Chapter 39

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Allie's POV

The wedding was tomorrow and I was beyond nervous. What if Calum rethought his decision. What if he didn't want to marry me anymore.

Currently I was with all the girls, Mali, my mom and Joy. While calum was out with all the guys.

"Guys, I need some fresh air. I'll be back soon." They all nod, and I walk out of the house.

The drive was about 20 minutes. I walk through all the headstones and stop once I reach it.

Savannah "Savy" Jules Clark.

December 13 1996 - May 28 2014

Daughter. Sister. Friend.

I sat down pretzel style and began speaking. "Hey Savy, it's been 5 years almost six since you've been gone. I miss you so much. I could never thank you enough for making me feel so welcomed here and loved when I moved here. You were there for me. I wish you could be here with me on my wedding day. Yeah, me and Calum are finally getting married. We've been through hell and back but we've made it. So much has really happened. I have a daughter named Emerson Grace Walsh. Hopefully we can legally change that to Hood instead. But I'm sure you'd love her. She reminds me of you, always happy, laughing and smiling at everything. Not a care in the world. I would've wanted you to be a bridesmaid at my wedding. Ya know, wearing a dress, even though you didn't like them. I probably would've laughed and forced you in one." I chuckled.

"Oh Savy, I know I we didn't even know each other for that long. Not even a year. But those 8 months that I knew you were some of the best. Sometimes I wish we could rewind and have you back. I'm the cause of your death. Maybe if I hadn't been an emotional bitch that day, you'd still be here with us. I wouldn't have gotten angry with Calum, he would've never picked up those bottles of beer and gotten in his car. Mostly, you wouldnt be dead right now. You'd be here smiling and joking around with everyone in your path. But there's nothing we can do about it now. We just have to move on. Live as if we had no tomorrow. Which is something you did everyday. You'll always be in my mind wherever I go. You've been one of my best friends, and always will be. No matter what. I gotta go, but I'll see you soon Savy." I say wiping the tears that had fallen from my eyes away.

I stand up from my spot of the ground and begin walking to my car. I felt much better. I just, wanted to talk to somebody and have them listen not speak. No need to worry about judged or misunderstood. Just listened to.

I get to my car, and begin my drive back to my house. Once I get back everybody comes up and hugs me. "Where the hell were you?" My mom asked me, engulfing me into another hug.

"I went to the cemetery to visit Savy." I said sheepishly.

"And that took 2 and a half hours?" She spoke.

"Sorry, I was just nervous and wanted to talk to somebody without being judged or misunderstood. I'm just so stressed out and-." I said, tears starting to flow out of my eyes. Ive been so stressed and anxious lately. This whole wedding thing is making me crazy.

I ran into my room and out onto my deck and just let the sobs come out. Everything has just been so much lately.

I didn't know how long I was out there until I heard footsteps and then two strong arms wrap around me. I didn't need to turn around to know who it was. I knew it was Calum.

I turn around and bury my face into his neck and inhale his cologne. He pressed a kiss to the top of my head and began speaking. "Why are you crying baby? Your supposed to be happy."

I sighed. "I'm so excited to finally be marrying you. But I'm so stressed out, all the planning, everyone constantly asking things. It's all just so stressful, and I guess I just lost it tonight."

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