» day three: part 1 «

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The third day was calm, and Jacob hadn't even realized when it came.

His night was spent cuddled up with Enoch, neither saying anything for a long time, embracing the collected silence. Enoch had shifted, head pressed to Jake's chest, and Jake moved to sit up somewhat, arms wrapped around Enoch's frame.

Enoch sat still, while Jacob rubbed small patterns into Enoch's skin. Quite a long amount of time passed before either spoke.

"Rhythmical." Enoch said suddenly, fingers beginning to tap. Jake furrowed his brows, glancing down at the boy.

"What is?"

"Your pulse. It's relaxing." Jake's breath hitched silently, body tensing, fingers freezing. "Stutters." Enoch scoffed amused, lifting his head to inspect Jacob.

"Enoch..." The raven haired male pushed himself closer to Jacob, faces mere inches apart, body covering Jake's. The younger blushed and tried to look away, yet he was transfixed on the ever changing of Enoch's pupils. They expanded momentarily, but shifted as the irises bounced from one area to the next.

They sat there, both watching the other intensely, until a knock broke the atmosphere.

"Mr. O'Connor, Mr. Portman, dinner." Miss. Peregrine's voice spoke, a knowing tone. Then a click, before footsteps.

Enoch moved away from Jake, standing up from the bed, hidden flusters, as he realized how compromising he was being. Jacob watched him with a weary smile, but the time period and year flashed through his mind, making any amusement falter.

"Enoch?" His voice was comforting and worried, as he got off the bed himself.

"Don't." Swatting away Jake's hand, he hid his face. "Céard a bhí ag smaoineamh orm?" The thick Irish accent was back, this time though, he slipped to speak in Irish completely and refused to even glare at Jake. "Íosa, sealbh ort féin Enoch."

Jacob stood awkwardly, waiting for the shorter male to explain or translate, but that thought was violently shot down.

"Jacob just go."

So much for that progress.

What got Enoch so shaken? Was any form of Homophobia still prevalent? Is that why Enoch's so antisocial?


Jacob silently left the room, only taking one last glance at the boy, who continued to speak to himself in the separate language. He closed the door, and slammed his head against the wood. It hurt, but it was a welcome distraction from the angered and frustrated thoughts rushing through his mind.

Did the others really consider Enoch a freak, just because he's, well, clearly affection to guys? Was that why Enoch had a falling out with Abe? Or why he always spoke so fondly when talking about Victor?

Because if so, Jacob was gonna need to have a serious talk with the others. If that would even do anything.

The sting of pain broke him from his thoughts, that and the confused and equally concerned look he was receiving from Olive.

"Uh, Jake, I don't think that's how you use doors."

"What? O-oh. Um, I, I know? Sorry." He collected himself then proceeded to blurt out, "Is Enoch gay?" Taken aback momentarily, Olive pondered the question then nodded. "Who knows?"

"Just me."

And Jake realized that Olive was indeed the only other person Enoch interacted with. He was constantly around her, when he wasn't locked away alone somewhere.

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