Chapter 17

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Calum's POV

They take her away from my arms and into an ambulance. Tears start to pour out of my eyes. That's the girl I love, and I just let that happen to her. She didn't deserve any of what just happened.

"Cal, buddy?" I hear Ashton's voice.

I look up and see him standing there, leaning against the door. "Yeah?"

"Let's meet her at the hospital, the paramedics said she will be okay. So let's go check on her." I nodded, got up, and followed Ashton out of the warehouse.

The tears continued to fall from my eyes as we drove to hospital. We arrived there fairly quickly. As soon as we got there I jumped out of the car and started running to the lady at the front desk.

" girlfriend Allie Walsh...she's here." I say sucking in a huge breath after I finish.

"Sir, I'm gonna have to ask you to wait . Only immediate family is allowed to see her right now. As she's not completely stable yet." The lady at the front desk spoke harshly.

"But you don't understand. That's my girlfriend in there. You have to let me see her." I said, speaking

"Sir, sit down. Or I will have security escort you out of the building." I gave up and walked away with my head facing the ground.

I found Ash in the waiting room with the other boys sitting down. I sat down in between Luke and Ashton and just stared at the ground. With there constant reassurance that she'd be okay. But I needed proof that's she was okay.

We sat there for a few hours until her parents came out. "Boys, she's gonna be okay, but she's sleeping right now. She suffered some head trauma. But she'll be alright." I didn't know how badly he hurt her until now. He caused her head trauma. If I could wrap my fingers around this guys throat I would.

"You can go and see her if you want but only a few at a time." Her dad says. Michael, Ashton, and Luke all go in. Leaving me alone in the waiting room while her parents went to the cafe downstairs.

The boys come back a few minutes later and I make my way to her room. I walk in and that's when it all really sets in. She looks worse then she did before, but still beautiful.

I walked over her bed and sat down in the chair next to it. I grabbed her hand and just stroked it with my callused thumb. I just took in everything. She had scratches and bruises covering her body.

I feel so guilty, I should've tried harder to get out of that chair. You would think a full grown guy would be able to buy no, I couldn't. I feel like this is all my fault. I know she'll tell me otherwise but I still feel bad.

Suddenly she shifts, I guess she's waking up. Her eyes flutter open, to reveal those beautiful hazel orbs I could stare at all day. She looks around and then stops when she sees me.



"Will you lay down with me?" She asks, slightly blushing. I nod and she makes room for me. I lay down next to her carefully, not wanting to cause more damage then what has already be done.

"I'm scared." She said burying her head into my chest.

"I promise you I'm not going to let anything happen to you, you know why?" I ask her.


"Because I love you." I finally said the three words I've been wanting to say. Im scared to as how she will react. Does she even love me back?

"You do, how could you love somebody like me Calum, I'm so boring, ugly, and all of the above." She said, her eyes starting to water.

I lifted her face up so we were at eye level. "Hey, none of those things are true. You are beautiful, funny, smart, caring, and everything good. Those are the reason why I love you." I told her.

"I love you too Calum." She said and then kissed me. Relief flood through me, she loves me back. Thank god.

We just laid there in silence, not that awkward, we don't know what to talk about silence. But the comforting silence, just enjoying each other's presence.

Soon she fell back asleep. Her soft snores were so cute. She cuddled closed to me. I like it though, I liked holding her in my arms. It was a natural feeling. Everything about her felt right.

Soon my eyes started drooping, and I, myself fell asleep. Holding my beautiful girl.







Allie finally got released from the hospital this morning and we went back to my house and stayed in all day.



"What if he gets out of jail, what if he comes back to try and get me. I'm so scared. He might try and actually kill me this time if he-." I cut her off by kissing her.

I pulled away and look at her. "None of that is going to happen. I made you a promise, and I'm keeping the promise. Whether it means risking my life for you or not. I'll make sure nothing happens to you." I said pressing a kiss to her temple.

"I love you Calum."

"I love you too Allie."



Hi People,

Okay so this was just kind of a filler. I a planning in ending this story in about another 15 or so chapters. So a lot more action will start to take place.

I am currently working on the playlist to this story. I do have a list of songs I'm going through to find the best 16 out of it. All of the songs will correlate to some scene in the book. The playlist is going through a lot of editing so in a couple more chapters or so it should be posted on 8tracks. The link will included on that chapter.

Later lovelies,


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