4 ☓ memory serum

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Minho scooped me up, carrying me bridal style out of the room I had been kept in. He took be downstairs, ignoring the strange looks other Gladers gave him. I didn't cuddle into Minho, I just looked around with a blank expression. When we exited the Homestead, he dropped me, and we walked towards the tree grove. Minho called it the Deadheads, I just liked to call it the group of trees.

"I want you to get that box of stuff Alby had for me," I comanded, crossing my arms and sliding down a tree.

Minho didn't question, he just turned and ran for the Homestead again. This hole in the pit of my stomach made me angry, I felt like half of me was missing. I kept getting that feeling, repeating itself whenever I stopped thinking about Thomas. He was my brother, maybe even best friend.

Was he older or was he younger? Do I look like him?

Thomas told me not to forget, I don't know how he did but he told me not to forget him. I haven't forgotten him, I just forgot things about me that were linked to him. At the snap of a branch I glanced up, and it was Minho holding out the box I asked for. I took it from him, placing it on my lap. The first thing I pulled out was my labcoat which was inside out. If it hadn't of been, Alby would of found out who I worked for. I had wondered what happened to my labcoat before I woke up here, I must of stashed it away with the rest of my goods. Minho stared at the labcoat before taking it and switching it so it wasn't inside out anymore. He ran his thumb over the stitched lettering on the left side, WICKED. He looked at it with a straight face, but I knew he was angry at me, angry at them. I rummaged through the box, moving tampons, bras and clothing items out of the way. Finally I found what my mind was searching for. A letter. I didn't feel confused when I found it, because my subconcious had been searching for it. I knew it was there.

Future Me, you're really stupid.

I chuckled.

It had to be done though, they were going to seperate us from Tom. You can never seperate twins for long, they'll send him up eventually. It was either we go to Group B and die without saying goodbye or live and not see him until the Scorch Trials, if Tom made it that far that is. This way, you can see him, bid him farewell before we die.

It was nice to see how set I was on me dying.

I'm scared, you're scared, well probably, if you ain't scared you ain't human (A/N ayeee winkywinky) . But we had to wipe our memories alright? If we didn't they'd know something strange was happening with us, I mean we're the only girl so that would of been strange enough. Find the other serum in the right pocket of our labcoat, inject it in yourself to get your memories back. You'll need them, even though I don't know the way out of the maze, Teresa does, she created it, so did Tom, they just need to get their heads together when they arrive one after the other.

Who was Teresa? I glanced at Minho who was going through the box, he sighed and placed everything back in, a small bottle falling out of my coats pocket. He narrowed his eyes at it, and read the label. I focused my eyes back onto the letter.

Before I go, I know it seems like I'm certain we'll die, that's because we went into the wrong group, we probably won't be needed, they'll punish us. They'll kill us in front of the rest of the boys, there is no way we'll make it to the Scorch.

The Scorch?

Take care, from You, xo.

Thomas and I are twins?

I sighed throwing the letter to Minho and taking the small vile of memory serum.

This will help me remember.

IN THE END ⇉ [MINHO] ✓Where stories live. Discover now