9 years later

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Celestial pov
Kids we are already running late and I have work after you guys get dropped off. It was Cassiopeia's first year at Hogwarts along with Molly's twin boy. They were three peas in a pod and trouble makers. Boys and Cassiopeia no matter what house you guys are in you guys are best friends. So even if you get Slytherin they'll still be your friends. You've got the Nobel house of Black long line of Slytherin's in your blood so don't think all Slytherin's are evil. Your father's first cousin Andromeda a Slytherin married a muggle-born. I was a Slytherin as well did you know that? It doesn't matter what house ok. You guys will do great be good ok. And if you cause trouble don't get caught. I got you guys stuff. You all get a pranking kit and finally this. "What are we going to do with a blank paper mom." I shake my head at them and laugh. The map is normally disguised as a blank piece of parchment. To view the map, one must tap it with one's wand and recite, "I solemnly swear that I am up to no good." The content of the map will then reveal itself. To hide the contents of the map so the parchment appears blank again, one must again tap it and recite, "Mischief managed." It shows the whole school except for unplotted rooms. Also, everyone's name is on here it was made by my brother and his friends my name was later added to it. My husband is Padfoot and I was Tigress. My brother was Prongs my friend Remus was Moony. Then there is Wormtail a traitor that if I ever saw I would personally end his insignificant, unworthy, pointless, underserving life. "Mom you went Tigress mode for a bit." Sorry, make sure you write to me and don't let anyone get their hands on this I'm trusting it in your hands. Oh, one more thing me and my brother had one each. I handed her a big dark cloak. Mine was dark as night, unlike my brothers. Invisibility cloak this one I made it makes you invisible and unheard. Again I made it this way because whoever wears this it looks like a school robe and forms to whoever it is. So no one will know because it only turns you invisible once the hood goes up. It never gets dirty you could roll in mud and it would still be clean because nothing sticks to it. Now go and remember our secrets. Also, leave Professor Snape alone my brother and his friends including your father. Were horribly mean to him making him bitter. Even if he is mean to you be kind to him. Give him this letter he will probably have long black greasy hair. "Thank you, mom! I promise I will be kind" "Thanks Aunt Cel!" I smile as they leave my daughter kissing my cheek. I talk with Molly and we laugh. "You didn't give your daughter your famous pranking kit?" No, I gave one to all three along with some things that came in handy when I was pranking. "Well, I don't know what I expected from you. Hey, can you take them from here? I've got another court hearing. Get him a proper trial one he deserves. "Sweetheart they won't give it and you are going to get in trouble if you keep pursuing this." My daughter is going to hear things that are untrue about her father. Sirius didn't kill my brother and the ministry knows that. But they are unwilling because they know how bad it will make them look. I just want him home is that too much to ask I miss my husband. Does that make me a horrible person? Does that make me selfish? "It makes you human and I'm just saying lay off a bit. Don't give up but slow down. Your girls and son don't have a father and Rose only has you. They lock you away if it protects them from facing the consequences of their mistakes they're selfish." I know you are right but he is my husband. "And like anyone who is innocent it always comes out." She takes my kids; I apparate to work. I continue my work and get a letter from my daughter. She told me that she made Slytherin just like me. I am deployed along with my colleague mad eye moody. As we fight off two dark wizards. I know why I'm doing this. We take them in for questioning.
We were interrogating them for hours and when they finally speak. "How could they ever think Sirius would be a Death Eater." He snarled at me and I back up. You knew my husband had nothing to do with the Potters death! Blood-traitor like himself deserves to rot. He was a horrible person and a horrible husband and father." I picked him up pinning him to the wall. "You didn't know him he was an amazing dad and amazing uncle and amazing friend and an even better husband. I was pulled off of him and pushed them off. I'm fine Mad-eye you take over and give him hell for me. "Will do kid." I walk out and slide down the wall. Breathing deeply I calm down. I stand back up and my cold exterior returns. I go over to Tonks office Sirius's cousin's husband. "So how was your summer?" Good Nymphadora was happy to return to Hogwarts so it's Cass's first year have you heard what house she's in? Yes, she made the same house as me Slytherin. I'm happy with whatever house she would've gotten into. I look at her and all I see is Sirius. Her hair is Black now and her eyes are more grey then hazel. She's got our mischievous ways and a flirt. She has the Weasley twins wrapped around her finger. "I'm sure you sent them off with pranking kits." Ted I'm insulted you question my parenting skills? "Considering my daughter gets one every year in time for school." I shrug in response because what am I suppose to say. "They won't let you send it to her you know?" Don't worry my daughter is giving it to her. "You always find a way don't you?" Never doubt that Ted you were sneaky too. "I had to be my in-laws would've killed me." I understand that your in-laws tried to kill me. All Sirius's kids will be burned off if not Slytherin but I don't care. Burn them off they don't know them anyways. They will never know them only you guys. I'm going to go visit Sirius gosh I miss him. "You are sure he's innocent?" Yes, we were in hiding there is no way I wouldn't know if he left. I believe you I know you wouldn't lie to family.
I enter Azkaban and cast a Patronus charm and visit my Husband. I held the necklace around my neck all he has to do is hold it for a few minutes. It heals it's a healing stone. He holds it and the color returns. She started Hogwarts this year. I'm trying to get you out every legal way possible. They won't budge on it I was picked up and thrown into the cell. There stood someone I hated Lucius Malfoy. "Let me out Malfoy I have more Authority than you and will get out of here. Because I would hate for your son to grow up without his father so let me out. It may only be by marriage but I'm a Black and will show you exactly what I can do. I turn into a tigress and slip through the bars. Roaring and chasing a scared Lucius. Unfortunately, my crystal was left behind. I turned human and someone grabbed my ankle. "Celestial Potter, is that actually you?" Yes, Bellatrix it is although it is Celestial Black. Do they want a picture of my family? She looked up sanity almost gone. I showed her these are my younger children Rose Potter and Castor Black my second oldest Bellatrix Black, Sirius Black III, and Regulus Black III, then my oldest the one we had when we were in Hogwarts Cassiopeia Black or Cassy for short. "You have your brother's daughter you have a big family." It'd be bigger if Sirius was no longer in Jail. I've got to get back to work Bella it was nice seeing you. You can keep the picture if you want. She nodded and I left it with her.
Bellatrix pov
I looked at the photo in my hand. The one who shares my name has my crazy hair and the black features but Celestial's eyes. I looked at the photo of what could've been me. If he ever returns I won't mention that the potters had another child; despite everything I was friends with Celestial.

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