» day five: part 3 «

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Not long had passed before Peregrine had begun spouting orders to the group of children. And even with many still looking, and acting like a child none whined or complained, due to the threat of Hollows right outside.

"Right," Olive began, "so with Huge and Bronwyn, and I believe the twins working as distraction. Wildly unsafe, I would like to add, we do what?" She asked, walking up to Enoch. The male glanced at Jacob, asking silently an unknown question. Yet, still Jake wanted to clarify and comfort him, in order to remove his expression.

"Well, your job is to both keep everyone calm and together, as well as get them all out of the loop before the Hollows or Golan notice."

It's a ludicrous plan that relies on everything going exactly right, but what else did they really have? Hollows aren't easy to kill nor can they just keep running.

So, a half-assed idea of potentially trapping them in this loop is the best they've got.

"Goodness Jacob, you're putting quite a lot of faith in my abilities!" Olive cried as the reality of the situation clicks for her. With a shrug, Jake gave a small apologetic gaze. "Oh. I see. Let's hope everything goes and ends well." She smiled, before giving her leave to round up everyone she's in charge of.

"Jacob?" Enoch softly asks, eyes still trained on Olive. The younger boy gave a noise of response, before placing a hand on Enoch's shoulder. "Do you really think this will work?" And in that moment Jacob wanted to cry.

That noise.

How is it that someone as straight face and collected as Enoch can suddenly make a noise as defeated and afraid in a single sentence?

"Yes. Everything will go to plan."


Of course they both know this, but Enoch relaxed under those words, giving Jacob his own small sense of comfort.

"I'm giving 10 minutes to us all to collect our things." The Bird then spoke up, grabbing everyone's attention. "Please only the necessities if you will."

Everyone nodded, before filing out of the basement with haste. They had to be quick and quiet otherwise the Hollows would pry their way into the house.

Luckily Hollows have the same level of intelligence as a hungry dog.

Or so it seems.

But now. Now Enoch and Jacob had moments to themselves. Even if it was only 10 minutes.

As Jake watched the last of the Peculiars leave through the small door frame, he felt Enoch's lingering stare. And then the air of the musty room once more became almost too thick to breathe properly.

Jake continued to stare at the now closed door, his thoughts racing. He felt his own heartbeat stutter as he listed all the ways this could go wrong.

And there are a lot.

As he sat lost in his own fabric of reality, Enoch approached. He wasn't trying to be quiet, yet Jake hadn't noticed him.

Honestly? He even forgot he wasn't alone currently.

Jacob was no stranger to being alone. For a year after Abe died no one wanted to be near the hallucinating weird kid. But, Jake wasn't hallucinating. The Hollows had stalked him, watching him from widows in the middle of the night. He had stayed awake, with a mixture of caffeine, sugar, and different medications.

It was stupid but, hey he was paranoid.

"Jake?" Enoch called out, voice lingering as a whisper. Jake had heard, but his eyes were locked on the stained floor. Enoch called out once more, reaching a pale hand out to rest on Jake's shoulder. When they touched, Jake felt how shakey Enoch was.

Honestly, he was too.

"Jake? We..." He trailed off, clearly not knowing what to do or say. Jacob wanted to break down, just curl up in the corner and pretend none of this was happening.

But, he couldn't.

"Enoch go get your things." Jake whispered, although no one else was there. Enoch was silent, hand still resting on his shoulder. He hesitated before giving out a shaky breath. Enoch moved from the older male, and began to ascend the stairs. He paused at the top. And before opening the door, he glanced back, his steel clouded eyes locking with Jake's wary icy blues.

"Is mise mo chara is fearr leat, agus is breá liom ."

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