» day four «

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When morning came, neither Enoch nor Jake got much sleep. Neither could sleep due to both the awkward silence and defending thoughts.

Jake who, unlike his normal self was irritated, kept sighing every so often, as he read more of the the journal. The noises were pulling Enoch out of his own thoughts; not necessarily a terrible thing.

"This isn't the only entry about us." Jake finally breaks the air. His voice was soft, and wouldn't have been heard, had it not been quiet. "There's more toward the end." In response Enoch huffed.

Looking up from the handwritten words, Jacob regretted saying anything. The male, sitting on the floor allowing Jake the bed, had clouded eyes.

"Enoch?" He pushed the book aside, while calling out. Crawling to the edge of dusty bed, he attempted to reach out and comfort, but was rejected.

Watching in slight pain, Jacob noted Enoch's movements. They were groggy, yet deliberate.

He's ignoring me.

Did I do something? Or his he acting like this because of the dreams?

After another moment of awkwardness, it clicked in Jacob's mind.


"Enoch. I understand, you're flustered," A side glance from said male gave Jake a boost of determination, "but, maybe it be better if we um..."

Where was he going with this? He didn't want to leave this potentially violent boy by himself, especially after witnessing the way the others treated him. Nor did he want a nosy Emma to dig into things she didn't need to know; a damn certainty if he walked out now.

Luckily for Jacob he didn't have to.

A rapid knock at the door and the concerned voice of Olive beckoned them.

"Enoch, Jacob! Hurry downstairs!" Footsteps leading away caused the two to look at the other confused.

Dashing to the door, before unlocking it, they quickly made it down the stairs. On the couch was an awful looking woman. Her side bled against pale, yellowing skin. Her eyes just hardly open as her breathing labored.

"Boys, the medical kit please." Miss. Peregrine spoke rushed, she seemed tired.

None of us got sleep.

"Boys now, please." Enoch grabbed Jake's arm, dragging him away. Pulled into the bathroom, Enoch mumbled about checking under the sink. They both looked for the iconic white box.


"What the hell?" Enoch hissed, holding his hand up. Caught between his fingers was a small clay wad. Looking closer, it was moving.

"What's that?" Jake asked, brows furrowed, before giving another glance around the cramped room.

"It was what happened when I first came here. I lost the thing a long time ago. The others wanted to see what my abilities were and rummaged through my things." Jake nodded, returning his gaze to Enoch and the clay. "They eventually figured it out and did this," He gestured to the wad, "while I was sleeping."

"Oh, that's," What was it? Frustrating? He didn't know, so, he trailed off.

"Yeah." Enoch responded, before dropping the clay, and watching the thing scurry off with uncomfortable movements.

"Boys!" Peregrine's voice called out, breaking them from their thoughts. They both cursed and returned to looking. This time it didn't take long to find the white box.

Returning to the two birds Enoch handed the med kit to Peregrine. She snatched it away before ushering them off.

"Check on the children." They both nodded and rushed off to find the others.

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