» day five: part 1 «

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It was morning by the time they had finished completing Olive's plan.

Enoch pushed everyone away, locking himself in the basement to work on the puppets. Olive took Horace to make some clothing to help them blend in with the common townsfolk. Which left Emma with Jake to board up the house.

Silence passed over them, making the air thick. Jake could see the irritation in Emma's movements, she had to dip her hands in water every few minutes to keep from setting things on fire.

"Emma?" Jacob eventually spoke up, putting down his things and glancing at her. She had been holding a wrench, using it as a makeshift hammer, it was bright red. Emma refused to look up, just staring at the tool.

"What makes him better than me?"


There was nothing better about Enoch than Emma.

"He's not better than you. I- What do you mean?" Emma's glare pierced, she threw the wrench into her bucket of water before storming up to him.

"Than what is it? Why did you choose him over me?" Her voice was hurt and confused.

And Jake had to think.

Why was he choosing Enoch over Emma?

"E-Emma I, I don't-" Another voice cut him off.

"It's because you act like an entitled prat." They both turned to the sound. In the well kept doorway was an exhausted Enoch. Black bags rested under his eyes, his hair was stuck to his forehead, dust covered him, but his voice was awake. "It's because you have an obsession with Jake because he looks like Abe, you haven't even sat down and gotten to know him. You haven't even tried. You only pretend that you do, so you can cling to him like a baby sloth. Which is how slow you are to realize this yourself."

Jake was surprised, he let out a shaky breath. When did he hold his breath?

Emma was breathing however, heavily. Luckily this time her flames were nonexistent, but her face was pale.

"You can't even deny it." Enoch huffed, pushing himself off the wall. His movements were groggy as he stepped up to Emma. Reaching out toward her, she winced.

"Don't touch me." Enoch dropped his hand. Emma's eyes were wide as she stared at the necromancer. "You're disgusting."

A loud crack echoed through the room.

Emma had stepped over a line Jake didn't realize he had set.

His hand burned, and Emma had a mark against her cheek. Enoch had stepped back in surprise, mouth agape.

"Don't you ever say that to him again." Violence wasn't who Jake was, but pure disappointment and anger dripped from his words. "Get out."

She ran out, tears welled up in her eyes. And honestly Jake felt no remorse. Slumping against the closest wall, Jake sild down to the floor. Watching closely, Enoch sat next to him.

"Hey." Enoch called out, hand resting on Jake's back. "Jacob, hey. Answer me?" Jake looked up after he was shaken. They just stared at each other, Enoch had adoration in his, and Jake had desire, behind the irritation in his eyes. "Thank you."

Jake attached himself to the male in a hug. He hated the way Emma treated him, he hated that the Bird locked him away when he really needed someone. And then the way the others ignored him and assumed he was outrageously violent, it just make Jake wince.

"Jacob." Enoch called out again, a smile visibly heard. Jake shook his head.

"Can we sit here like this for awhile?" He felt Enoch tense momentarily, before relaxing, wrapping his arms around Jacob.

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