging him and kissing his cheek.

"That's not the only thing." Calum said. "They asked us to tour with them."

Wow. I've been dating this guy for 3 months and he's already leaving. I run upstairs and shut the door behind me and just cry. I love him so much and now he's gonna leave. He'll probably find someone so much better than me out there too.

The there's a knock on my door followed by Calum walking in. "Why are you crying?"

I chuckle dryly. "I'm crying because my boyfriend that I love so much is leaving." I say bitterly. I know it's wrong but I don't want him to go.

"Why are you being bitter, you should be happy for me. I'm going to live my fucking dreams Al. But guess your to busy worrying about yourself more than others."

"Fuck you Calum. I'm beyond ecstatic for you to be able to go out there and live your dreams. I'm just so fucking worried that you'll find another girl and leave me for her."

"You obviously don't trust me enough to know that I have eyes for you and you only." He spits out before walking out of my room. Which is followed by the downstairs door slamming.

I stand up from the floor and make my way over to my bed and lay down. I grabbed my phone and headphones and plugged them in. I pressed shuffle and fell asleep, with tears streaming down my face.







I wake up to pounding on my bedroom door. I get up and answer it to see a bloodshot Michael. "We need to go to the hospital now." He said before running down the stairs.

I didn't question, I just grabbed my vans and ran downstairs behind Michael. We got into his car and drove quickly down the road to the hospital.

"Michael what's going on?" I ask.

"Savy is in the hospital. She got into a car accident. Bridgette called me." He said as we pulled into the hospital parking lot.

We run inside the emergency room and go up to the front desk. "We're here for Savy Clark." I say trying to fight back the tears by biting my lip.

"Room 212. She's very unstable at the moment. So a few at a time please." The nurse spoke.

We make our way to room 212 and enter it. The sight was truly heartbreaking. Savy was hooked up to all sorts of wires and machines. I started to cry. She was one of my best friends.

Somebody clears their throat from behind us. We turn around and see the doctor and Bridgette.

"Hello, I'm Doctor Collins. As you can see Ms. Clarks condition isn't bey stable at the moment. It's unlikely she will make it. We have also determined the cause of the accident. A drunk driver hit her from behind causing her to slam into a tree. There is severe trauma to her head. The driver has also been identified. His name is Calum Hood."


A/N: Oh shit, nobody saw that one coming now did they. No you didn't.

So what did you guys think of this chapter? A little more drama, Calum and Allie got into an argument and Savy is in the hospital and its Calums fault.

Alright bye lovelies,


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