We're on our way home!!

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I crawled onto her back careful not to touch her wings or hurt her.

"You might wanna get back in my arms instead of my back, Natsu. I'm gonna have to speed up to go home."

"Ok, but do you have to throw me?" I asked, already knowing the answer.

"No, but it's faster that way. .. Well, there is another option but its tricky. I have to turn while in the air and you have to crawl around me."

I thought about the new options and decided, sighed then said, "You can throw me.." She looked back at me with glee and threw me up with no warning. I was caught off guard of course and looked down to see the ground getting closer.

She hooked her arms around my abdomen before I could scream or do anything else, and said in a baby voice, "You weren't funny."

"Hehe... " I snickered.

"Would it be funny if I dropped you again I wonder?" She threatened to loosen her grip on my chest.

"N-No! It wouldn't be funny at all!" I grabbed hold of her arm that was sliding and looked at the ground.

She tightened her arms on my torso again. "Yeah, your right... "

She leaned in closer to my left ear and whispered, "That reaction was way better than dropping you." I huffed at her and crossed my arms.

"That was not funny," I mumbled under my breath.

"Fine, I won't drop you again unless you let me and I won't make fun of your reactions. Happy now?" I smiled wide and looked up at her.

"Aye, sir!"

"Well, good. Let's get home now so you can tell me what you wanted to earlier." How can she still remember that?! I tightened my grip on her arms and she did the same to me. We speed up and made it to EarthLand within a few minutes.

I looked around at the new sky that surrounded us.

"Luce, where are we? This doesn't look like the same place we left."

"That's because of its a different time than when we left, idiot. Clouds move thru out the day." Lucy said letting go of me with one arm and smacking me across the head a little. She positioned her arm back with the other one and kept flying until we got to an opening. A canopy of trees spread below it. She dived through the clouds and trees. I could tell we were near the campsite but I smelt something weird and so did she. After diving down and leaving me on a tree branch, her eyes turned animal-like, her claws, horns, and tail sprang out. She growled in the direction of the unknown presence and lept through the trees. I heard a few shrikes and the pounding of feet running before Luce came back to get me down with her dragon attachments gone.

"What did you do?" I asked semi-scared as she went behind me and pushed me off the branch.

"Hm? Oh, I just scared them off, nothing more. You should still be able to walk and use your magic now. Why not try it out before getting back to town?" I agreed and started walking to Magnolia with ease.

"Well, the poison is gone at least. Now for the fire." She motioned for me to try lighting my hand ablaze. And ablaze it became. The flame was bigger than normal and brighter. More powerful and could do a LOT of damage.

"Just what I expected." She said approvingly and watching the spark burn out.

"Whatcha mean?" I asked looking at her. She explained, once again, how and why my powers increased when I transformed.

"Now then," She said finishing the explanation and started stretching. "we can finally go to my house. I'll fix some food and you will explain why you wouldn't tell me that thing." She said matter-of-factly and spread her wings.

"I'll only carry you for a little bit then we'll have to walk so no one sees me." 

"Why not just tell the guild so you won't have to hide it anymore?"

She looked away, I got a glimpse of a sad and fearful expression pulled on her face and said, "I can't… last time someone found out… " I walked over to her and interrupted her with a hug and told her she didn't have to tell me. Luce accepted the hug and folded her wings.

"I… I'll tell you before you tell me. Okay?" We slid down the side of a tree, not letting go of each other.

"Only if you want to." We sat there for a while and hugged. She finally broke the hug, got up and signaled for me to get on her back. We took off and broke the surface of the trees to be met with fluffy white clouds, letting in cheerful golden rays of sunlight here and there.

After about 5 minutes of holding Lucy from behind and watching the clouds go by, we started slightly down. I looked up and saw the edge of Magnolia. She dived down and landed next to a tree. I got off her and we started walking.

It was an awkward silence between us for a while, the anticipation of telling each other something that pulled at our hearts, overwhelmed our minds. I looked over to see tears building up in the corners of Lucy's eyes. I clenched my fists and could feel the heat rising inside me. Whenever someone made her cry, feel pain, or scream, I wanted to burn them to ash and stomp on their remains. I haven't yet... but I've been pretty close. I thought about finding the people who hurt her and doing that to them. I was staring at her for a while and she started to notice.

"Natsu?" She called my name and got me out of my trance. I unclenched my fists.

"Y-Yeah?" I answered warily of what she might have thought I was doing.

"When I tell you about.. that… promise me that you won't try to find them."

"I… It will depend on how badly they hurt you and who they are." She sighed not at all surprised at my answer.

"Figures… I guess I'll have to hold you back then, won't I?" She looked at me, a smirk pulled across her face.

"Maybe~ maybe not. Either way, you are going to tell me."

"Yeah, yeah, I will." She looked ahead of us. "Race ya there!" She said getting the head start.

"Hey!" I yelled after her quickly catching up.

Her Secret (Nalu fanfiction) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now