» day six «

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Jake stood in the basement assessing what was about to happen. They knew that there was at least two Hollows outside. And more we're probably close by. Golan stalked them from the other side of the walls too.

Ten of us and only I can see them. We're walking into a death trap.

"And I'm the one leading them." He swallowed, before anxiously pacing the basement. His eyes wandered, flickering from one object to the next in the cramped room. Hand tugged at his hair in worry.

Am I really doing this. We don't even know if it'll work.

"Jake?" A soft voice cut off his train of thought. Violently he turned to the sound. Emma was at the door, gloved hands gripping the stairs' railing, as if she was to let go she'd fall.

"What?" Jake couldn't stop the venomous tone that slipped out. She flinched.

"Are you okay?" Her voice was oddly calm for her. She watched with care in her eyes, care that Jake couldn't ignore.

"No." With a nod, Emma stepped down and walked toward Jake. Once she stood in front of him, an arm's length away she gave a smile.

It's sad, with the edges refusing to rise up to defend the lie.

"What we're doing is dangerous and we could get hurt, or..." she paused, but Jake knew what she meant, "So, if this do go bad, I wanted to tell you, I'm sorry." Jake inhaled, nodding.

"Thank you."

"No. You shouldn't thank me. What I said and did was disrespectful, and frankly plain rude." Emma's head hangs and Jake hears her sniffle. "He was right. I didn't care about you. All I cared about was that you could have been like him. But you're not, and who was I kidding. I love Abe, not you. And he's gone." Her tears are steady now, and Jake can't blame her.

Without hesitation Jake leans in and pulls the girl into an embrace. In response Emma begins to cry outright, into his shoulder. As she shakes, he coos, trying to calm her down.

Don't worry I wanna cry too.

The door opens again, swinging open enough for it to slam against the wall. At the top of the stairs is Enoch who stops mid step at the sight. Emma had flinched at the sound, but hadn't turned to look. Jacob watched Enoch. The male took in a breath, while his eyes glare at the female. Taking a moment to review the situation, he continued into the room. As he neared it was clear he realized she was crying, because his expression softens and he shoots a worried glance at Jake. Pulling Emma away from him he brings a hand to rest on her cheek. Enoch watches, but places himself next to Jake.

"Go gather the others. We have work to do." Jake muses, wiping away the tears from her face. Albeit, they had already began to evaporate as her heat began to flow freely again as she calmed. Emma smiles, this time with more valor than before, and nods before rushing out of the room.

Now alone, Jake turned to Enoch, eyes drawn to the bag that was pulled over his shoulder, then the leather briefcase in his left hand.

"Got everything?" Jacob asked weakly. Enoch was silent, before he turned to his desk. It hadn't been touched much since the first day of lockdown. Watching as Enoch placed down the briefcase and began to collect the clay resting on the table before placing it in plastic bags, then putting them in the bag on his shoulder. Jake sighed, slumping, hands resting on the table from behind. Closing his eyes, he listened as Enoch spoke.

"What did she say?"

"She apologized." Enoch made a noise resembling 'finally'. "Brat. She told me that you were right."

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