Chapter 28

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Allie's POV

The boys have been gone for about 4 months. And I miss them so much more than I did at first. Especially Calum. I mean if the guy you loved was halfway across the world, how would you feel? Pretty shitty is the answer.

It's about 11am here meaning that they are performing somewhere right now. I've tried to keep tabs on where they are but its difficult with the school year coming to end and all the exams coming up. I'm stressing so much and I just need Calum by my side. God I sound so pathetic.

Calum's POV

"Alright Glasgow, how ya feeling tonight?" Michael yells into the microphone.

He crowd screams in reply. "Alright our first song tonight is Try Hard, hope you enjoy it." Luke says, then we begin playing.

We go through the rest of our set, and I'm really excited for this next song. "Okay, I want every single one of you to take your phones out and record this next song and post it everywhere. So start recording now." I say.

"Okay, this song is dedicated to my girlfriend Allie. I want her to know how much I love her and miss her. This is called Wherever You Are." Then we start playing.

For a while we pretended that we never had to end it

But we knew we'd have to say goodbye

You were crying at airport, when they finally closed the plane door

I could barely hold it all inside

Torn in two, and I know I shouldn't tell you

But I just can't stop thinking of you

Wherever you are

You, wherever you are

Every night I almost call you

Just to say it will always be you

Whenever you are

I tried so hard to keep my tears in.

I could fly a thousand oceans

But there's nothing that compares to

What we had, and so I walk alone

I wish I didn't have to be gone

Maybe you've already moved on

But the truth is I don't want to know

Torn in two, and I know I shouldn't tell you

But I just can't stop thinking of you

Whenever you are

You, wherever you are

Every night I almost call you

Just to say it will always be you

My voice slowly started to tremble as I sang, but I tried to keep it together.

Whenever you are

You can say we'll be together, someday

Nothing lasts forever, nothing stays the same

So why can't I stop feeling this way

Torn in two, and I know I shouldn't tell you

But I just can't stop thinking of you

Wherever you are

You, wherever you are

Every night I almost call you

Just to say it will always be you

Wherever you are

As soon as we finished I quickly walked off stage and started sobbing. I missed her so much. I just wanted Allie right here with me. In my arms. Giving her kisses.

I felt a presence next to, I look up to see Liam. "Hey." He says.

"I miss her so much." I choke out, not keeping the tears in my eyes.

"It'll get better man, look at the bright side. We're already 4 months in. The means 5 more to go. It'll go by quicker than you expect." He says reassuringly.

I nod. "I hope so."

"Alright, well I gotta go perform. Maybe you should call her." He the gets up and makes his way to the stage entrance.

I make my way back to the dressing room, and see all the boys with worried expressions on their faces. "Hey man, you okay?" Ashton asks.

"I'm fine, I'm just gonna call Allie." I say and get my phone before going into an empty room.

I dial her number and wait for her to pick up. She picks up after the first ring.


"I love you too, and I'm happy you saw it." I say happily into the phone.

"I could tell you were crying cause your voice started giving out. Please don't cry you'll only make me cry." She says softly into the phone.

"Okay, I don't want you to cry, so I won't. So how's everything down there?" I ask changing the subject.

"Boring as usual, exams start next week and I'm so nervous. I really wanna do good." She speaks nervously.

"Don't worry babe, you'll do great. Your not like me who's a dropout." I say looking down at my feet even though she can't see me.

"Shut up, your very smart. Just because you decided to drop out doesn't mean anything. Oh and you'll never guess what I found out!" She squeals.

"What?" I questions.

"Bridgette likes Michael." To say I wasn't the least bit shocked was an understatement. I was flabbergasted.

"What the fuck." I say into the phone.

"That was my reaction too, only I choked on my Dr. Pepper." She says laughing.

"Wow, well I wasn't expecting that." I say, still completely shocked.

Me and Allie continued to talk for another hour. All the at from serious things to really stupid things. I was happy to hear her voice. I imagined her smiling and her eyes brightening up and we spoke.

I love her so much, these next five months better go by quickly. I might die if they don't.


A/N: Yay another update today!! Was this good?

Sorry again that this chapter was mostly lyrics, I really couldn't think of anything else to put in it. But yeah, soz.

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