Everyone Loved You (SPOILERS)

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What I have here, is sort of a crossover of Your Lie in April and this fic and Piano no Mori (aka Forest of Piano). It is written from the POV (point of view) of Piano no Mori's main character, Kai Ichinose. Enjoy.


It's hard to believe it's been a long time since you left us, Kousei Arima. There you were, playing the piano on that big stage in that blue suit of yours. You inspired me as well. I was the son of a prostitute, but yet I carried on. My escape was a piano situated in the middle of the forest. That became my whole world. And watching you, Kousei Arima, perform in front of crowds of hundreds is what captivated me. When I met another pianist, Sousuke Ajino, we both became enthralled over your playing. But we found out a dark secret about you. Your mother, Saki..... she fettered you. Both emotionally and metaphorically. She was ruthless towards you..... and one day, when Saki was disgusted with you, she took her anger out on you. Which was something you didn't deserve. You said to her, "I WISH YOU WOULD JUST DIE!" And she did.

Your whole world, all of a sudden, became all monotonous. Then you met this blond violinist, and while you were reluctant at first, you took her under her wing. But then, all these accidents. First, you lost your left foot and hit your head. You hit your head once more. And then you were hit by a bus, and then, just when it seemed like you finally caught a break in your life, it all came collapsing down.

Which brought us to that tragic September day when you decided that after all this, you were just wanting to end your life after all these accidents. And you succeeded. My friends have told me that you were feeling unloved, damaged, broken, all that. It really broke all our hearts. It broke mine. It broke Sousuke's. September 10 was a dark day for all of us young musicians.

But then..... I was invited, along with Sousuke to perform at a memorial concert for you. It's crazy, but there were people not just from Japan, but from ALL OVER THE WORLD who came for you. When over 600 musicians from various countries come for your memorial concert, you know that you were very much loved...... Japan loved you. Canada loved you. America loved you...... the WHOLE WORLD loved you.

Even today, on this, the 20th anniversary of your demise, Kousei Arima..... thank you for all the inspiration you've given us. The world still loves you.

His Lie in April - 四月の彼の嘘 (Shigatsu no Kare no Uso) BONUS STORIESWhere stories live. Discover now