Chapter 10

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Sirius pov
I've been working but I feel like I'm letting her down. She doesn't let me take control often. "Sirius it is not because you are letting her down or you aren't good at being a parent. She has raised the kids on her own her whole adult life. She is trying but you got to give her some slack. It's hard she's been doing this for so long. It takes time for that but sits down and talk. I'm sure she feels like she is letting you down by not letting you parent as much as she does." Thanks, Molly it is good. Arthur comes bathing in. "Guys it's Celestial she is in labor!" We all apprate except Molly who stays with the kids. I am running when I hear "Where the hell is my husband!" I'm right here babe come on. Push babe push. "Aurora Minerva Galexia Black and Lupus Aries Black. Welcome to this world, my children." The smile on my wife's faces made me so happy; being here for them from now on was perfect. Our family was perfect, she will be discharged by tomorrow night.
That night
I was on my way back to the room when I heard a commotion. Peter was choking her while someone tried to grab our kids. She was holding her arm out towards the kids putting a shield around them. "Nurses doctor help she's under attack. I start punching I get them off her and the kids they apprate away and she still couldn't breathe. They put a tube down her mouth and pushed me with the kids away. We were pushed out of the room.
She went into a coma and I cried. Dumbledore came to visit me in the hospital. Peter, he tried to kill her. That ass hole almost crushed her windpipe they almost lost her. Now she is in a coma Tonks outside her door guarding it like a hawk at night. "I think it is best if you go home with the kids." I can't what if she wakes. "Sirius I don't know is she is going to wake anytime soon. She saw this coming you know she has the ability to see into the future. The kids are going to need you now. I'll be retrieving Harry and he'll stay with you till the start of term. I take the twins and apparate home the kids waiting. I put the kids down in bed. "Dad where is a mom?" Kids come to sit down your mom was attacked last night by Peter and two death eaters. Peter was choking her she was casting a spell protecting your siblings. She couldn't fight him off. They got away he almost killed her she's in a coma. They don't believe she will be waking soon. Oxygen was cut off to her brain for we don't know how long. But it was long enough to almost kill her. She needs time to heal but we're worried she won't wake." They we're crying Rose was the worse she had lost her mom now losing the only mother figure left. I comfort them and they are so sad I had to be strong. When Harry found out he was literally just as bad. Molly was horrible to she felt like she was losing another daughter.
Back to school
Rose Potter pov
I sat at the Slytherin table I was quiet. Draco a school bully sat down. "Hey are you ok?" No, my mom well Aunt she gave birth than at night someone almost choked her to death Pettergrew's dad to be correct about it. She is in a coma right now and they don't know if she'll wake up. I was crying he hugged me and let me cry. We didn't notice Harry glaring at us. He pulled away grabbing a napkin and wiping my tears. "I'm sure your aunt is going to make it she is so strong. Come on let's ask the prefects if you can go to the common room. He helped me upholding me into his side. They allowed us and he walked me to the common room. He goes to leave as I sit on the couch. Draco can you stay, please? "You sure?" Yeah. He sat down and I leaned into his side. His arm wraps around me and I fall asleep.
Draco pov
I held her close to me and it felt just right. Like I was meant to be here with her in my arms. Her breathing slowed as she fell asleep. She shivered because she was cold so I take off my jacket and put it over her. Dinner is going to end soon so I pick her up and carry her to my room. I have one to myself thanks to my dad. I lay her on the bed and sleep on the couch.
Rose pov
I awoke later and I was in Draco's room he was asleep on the couch and I had taken his bed. He was tossing and turning to have a nightmare. I walk over to him my bend down. Draco wakes up. I move hair from his face as his eyes open. "Did I wake you?" No, you were having a nightmare after I woke up. He was sweating and I could tell it was bad. I made him scoot over and laid with him. He just held me putting his face in my necks. I felt safe in his arm I felt comfortable. "I'll always protect you, Rose." The wait was your dream about me? "It was you getting hurt I can't imagine you getting hurt." I just hugged him and buried my head in his hair. I fell asleep we both did. I felt someone moving hair out of my face. I open my eyes seeing a smiling Draco. "Come on before someone realized you never went back to your room." I have my own room thanks to my aunt. But I should still go you are right before my friends come to check on me. Pansy would have a fit. I'm so glad I have my own room she talks about you in her sleep. "It's ok her twin brother talks about you in his sleep." I didn't need to know that Draco ugh gag. God that is ah ah nope. He laughed and I went back to my room.
Harry Pov
I don't get it why were they in the same room? "Harry why don't you just talk to her I highly doubt they slept together." I glare at Hermione and she just shrugs. Rose! She walks over to me. Why were you sleeping in Draco's room? "Were you watching me you asshole!" Answer the question! "I was upset about Aunt Cel he took me to the common room I fell asleep on him he can't go into the girl's dorms so he took me to his let me sleep on the bed he slept on the couch. He has his own room like I do. Harry you've got to trust me. This is why I don't get along with you. These things you do or how you act like your entitled because you are the boy who lived. Everyone feels bad for you because you lost your parents but news flash so did I. No one cares about me and the closet thing I had to a mom is half-dead on a hospital bed. "Rose!" He walks towards her before seeing me. "Potter." Malfoy I say with hate and notice he didn't say it meanly as I did. Because Rose was here. "Hey you are going to miss breakfast and I saved you some red velvet pancakes." She smiles at him and walks towards him. "Bye Harry see you later." I watch him put an arm around her and walk her away. She laughs at something he says and the look in her eyes. The same one Aunt Cel has when she looks at Sirius. One Hagrid described to me when they were in Hogwarts. I remember when we were in our third year my sister was one of the two second years in Care of Magical Creatures. Draco got hurt for being stupid and she ran to his side. She took his backpack to the hospital wing. She even stayed there for a bit until he woke up. But she left very soon afterward. I don'understand.

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