18 ☓ trouble in "paradise"

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** the photo on the side or above or whatever you're using is just a random bunch of photos i put together that i love from the movie and yep ok continue **

"What the fuck to you mean he's not here?!" I yelled gritting my teeth.

Newt looked at me and scowled, "Bloody hell. I meant what I said shuckface."

I groaned and began running to the centre of the Glade. I found Minho there, standing ontop of the box, turning in circles, looking at the Glade with frightened eyes. He stopped when he was facing me. His eyes looked at the ground, darting from one charred piece of grass to another. When he finally met my gaze, he pressed his lips together as his eyes became glossy.

"I should of been there to save you," he said grabbing my hand, "I-I should of protected you."

I rolled my eyes, "Minho, you needed to sleep. Don't be stupid."

Minho's frown didn't cease, "I want to kiss you, but no one knows about us."

"We never labelled our relationship," I stated, "There is no us."

I gulped back the urge to take back what I said. But I couldn't because I knew my words weren't an opinion, they were a known fact. Even if Minho did ask me to be his girlfriend. It just didn't feel right in this life time. Walking around in an experiment and being in a labelled relationship. If he was to ever use the girlfriend word on me, I knew I'd feel uncomfortable. Having a girlfriend in this weird situation? It just sounded odd. Minho's expression faltered to a more upset one, but then it grew back into a more confident brave one. He pressed his lips to the spot below my ear and nipped at it, making my knees go weak. Maybe there was an us, a friendship with benefits. No label just what we did, no full on strings attached no matter how much we felt for eachother.

"There must be an us if you let me touch you like this," he mumbled, I could feel his smirk as he spoke, "Especially with majority of the Glade watching us."

I forcefully bit the inside of my lip, hoping not to regret my next move. I cupped his cheeks and pulled his head away from my neck, I almost flinched at the loose of satisfying contact. I licked my lips and kissed him, harder then I intended. Minho grunted, controllingly grabbing my hips and pulling me closer to him. I combed my hands through the back of his hair, relaxing. The chatty Gladers' voices seemed to fade from existance. At first I thought it was because we were too wrapped up into kissing eachother. Then I heard someone clear their throat. We pulled away breathlessly, turning away from eachother. I came face to face with a small group of Gladers. Then realisation hit me as I turned slightly. They circled us. They saw the whole thing.

"Dammit." I muttered.

Chuck stood directly in front of me, looking at me with disturbance.

I ruined the kids innocence, shit.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" I snapped, crossing my arms and sticking my nose in the air.

A few boys muttered replies but I couldn't hear them all.

"Is that how she seduces him? By pleasuring him?"

I snapped my head in the direction of Winston who's reply I heard the clearest.

"Actually, we've never done anything like-"

"You don't need to enlighten him." I barked at Minho.

Thomas was in front of Minho, staring angrily at the boy who had been all of his sister. The group of Gladers seperated and went there seperate ways. Only Thomas and Newt were left with Minho and I.


Thomas glared at me, "Don't even talk to me."

"Thomas," I hissed, "Shut, the, fuck, up."

Minho pressed his lips together to supress his laugh.

"I thought you weren't into doing stuff with him?" Thomas rolled his eyes, "What happened to not wanting to let him in your pants?"

"I granted him access." I shrugged.

Thomas' eyes widened, "You fucked my-"

"No!" we both yelled.

Newt gulped looking extremely uncomfortable.

"We aren't dating Tommy, plus this one was the heat of the moment."

"This..one? You've touched her more then once?!"

Newt cringed at the bickering siblings while Minho just watched in amusement.

"Yes. Maybe. Ugh," I covered my face with my hands, "They've all been the heat of the moment," I lied smoothly, "I just like getting the fun out of it."

Ellise did you really make such a bitch move?

Minho's body tensed beside me. I closed my eyes and sighed, spinning on my heel and heading for the kitchen.


I found Minho in the Deadheads, or what remained of it. He was running his fingers up and down the coal black parts of the trees, a look of pain spread across his face.

"It was the heat of the moment?" Minho chuckled bitterly.

I jumped not realising he knew I was there, that he knew I was staring.

"Minho if I didn't lie, he would of attacked you for being with his sis-"

"That's a load of klunk. You only use me for your own personal gain, to pleasure yourself and make yourself relax. You used me." he barked, spinning around to face me.

He glared at me as my face fell.


"Don't say my name! Just- Ugh!" he screamed kicking at the burnt log.

I narrowed my eyes at him, "Minho I care about you."

"No, if you did, you wouldn't of lied to Thomas, you would of shown him you were happy with me!"

I pressed my lips together in a thin line and sighed.

"I'm going to go help figure out the maps," when I didn't get a reply I spoke again, "If you really did trust me, you'd just accept my lie."

A pile of emotions came rushing into my veins as I walked away. Guilt, for making him see me this way and inflicting pain. Sadness, for how his harsh words effected me and made me feel just as much pain. And anger, for realising Minho never really trusted me, Minho never believed me when I said things, Minho thought I was a liar, Minho didn't trust me anymore. Minho never trusted me. When Newt saw me trudge over to the Homestead, he looked at me with a concerned frown. I met his gaze and punched him right in the jaw, and then wrapped my arms around his torso as I cried.

A/N at the end there i think Ellise had a little mood swing. who punches someone as nice as Newt and then cries to them wanting support? weird. (says the girl who wrote this)

IN THE END ⇉ [MINHO] ✓Where stories live. Discover now