Chapter Three

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Voldemort pov
That girl she is a danger to me. She was able to defeat someone who is almost at my level of skill. She had more skill and she is not even a Seventh Year why? Lucius! "Yes my Lord?" What do you know about Celestial Potter? "I know not much but Regulus I'm sure knows things about her." Go ask him what he knows and then report back to me immediately. "Yes my Lord." He Quickly left and returned an hour later with information in a letter. He read it off. "She is the twin of James Potter and Girlfriend of Sirius Black. She attended Drumstrang until this year when three students transferred in to help protect the school. The whole Drumstrang came and stayed most of the year until exam time where they were tested back at Drumstrang. Because she transferred she could take them at Hogwarts. As of next year, she'll be the only one from Drumstrang still around. She is loyal to her brother and Regulus's brother. She is extremely powerful and well-disciplined for someone her age and very intelligent. Too smart for her own good he says. He said she has been attending private lessons with Dumbledore because she is powerful and smart." Thank you for that information you are dismissed. "Yes my Lord." She is a danger to me but I could still get her on my side she would be a great asset to me.
Sirius pov
I was walking the hallway when I was pulled down an empty hallway. There stood my little brother who I missed but sided with my parents. "Tell your girlfriend to lay low for a bit." Why? "The Dark Lord asked about her I gave him minimal information but enough to satisfy him. I wanted to warn you we may hate each other but your happiness still means a lot because we are blood family." Thank you so much Regulus; We will always be family. My brother gave me a weak smile and left me. I made it seem like I wasn't in a rush but when I found my girlfriend she was sitting under a tree. I wrapped my arm around her when I sat down and she looked up and smiled at me. Something was up she wasn't talking. When was our first time? "February 14th." Yeah, you aren't my girlfriend. I got up and walked away and that's when the real Celestial appeared. She stomped over to the girl cast a spell and it revealed the blond bimbo. Celestial scoffed walked over to me and kissed me. I knew this was my girlfriend because she did that when the girls tried something. We haven't had our first time together. I smiled at her and we kissed. "Hey my brother came up to me you need to lay low. Dark Lord has been asking about you. So be careful and stay out of anything that goes against him. We had three more months before we went back to her parent's house. They knew that we were dating and we happy for us. Because they thought she would date no one since she only made people fall for her in Drumstrang and they thought the same about me. She was on the team as chaser since James was now the seeker. We had won the Quidditch cup and James and Celestial both got an award. Best Chaser for Celestial and Best Seeker for James. Celestial was under McGonagall. They were so happy and getting high fives from everyone they walked down the hall. None of us knew that in about 14 years our children would attend Hogwarts together. That they would see on a plaque was our names. The same positions they played themselves. I remembered my girlfriend's birthday in just a few days. I had a plan, my Uncle, when he died left me some stuff including a promise ring and an engagement rings. Plus a book that you can cast a spell and create your own wedding rings.
March 27th
We were having a picnic at night just me and her in the astronomy tower. We were staring at the stars surprising surprise. I wanted to get serious for a second. "What's wrong?" Nothing is wrong actually it's good at least I hope. I got out a box and opened it. "Sirius it's beautiful what is it for?" A promise ring that by this time next year. A. I will be engaged to you or B. married to you.
Celestial pov
When he said that I couldn't help but smile. Maybe we were rushing things because of the looming war but in my opinion, I really did love him. There was no way I would not be marrying him. I kissed him and he kissed back laying us against the fluffy blanket. Things got heated and it was honestly the best night of my life. We laid their smiling faces explaining what we just did. I curled up into his side and he kissed my neck again. I giggle and as I'm laying on top of him. I hear someone scream. We quickly pull the blanket over us and my brother and Remus have their eyes covered. "I did not need to see that eww I'm scarred for life." I groan why did he have to kill the mood. I cast a spell and we have our clothes on. I drag Sirius with me and shoulder check James. Now if you excuse me, James, I'm going to go to bed with my boyfriend. "He can't go into the girls dorm." Who said I was going to the girl's dorm. We then left my brother gaping at us as we went to ROR. Where our night continued into morning.
Sirius pov
I couldn't wait to make her mine till death do us part.

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