Kousei's Second Letter - SPOILERS

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Here is Kousei's second letter, meant for Kaori only. Please read with caution if you have not red the story in full. This is the letter, all by itself. (From Chapter 56, "Remember Me"/"We Can Heal Together".)


Hello, Miss Miyazono.

It's hard to believe.... that I can actually remember the day I first met you many years ago. We were little, and we were such kindred spirits. I remember when you first saw me.... you laughed at me as I fumbled with getting myself situated with the piano. I was also just about tuned in with it; everything just happened naturally to me when I played. Then my mother died, and there went my whole motivation. I became just about tone-deaf, lost, someone who was up a creek without a paddle. So, I just about gave it up. But all I could think of was my mother and music. They were just about inextricably linked with me. Still, you saw me from afar and you were captivated by me. Quite a few years passed, and then we found ourselves in the same middle school. Don't get me wrong, you looked good with glasses, but I just wanted to see how cool you looked without them. You were also self-conscious about yourself. Yeah, I was still a bit tone-deaf.... but your free spirit really captured my heart. Our styles were different, you held a more looser style in playing your music, and I was a much more rigid kind of guy. Despite that, you really enthralled me with your skillful violin playing. You also found my faith in the playing the piano again. But then, this illness hit me. It's hard to believe, but you've somehow managed to be a very bright beacon of hope, even as the months went by, when all hope seemed lost within me. OK, I'll just cut to the chase.... I told a lie. I told Tsubaki I liked her, when the truth was.... I love you, Kaori. I never thought I'd say this.... but I fell madly in love with you. I wish were meant for each other. I also wish I could have told this to you face-to-face. You really brought me out of my shell, and what can I say? You freed me from my metaphorical shackles of my mother, and of my "metronome" style. You play the violin oh so damn well. You always put me in a trance when I hear your skillful playing, and we complimented ourselves awesomely. I also have this to say: It's hard to believe, but I wish you could lean on my chest, and embrace me. I really wish I could be by your side, gathering happiness. If I ever see you again, we'll know our love is true; on days when I can't sleep, I send my heart far away to you. So, Kaori, will you remember me long after I'm gone? Will you remember me in 5 years? In 10 years? Or even 20? When the time comes that I do leave this Earth, I hope that a thousand points of light will radiate..... knowing that I have left behind a wonderful impression. Kaori.... remember me. You gave me a chance to expose my real self at the piano. Tell Hiroko, Tsubaki and Watari to remember me as well. And so, Kaori, in conclusion: I love you. But, please, don't think of me too often. I don't want you getting sad about me. Always remember all this. And so, Kaori, I must now say farewell to this life, and wish you Godspeed. You've been a good, kind, and loyal friend to me, if not one of THE best friends to me, and you've made a real difference in my life. I will always treasure our relationship and think of you with fond memories, warm feelings, and a special place in my heart..... please, live well, Kaori. Just LIVE. I'll be walking beside you every step of the way. Thank you for everything.

-Kousei Arima

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