Chapter 25

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Luke's POV

"Hey Luke, can you do me a favor." Calum asks walking into my room of the hotel. I was sharing with ashton and he shared with Michael.

I nod and he continues to speak. "Alright, I'm just gonna say this all at once. Hanna's older brother died because of pancreatic cancer. Her and Allie are back in New York for right now and Hanna won't talk to to anybody. She hasn't come out of her room, for the past week. Allie called me and told me, and I wanted to see if you could try calling Hanna. Maybe she'd talk to you." He explains.

I was definitely not expecting that. "Yeah, I'll call her." He thanks me and walks back out of the room.

I set down the acoustic guitar I was fiddling with and grabbed my phone. I pressed Hanna's contact and called her. She picked up after the third ring.

"Luke." Her voice cracked as she spoke. Her voice was all shaky.

"Yeah, it's me." I say into the phone.

"I need you." That broke my heart. A girl that I love, yes I love her. There's just so much that I love about her. But yet I can't have her the way I'd want her.

"I wish I could be there with you. To hold you while you cried." I say, refraining myself from crying. "Hanna, please do me a favor, and go out of your room. Allie wants you to feel better, and she thinks you sitting in there is the best way to do so."

"But it's so hard, he's gone. My big brother, dead. He left me a letter saying he regrets a lot of things. Telling me he was a terrible brother. When in reality I was the terrible one. I left him, dying here in New York while I went off t Australia." She cried into the phone.

"Hey, don't say that. He wanted you happy. He didn't want you to have to see him like that. If you never came to Australia, I would've never met you. I'm happy I met you." I say, trying to calm her down.

"I love you." My eyes go wide. She didn't just say that.

"Hold up, you what?" I ask, she feels that same way. I must be dreaming. No. She doesn't love me.

"Hanna?" She doesn't respond. I then realize she hung up. I have to tell her I love her.

"Guys!" I yell, all the guys come running in with panicked faces. Ashton comes in with only a towel wrapped around his waist.

"What?" Mikey asks.

"I need to go to New York." They all looked at me as I were crazy. Calum choked on the water he was drinking, Ashton's towel almost fell off, and Mikey dropped his phone.

"You what? Dude, I don't know about this." Ashton says cautiously.

"I was on the phone with Hanna, and she told me she loved me and I was shocked and it took me a while to respond and then she hung up. She doesn't know that I love her." I say, my voice raising as I finished speaking.

"It's not our call, it's yours. If you need to go then go." Ashton says reassuringly.

"I mean we don't have another show for 2 weeks since we're writing right now. So I guess you could go." Calum says.

"Yeah." Mikey agrees. I sigh in relief because I get to tell Hanna I love her finally.

"Alright, I'll call Allie to let her know your coming so she can pick you up from the airport." Calum says and then the boys leave the room.

I grab my bag and start throwing things in there that'll I need for a 2 week period. I open up my laptop and check for flights going to New York. Great. There's not one until tomorrow morning at 7:30. I quickly book it.

I check the time right now, and see it's only 1pm. Meaning it's like 8am there.







"Luke." I hear a familiar voice call my name. I finally landed in New York and I was going to see Hanna.

"Allie." I go up to her and give her a hug. We collect my bags and make our way to the car.

We get everything in it, and we head off to Hanna's house. "Her parents aren't home, there at a relatives house for the week." I nod as we pull up in the driveway.

"I'll get your bag inside, just go talk to her. Go up the stairs and it's the second door on the right."

"Thanks Allie" I say, she smiles and I head inside.

I walk up the stairs and make it to Hanna's room. I hear sobbing and it shatters my heart. I knock on the door.

"Allie, leave me alone. I don't want to talk." Her voice was hoarse from the all crying.

"It's not Allie." I whisper loud enough for her to hear. I her shuffling and the door opens to reveal Hanna.

A smile instantly creeps up onto her face and she hugs me. But the sobbing instantly comes back. I pick her up and close the door behind us and sit her down on her bed. The sitting down next to her. She crawls into my lap and continues to cry.

"Shh, let it out." I rub her back and constantly press kisses to her head.

"I'm so sorry, I practically made you fly out here and just watch me cry. I'm so pathetic." She says covering her face her hands.

I take her face of her hands and look her in the eyes. "No, you didn't make me come here. I chose to come here. I did it because I love you." I said it.

"You love me?" She asked. I nodded. "I love you too."

I grab her waist and pull her into my lap and kiss her as passionate hand I can. She wraps her small arms around my neck pulling me closer to her.

We both pull away, out of breath and stare at each other for a long time. After, we both lay down and she rests her head on my chest and falls asleep. It doesn't take much time for to fall asleep after her.


A/N: Yay! Hanna and Luke admitted their love for one another. Team Lanna all the way lol.

I can't believe flew all the way from London to New York just to see Hanna. What a cutie.

So, the update happened a little sooner than expected but whatever. I update randomly because ideas come to me randomly so yeah.

I finished creating the playlist yesterday!!!!! I'm so excited for you guys to hear it. I love it, I've been listening to it non stop.

Okay, that's everything for now!


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